171 research outputs found

    Machine Learning-based Orchestration Solutions for Future Slicing-Enabled Mobile Networks

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    The fifth generation mobile networks (5G) will incorporate novel technologies such as network programmability and virtualization enabled by Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigms, which have recently attracted major interest from both academic and industrial stakeholders. Building on these concepts, Network Slicing raised as the main driver of a novel business model where mobile operators may open, i.e., “slice”, their infrastructure to new business players and offer independent, isolated and self-contained sets of network functions and physical/virtual resources tailored to specific services requirements. While Network Slicing has the potential to increase the revenue sources of service providers, it involves a number of technical challenges that must be carefully addressed. End-to-end (E2E) network slices encompass time and spectrum resources in the radio access network (RAN), transport resources on the fronthauling/backhauling links, and computing and storage resources at core and edge data centers. Additionally, the vertical service requirements’ heterogeneity (e.g., high throughput, low latency, high reliability) exacerbates the need for novel orchestration solutions able to manage end-to-end network slice resources across different domains, while satisfying stringent service level agreements and specific traffic requirements. An end-to-end network slicing orchestration solution shall i) admit network slice requests such that the overall system revenues are maximized, ii) provide the required resources across different network domains to fulfill the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) iii) dynamically adapt the resource allocation based on the real-time traffic load, endusers’ mobility and instantaneous wireless channel statistics. Certainly, a mobile network represents a fast-changing scenario characterized by complex spatio-temporal relationship connecting end-users’ traffic demand with social activities and economy. Legacy models that aim at providing dynamic resource allocation based on traditional traffic demand forecasting techniques fail to capture these important aspects. To close this gap, machine learning-aided solutions are quickly arising as promising technologies to sustain, in a scalable manner, the set of operations required by the network slicing context. How to implement such resource allocation schemes among slices, while trying to make the most efficient use of the networking resources composing the mobile infrastructure, are key problems underlying the network slicing paradigm, which will be addressed in this thesis

    Overbooking Network Slices through Yield-driven End-to-End Orchestration

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    Proceeding of: 14th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '18)Network slicing allows mobile operators to offer, via proper abstractions, mobile infrastructure (radio, networking, computing) to vertical sectors traditionally alien to the telco industry (e.g., automotive, health, construction). Owning to similar business nature, in this paper we adopt yield management models successful in other sectors (e.g. airlines, hotels, etc.) and so we explore the concept of slice overbooking to maximize the revenue of mobile operators. The main contribution of this paper is threefold. First, we design a hierarchical control plane to manage the orchestration of slices end-to-end, including radio access, transport network, and distributed computing infrastructure. Second, we cast the orchestration problem as a stochastic yield management problem and propose two algorithms to solve it: an optimal Benders decomposition method and a suboptimal heuristic that expedites solutions. Third, we implement an experimental proof-of-concept and assess our approach both experimentally and via simulations with topologies from three real operators and a wide set of realistic scenarios. Our performance evaluation shows that slice overbooking can provide up to 3x revenue gains in realistic scenarios with minimal footprint on service-level agreements (SLAs).This work was supported in part by the H2020 5G-Transformer Project under Grant 761536 and in part by H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 5G-Aura Project under Grant 675806

    View on 5G Architecture: Version 2.0

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    The 5G Architecture Working Group as part of the 5GPPP Initiative is looking at capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture. It also targets at presenting in a harmonized way the architectural concepts developed in various projects and initiatives (not limited to 5GPPP projects only) so as to provide a consolidated view on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 5G era. The first version of the white paper was released in July 2016, which captured novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture vision along with harmonized architectural concepts from 5GPPP Phase 1 projects and initiatives. Capitalizing on the architectural vision and framework set by the first version of the white paper, this Version 2.0 of the white paper presents the latest findings and analyses with a particular focus on the concept evaluations, and accordingly it presents the consolidated overall architecture design

    Novel Resource and Energy Management for 5G Integrated Backhaul/Fronthaul (5G-Crosshaul)

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    The integration of both fronthaul and backhaul into a single transport network (namely, 5G-Crosshaul) is envisioned for the future 5G transport networks. This requires a fully integrated and unified management of the fronthaul and backhaul resources in a cost-efficient, scalable and flexible way through the deployment of an SDN/NFV control framework. This paper presents the designed 5G-Crosshaul architecture, two selected SDN/NFV applications targeting for cost-efficient resource and energy usage: the Resource Management Application (RMA) and the Energy Management and Monitoring Application (EMMA). The former manages 5G-Crosshaul resources (network, computing and storage resources). The latter is a special version of RMA with the focus on the objectives of optimizing the energy consumption and minimizing the energy footprint of the 5G-Crosshaul infrastructure. Besides, EMMA is applied to the mmWave mesh network and the high speed train scenarios. In particular, we present the key application design with their main components and the interactions with each other and with the control plane, and then we present the proposed application optimization algorithms along with initial results. The first results demonstrate that the proposed RMA is able to cost-efficiently utilize the Crosshaul resources of heterogeneous technologies, while EMMA can achieve significant energy savings through energy-efficient routing of traffic flows. For experiments in real system, we also set up Proof of Concepts (PoCs) for both applications in order to perform real trials in the field.© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Chained Orchestrator Algorithm for RAN-Slicing Resource Management: A Contribution to Ultra-Reliable 6G Communications

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    The exponentially growing trend of Internet-connected devices and the development of new applications have led to an increase in demands and data rates flowing over cellular networks. If this continues to have the same tendency, the classification of 5G services must evolve to encompass emerging communications. The advent of the 6G Communications concept takes this into account and raises a new classification of services. In addition, an increase in network specifications was established. To meet these new requirements, enabling technologies are used to augment and manage Radio Access Network (RAN) resources. One of the most important mechanisms is the logical segmentation of the RAN, i.e. RAN-Slicing. In this study, we explored the problem of resource allocation in a RAN-Slicing environment for 6G ecosystems in depth, with a focus on network reliability. We also propose a chained orchestrator algorithm for dynamic resource management that includes estimation techniques, inter-slice resource sharing and intra-slice resource assignment. These mechanisms are applied to new types of services in the future generation of cellular networks to improve the network latency, capacity and reliability. The numerical results show a reduction in blocked connections of 38.46% for eURLLC type services, 21.87% for feMBB services, 12.5% for umMTC, 11.86% for ELDP and 11.76% for LDHMC.Spanish National Program of Research, Development, Innovation, under Grant RTI2018-102002-A-I00Junta de Extremadura under Project IB18003 and Grant GR2109