9 research outputs found

    The Intellectual Core Of Electronic Commerce Research From 2006 To 2010

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the intellectual core of electronic commerce (e-commerce) research. Data was collected from the top six e-commerce journals (Lowry, Romans, & Curtis, 2004), the International Journal of Electronic Commerce, MIS Quarterly, Electronic Market, Journal of MIS, Information Systems Research, Management Sciences from 2006-2010. A total of 1056 electronic commerce related articles and 33036 references were identified. There were 47 high value research articles identified using a citation and co-citation analysis. Using factor analysis we identified five research areas: trust, technology acceptance and technology application, e-commerce task-related application, e-markets, and information systems success. The findings of this study provide core knowledge and directions for researchers and practitioners interested in the electronic commerce field

    Measuring Author Research Relatedness: A Comparison of Word-based,Topic-based and Author Cocitation Approaches

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    Relationships between authors based on characteristics of published literature have been studied for decades. Author cocitation analysis using mapping techniques has been most frequently used to study how closely two authors are thought to be in intellectual space based on how members of the research community co-cite their works. Other approaches exist to study author relatedness based more directly on the text of their published works. In this study we present static and dynamic word-based approaches using vector space modeling, as well as a topic-based approach based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation for mapping author research relatedness. Vector space modeling is used to define an author space consisting of works by a given author. Outcomes for the two word-based approaches and a topic-based approach for 50 prolific authors in library and information science are compared with more traditional author cocitation analysis using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. The two word-based approaches produced similar outcomes except where two authors were frequent co-authors for the majority of their articles. The topic-based approach produced the most distinctive map

    An empirical review of the different variants of the Probabilistic Affinity Index as applied to scientific collaboration

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    Responsible indicators are crucial for research assessment and monitoring. Transparency and accuracy of indicators are required to make research assessment fair and ensure reproducibility. However, sometimes it is difficult to conduct or replicate studies based on indicators due to the lack of transparency in conceptualization and operationalization. In this paper, we review the different variants of the Probabilistic Affinity Index (PAI), considering both the conceptual and empirical underpinnings. We begin with a review of the historical development of the indicator and the different alternatives proposed. To demonstrate the utility of the indicator, we demonstrate the application of PAI to identifying preferred partners in scientific collaboration. A streamlined procedure is provided, to demonstrate the variations and appropriate calculations. We then compare the results of implementation for five specific countries involved in international scientific collaboration. Despite the different proposals on its calculation, we do not observe large differences between the PAI variants, particularly with respect to country size. As with any indicator, the selection of a particular variant is dependent on the research question. To facilitate appropriate use, we provide recommendations for the use of the indicator given specific contexts.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, 5 table

    A Cocitation Analysis of Crisis Management Literature

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    This thesis addresses the need for a structured mapping of academic literature relating to crisis management. An overview of current crisis management literature is provided, highlighting the gap and concentrating on predominant themes that have been identified in previous reviews, as well as those extracted from influential works. A review of bibliometric methodology is highlighted to address the gap. Research goals are named and the phased methodology necessary to meet those goals is outlined and followed. Results are covered in detail: The resultant factor analysis and multidimensional scaling confirm previous efforts to taxonomize the literature, further reinforcing the call to mature the field of crisis management literature

    Mapping Change Management: A Co-citation Analysis

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    Today\u27s organizations are continually undergoing changes to make improvements in their efficiency and effectiveness. The ability of organizations to effectively implement and sustain successful change, however, has been limited, with most change initiatives failing to attain the desired success. To counter this trend, researchers across several disciplines have worked to provide practitioners better insight into how to facilitate change within their organizations. This research has resulted in many theories as to what constitutes change and how best to implement it, but it lacks a unifying theory that encompasses all aspects of change research. This effort takes a step toward a better understanding of the change management field and its nature. Using a co-citation methodology, 141 influential authors from the field of change management were identified. Their works were then categorized into identifiable sub-groups within the field and mapped, providing insight into the level of integration that has occurred within the field and across the disciplines that have explored change. Also, the extent to which the existing theories have begun to converge toward a unifying theory is observed. The purpose of this effort is to point future researchers in a direction that will lead to a unifying theory of change management. This unifying theory can then be translated into practices that will enable organizations to successfully transition through needed change initiatives

    Bibliometric approach to research in entrepreneurship

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    El emprendedor, genera un creciente interés que se sustenta en los valiosos beneficios económicos y sociales que produce, lo que ha supuesto casi sin excepción una de las principales motivaciones para su estudio. Las publicaciones sobre emprendimiento (entrepreneurship) han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos años. El interés por el campo de investigación se encuentra en pleno auge. Progresivamente se ha generado un universo documental cada vez más inalcanzable tanto para investigadores como para responsables público-privados, incrementando la dificultad para interpretar, analizar y comprender aquellos hallazgos relevantes en contraposición de otros de naturaleza más prescindible. En esta tesitura surge la necesidad de plantear una investigación centrada en incluir el punto de vista bibliométrico para sentar las bases científicas de futuras investigaciones. La cuestión central que justifica la tesis es la necesidad de construir una referencia para impulsar el incremento y mejora de la calidad de los estudios bibliométricos sobre emprendimiento. Para ello, se realizan diferentes análisis: en primer lugar se caracteriza una muestra representativa de documentos altamente citados sobre emprendimiento; seguidamente se estudia el potencial que ofrecen métricas alternativas a las citas, vinculadas al consumo de información como posibles predictoras del impacto futuro de esos documentos; en tercer lugar se profundiza en la evolución temática que ha seguido la disciplina a través del análisis de su contenido; finalmente, se recopilan los principales estudios bibliométricos que han analizado la disciplina de manera global con especial atención a sus características técnicas, objetivos, limitaciones y conclusiones. La tesis presenta importantes implicaciones para el futuro, actúa como nexo de unión entre dos conocimientos habitualmente desconectados. Pretende ser una referencia significativa para académicos interesados en el estudio del emprendimiento mediante herramientas bibliométricas. Aporta como principal contribución la incorporación del enfoque bibliométrico a este tipo de investigación. Entre los principales hallazgos se presentan evidencias que indican que la imagen ofrecida hasta el momento no incorpora la naturaleza multidisciplinar del emprendimiento y podría estar distorsionada. A su vez, detecta una serie de problemas inherentes a su realización, así como la necesidad de incorporar los últimos avances en bibliometría y mejorar la colaboración entre expertos de ambos campos para intentar solventarlos y avanzar hacia futuros progresos