40 research outputs found

    New models for efficient authenticated dictionaries

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    International audienceWe propose models for data authentication which take into account the behavior of the clients who perform queries. Our models reduce the size of the authenticated proof when the frequency of the query corresponding to a given data is higher. Existing models implicitly assume the frequency distribution of queries to be uniform, but in reality, this distribution generally follows Zipf's law. Our models better reflect reality and the communication cost between clients and the server provider is reduced allowing the server to save bandwidth. The obtained gain on the average proof size compared to existing schemes depends on the parameter of Zipf law. The greater the parameter, the greater the gain. When the frequency distribution follows a perfect Zipf's law, we obtain a gain that can reach 26%. Experiments show the existence of applications for which Zipf parameter is greater than 1, leading to even higher gains

    Design an active verification mechanism for certificates revocation in OCSP for internet authentication

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    No doubt that data security online is crucial. Therefore, great attention has been paid to that aspect by companies and organizations given its economic and social implications. Thus, online certificate status protocol (OCSP) is considered one of the most prominent protocol functioning in this field, which offers a prompt support for certificates online. In this research, a model designed based on field programable gate array (FPGA) using Merkel’s tree has been proposed to overcome the delay that might have occurred in sorting and authentication of certificates. Having adopted this model and with the assistance of Hash function algorithm, more than 50% of certificates have been processed in comparison with standard protocol. Moreover, certificates have been provided with substantial storage space with high throughput. Basically, Hash function algorithm has been designed to arrange and specify a site of verified or denied certificates within time of validity to protect servers from intrusion and clients from using applications with harmful contents

    Performances of Cryptographic Accumulators

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    International audienceCryptographic accumulators are space/time efficient data structures used to verify if a value belongs to a set. They have found many applications in networking and distributed systems since their in- troduction by Benaloh and de Mare in 1993. Despite this popularity, there is currently no performance evaluation of the different existing de- signs. Symmetric and asymmetric accumulators are used likewise without any particular argument to support either of the design. We aim to es- tablish the speed of each design and their application's domains in terms of their size and the size of the values

    Authenticated LSM Trees with Minimal Trust

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    In the age of user-generated contents, the workloads imposed on information-security infrastructures become increasingly write-intensive. How- ever, existing security protocols, specifically authenticated data structures (ADSs), are historically designed based on update-in-place data structures and incur overhead when serving write-intensive workloads. In this work, we present LPAD (Log-structured Persistent Authenticated Directory), a new ADS protocol designed uniquely based on the log-structured merge trees (LSM trees) which recently gained popularity in the design of modern storage systems. On the write path, LPAD supports streaming, non-interactive updates with constant proof from trusted data owners. On the read path, LPAD supports point queries over the dynamic dataset with polynomial proof. The key to enable this efficiency is a verifiable reorganization operation, called verifiable merge, in LPAD. Verifiable merge is secured by the execution in an enclave of trusted execution environments (TEE). To minimize the trusted computing base (TCB), LPAD places the code related to verifiable merge in enclave, and nothing else. Our implementation of LPAD on Google LevelDB codebase and on Intel SGX shows that the TCB is reduced by 20 times: The enclave size of LPAD is one thousand code lines out of more than twenty thousands code lines of a vanilla LevelDB. Under the YCSB workloads, LPAD improves the performance by an order of magnitude compared with that of existing update-in-place ADSs

    Database Outsourcing with Hierarchical Authenticated Data Structures

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    In an outsourced database scheme, the data owner delegates the data management tasks to a remote service provider. At a later time, the remote service is supposed to answer any query on the database. The essential requirements are ensuring the data integrity and authenticity with efficient mechanisms. Current approaches employ authenticated data structures to store security information, generated by the client and used by the server, to compute proofs that show the answers to the queries are authentic. The existing solutions have shortcomings with multi-clause queries and duplicate values in a column. We propose a hierarchical authenticated data structure for storing security information, which alleviates the mentioned problems. Our solution handles many different types of queries, including multi-clause selection and join queries, in a dynamic database. We provide a unified formal definition of a secure outsourced database scheme, and prove that our proposed scheme is secure according to this definition, which captures previously separate properties such as correctness, completeness, and freshness. The performance evaluation based on our prototype implementation confirms the efficiency of our proposed scheme, showing about 3x to 5x enhancement in proof size and proof generation time in comparison to previous work, and about only 4% communication overhead compared to the actual query result in a real university database

    Curve Trees: Practical and Transparent Zero-Knowledge Accumulators

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    In this work we improve upon the state of the art for practical zero-knowledge for set membership, a building block at the core of several privacy-aware applications, such as anonymous payments, credentials and whitelists. This primitive allows a user to show knowledge of an element in a large set without leaking the specific element. One of the obstacles to its deployment is efficiency. Concretely efficient solutions exist, e.g., those deployed in Zcash Sapling, but they often work at the price of a strong trust assumption: an underlying setup that must be generated by a trusted third party. To find alternative approaches we focus on a common building block: accumulators, a cryptographic data structure which compresses the underlying set. We propose novel, more efficient and fully transparent constructions (i.e., without a trusted setup) for accumulators supporting zero-knowledge proofs for set membership. Technically, we introduce new approaches inspired by ``commit-and-prove\u27\u27 techniques to combine shallow Merkle trees and 2-cycles of elliptic curves into a highly practical construction. Our basic accumulator construction---dubbed Curve Trees---is completely transparent (does not require a trusted setup) and is based on simple and widely used assumptions (DLOG and Random Oracle Model). Ours is the first fully transparent construction that obtains concretely small proof/commitment sizes for large sets and a proving time one order of magnitude smaller than proofs over Merkle Trees with Pedersen hash. For a concrete instantiation targeting 128 bits of security we obtain: a commitment to a set of any size is 256 bits; for ∣S∣=240|S| = 2^{40} a zero-knowledge membership proof is 2.9KB, its proving takes 22s and its verification 4040ms on an ordinary laptop. Using our construction as a building block we can design a simple and concretely efficient anonymous cryptocurrency with full anonymity set, which we dub V\mathbb{V}cash. Its transactions can be verified in ≈80\approx 80ms or ≈5\approx 5ms when batch-verifying multiple (>100> 100) transactions; transaction sizes are 44KB. Our timings are competitive with those of the approach in Zcash Sapling and trade slightly larger proofs (transactions in Zcash Sapling are 2.8KB) for a completely transparent setup

    Data Verification in Integrated RFID Systems

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