45,047 research outputs found

    Faking Faces: Psychopathic Traits and Feigned Emotional Expressions

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    The purpose of this study was to determine what effect psychopathic traits have on the ability to express both genuine and feigned emotional expressions through a detailed analysis of facial characteristics of emotion. Despite the wide array of research on psychopathic traits and emotional dysfunction, most studies have focused on recognition rather than expression of emotion. Participants (n = 121) were assessed for psychopathic traits and randomly assigned into a feigned or genuine emotional condition, and asked to display each of the six core emotions (i.e., happiness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust, and sadness). Each face was then coded for the presence of facial musculature action units using a standardized coding system. Results indicated that those feigned group produced more authentic facial expressions than their genuine counterparts. Limited main effects were found related to psychopathy and overall facial expressions; however, interesting patterns of specific action units were noted. Specifically, those high in psychopathic traits engaged in more authentic and pronounced expressions of specific facial musculature movements in some emotional expressions (i.e., fear and disgust). Implications concerning methods of coding, emotion induction, and facial affective mimicry are discussed. Discipline: Psychology Honours Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kristine Peace &nbsp

    Investigating facial animation production through artistic inquiry

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    Studies into dynamic facial expressions tend to make use of experimental methods based on objectively manipulated stimuli. New techniques for displaying increasingly realistic facial movement and methods of measuring observer responses are typical of computer animation and psychology facial expression research. However, few projects focus on the artistic nature of performance production. Instead, most concentrate on the naturalistic appearance of posed or acted expressions. In this paper, the authors discuss a method for exploring the creative process of emotional facial expression animation, and ask whether anything can be learned about authentic dynamic expressions through artistic inquiry

    Considerations for believable emotional facial expression animation

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    Facial expressions can be used to communicate emotional states through the use of universal signifiers within key regions of the face. Psychology research has identified what these signifiers are and how different combinations and variations can be interpreted. Research into expressions has informed animation practice, but as yet very little is known about the movement within and between emotional expressions. A better understanding of sequence, timing, and duration could better inform the production of believable animation. This paper introduces the idea of expression choreography, and how tests of observer perception might enhance our understanding of moving emotional expressions

    A practice-led approach to facial animation research

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    In facial expression research, it is well established that certain emotional expressions are universally recognized. Studies into the observer perception of dynamic expressions have built upon this research by highlighting the importance of particular facial regions, timings, and temporal configurations to perception and interpretation. In many studies, the stimuli for such studies have been generated through posing by non-experts or performances by trained actors. However, skilled character animators are capable of crafting recognizable, believable emotional facial expressions as a part of their professional practice. ‘Emotional Avatars’ was conceived as an interdisciplinary research project which would draw upon the knowledge of animation practice and emotional psychology. The aim of the project was to jointly investigate the artistic generation and observer perception of emotional expression animation to determine whether the nuances of emotional facial expression could be artistically choreographed to enhance audience interpretation

    Development and Validation of a Spontaneous Smile Assay

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    IMPORTANCE Smiling can be a voluntary or involuntarymovement. Facial reanimation procedures differ in their ability to restore a spontaneous smile, and an assay designed to evoke and evaluate a spontaneous smile is not available. OBJECTIVE To develop and validate an assay to assess the spontaneous smile of patients with facial paralysis. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Thiswas an exploratory cohort study. A series of short video clips were administered to laypersons via an online survey service from January 1, 2014, to March 31, 2014. Respondents rated how funny each video was on a visual analog scale from 0 to 100. The 4 funniest videos were selected to generate a 11/2-minute spontaneous smile assay. The assay was then administered from July 1, 2014, to December 31, 2014, to 2 different study groups: the first was composed of 100 healthy individuals (control group) and the second was composed of 30 patients with facial paralysis.We analyzed the capability of this assay to provoke at least 1 spontaneous smile and calculated smile excursion in both groups. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance. INTERVENTION Spontaneous smile assay administered to both healthy and diseased groups. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Ability of the assay to elicit smiles, as defined by an oral commissure excursion greater than 3 mm, as well as difference in commissure excursion. RESULTS Ninety-five (95.0%) participants in the control group and 29 (96.7%) patients with facial paralysis experienced at least 1 oral commissure excursion that appeared to be a spontaneous smile while viewing the assay. Mean oral commissure excursion with spontaneous smile was 9.08mm(95%CI, 2.77-15.39) in controls, 6.72mm(95%CI, 3.13-10.31) on the healthy side in patients with flaccid facial paralysis (P=.004 vs controls), and 9.64mm(95%CI, 3.52-15.76) on the healthy side in patients with nonflaccid facial paralysis (P=.74). Among patients with flaccid facial paralysis, a statistically significant difference was found between smile excursion of the affected and the unaffected sides (P = .03). There was no statistically significant difference in the measurement between sides for the control group (P = .67). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Although humor is a challenging construct to universalize, our assay was able to elicit a smile in almost all individuals in the group with facial paralysis and the control group. The spontaneous smile assay will facilitate future research on the ability of facial reanimation procedures and other interventions to restore a spontaneous smile
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