49,478 research outputs found

    From Immersive to Metaverse: The Gap of Learning and Technology in Agriculture Education Application

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    Immersive technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, social media, virtual avatars, and online games have supported education. Agriculture, as one of the essentials process for human well-being, demands interaction-rich and content-rich educational technology to increase student understanding of the complex agriculture environment. The current trend of education technology is starting to shift to the metaverse. However, there is a gap between the current implementation of immersive technologies and the mature metaverse. Moreover, previous research indicates the lack of emphasis on learning theory, learning content, and design elements for immersive application in education. This research aims to identify those gaps, especially in agriculture education. We systematically analyze previous publications which developed an immersive application for agriculture education in higher education. We conclude that (1) most of the learning content and design element of metaverse technology is underutilized; (2) there are many implementation gaps between the current implementation with a mature metaverse; and (3) A mature metaverse education is complex and expensive, so careful long-term planning and identifying use cases is recommended. These gaps are essential for subsequent research on developing metaverse for education, especially in agriculture. We hope the results of this research will provide educators with a baseline knowledge of metaverse technologies to make better decisions on utilizing metaverse in educational institutions.Teknologi imersif seperti augmented reality, virtual reality, media sosial, avatar virtual, dan game online telah mendukung pendidikan. Pertanian, sebagai salah satu proses penting untuk kesejahteraan manusia, menuntut teknologi pendidikan yang kaya interaksi dan konten untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang lingkungan pertanian yang kompleks. Tren teknologi pendidikan saat ini mulai bergeser ke metaverse. Namun, ada kesenjangan antara penerapan teknologi imersif saat ini dan metaverse yang matang. Selain itu, penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan kurangnya penekanan pada teori pembelajaran, konten pembelajaran, dan elemen desain untuk aplikasi imersif dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan tersebut, khususnya dalam pendidikan pertanian. Kami secara sistematis menganalisis publikasi sebelumnya yang mengembangkan aplikasi mendalam untuk pendidikan pertanian di pendidikan tinggi. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa (1) sebagian besar konten pembelajaran dan elemen desain teknologi metaverse kurang dimanfaatkan; (2) ada banyak kesenjangan implementasi antara implementasi saat ini dengan metaverse yang matang; dan (3) Pendidikan metaverse yang matang adalah kompleks dan mahal, sehingga perencanaan jangka panjang yang cermat dan mengidentifikasi kasus penggunaan dianjurkan. Kesenjangan ini penting untuk penelitian selanjutnya tentang pengembangan metaverse untuk pendidikan, terutama di bidang pertanian. Kami berharap hasil penelitian ini akan memberi pendidik pengetahuan dasar tentang teknologi metaverse untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dalam memanfaatkan metaverse di lembaga pendidikan

    Augmented reality for high-throughput phenotyping

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Computer ScienceMitchell NeilsenSmart glasses, like smart phones, have separate operating systems, and can execute many different kinds of software and games. Smart glasses can be used to add a schedule, map navigation, interact with friends, take photos and videos, and make video calls with friends through voice control. They can support wireless network access through a mobile communication network. Bluetooth is a radio technology that supports short-range communication between of the devices. It can exchange information between devices including mobile phones, wireless headsets, laptops, etc. Bluetooth technology can effectively simplify the communication between mobile devices. This thesis focuses on smart glasses applications for high-throughput phenotyping which requires a data monitor, data synchronization, Bluetooth service, and voice control between devices. On the Android side, the application, which is extended, is called Field Book. The new software called Field Book AR, includes a data monitor module and a Bluetooth server module to achieve data exchange with smart glasses. On the smart glasses side, the application is called DataReceiver. It receives voice commands from users and controls the actions of Field Book AR. Also, when Field Book detects data changing, it accepts new data and shows changes to the users

    Development of PV powered consumer products using future scenarios

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    Given the high potential of PV technology to reduce the environmental impact of electricity use of consumer products, it would be worthwhile to advance the application of PV systems in mass produced products. To date this field of application has been explored only to a limited extent. For this reason the developers of consumer products, the industrial designers, might be unaware of the possibilities of product-integrated PV systems [1][2]. Their focus on the utility of consumer products might have an added value to existing R&D of PV technology which emphasizes on increased performance and decreased production cost. In the nearby future integration of both points of view might be important to better integrate PV cells in consumer products. Therefore, in this paper, we will assess industrial product design of integrated PV technology in the context of future scenarios. In our project about 25 product designers have conceptually designed products with integrated flexible PV cells within a future scenario. By observing the resulting cases we can evaluate how the design process was established in the framework of integrated technology design, the product phase model and future scenarios. The PV-powered products that will be evaluated are an electronic book, an information bracelet, a floating platform, sports garment and a robotic monitoring device. Each product is supported by visual materials such as renderings and an explanation of the design process based on scenarios

    Studienlandschaft Schwingbachtal: an out-door full-scale learning tool newly equipped with augmented reality

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    This paper addresses education and communication in hydrology and geosciences. Many approaches can be used, such as the well-known seminars, modelling exercises and practical field work but out-door learning in our discipline is a must, and this paper focuses on the recent development of a new out-door learning tool at the landscape scale. To facilitate improved teaching and hands-on experience, we designed the Studienlandschaft Schwingbachtal. Equipped with field instrumentation, education trails, and geocache, we now implemented an augmented reality App, adding virtual teaching objects on the real landscape. The App development is detailed, to serve as methodology for people wishing to implement such a tool. The resulting application, namely the Schwingbachtal App, is described as an example. We conclude that such an App is useful for communication and education purposes, making learning pleasant, and offering personalized options

    ICT adoption in developing countries : perspectives from small-scale agribusinesses

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    The purpose of this paper is to critically examine how social augmented parameters impact on the effective adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) by small-scale agribusinesses operating in Southeast Nigeria. The relevance of incorporating social imperatives in scholarship focused on technology adoption is due to its role in sustaining the process of adoption and diffusion. Data were gathered from a focus group made up of 27 agribusiness proprietors affiliated with a state cooperative based in the south-eastern Nigerian state of Ebonyi. This paper puts forward an argument that to ensure successful diffusion of innovation, a balance must be maintained between the amount of effort expended in the design of ICT and social factors such as language and traditional life. The paper finds that a willingness of indigenous ICT users is particularly influenced by the recognition and incorporation of visible social imperatives during the adoption process. The outcome of this study highlights important issues for ICT adoption. One particular area that must be taken into consideration is the adoption channel. Perceptions of ICT adoption will differ significantly among adopters. For this reason, the need for developing an appropriate adoption channel that ensures successful diffusion of the innovation should be recognised. This study contributes to ongoing research in ICT innovation adoption in small agribusinesses operating in indigenous societies. The theoretical implications of this paper are the development of a conceptual ICT adoption framework that emphasises social imperatives. The paper also demonstrates that agricultural enterprises should be treated as ‘normal’ firms in their own right


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    Topographic and metabolic systems of our landscape have changed over time by the human influence on the earth. This change is caused by a wide range of networks causing impact on our planet, including that network of agriculture. Because of population increase of the human species, the agency of agriculture was turned into a mode of production – the law of demand; More. Quicker. Cheaper. Things got [get] messy. Additives, modifications, combinations, GMO [Object] - all unconventionally mixed in a pot to boil. Machines spreading the mix across the land, seeping into our streams and digested as we drink the water and eat the cow that ate the grass that ingested contaminants from soil and the water.This thesis investigates the impact of surface by human implication as a fusion of artificial and organic ingredients redefining scales of human reality. Where parts and pieces are augmented - took apart and fueled together forming hybrids of hybrids – rigged in such ways to get predicted results. Speculating and interrogating the farming practice in the built environment within the age of the Anthropocene
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