2,027 research outputs found

    Towards responsive Sensitive Artificial Listeners

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    This paper describes work in the recently started project SEMAINE, which aims to build a set of Sensitive Artificial Listeners – conversational agents designed to sustain an interaction with a human user despite limited verbal skills, through robust recognition and generation of non-verbal behaviour in real-time, both when the agent is speaking and listening. We report on data collection and on the design of a system architecture in view of real-time responsiveness

    String-based audiovisual fusion of behavioural events for the assessment of dimensional affect

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    The automatic assessment of affect is mostly based on feature-level approaches, such as distances between facial points or prosodic and spectral information when it comes to audiovisual analysis. However, it is known and intuitive that behavioural events such as smiles, head shakes or laughter and sighs also bear highly relevant information regarding a subject's affective display. Accordingly, we propose a novel string-based prediction approach to fuse such events and to predict human affect in a continuous dimensional space. Extensive analysis and evaluation has been conducted using the newly released SEMAINE database of human-to-agent communication. For a thorough understanding of the obtained results, we provide additional benchmarks by more conventional feature-level modelling, and compare these and the string-based approach to fusion of signal-based features and string-based events. Our experimental results show that the proposed string-based approach is the best performing approach for automatic prediction of Valence and Expectation dimensions, and improves prediction performance for the other dimensions when combined with at least acoustic signal-based features

    The conflict escalation resolution (CONFER) database

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    Conflict is usually defined as a high level of disagreement taking place when individuals act on incompatible goals, interests, or intentions. Research in human sciences has recognized conflict as one of the main dimensions along which an interaction is perceived and assessed. Hence, automatic estimation of conflict intensity in naturalistic conversations would be a valuable tool for the advancement of human-centered computing and the deployment of novel applications for social skills enhancement including conflict management and negotiation. However, machine analysis of conflict is still limited to just a few works, partially due to an overall lack of suitable annotated data, while it has been mostly approached as a conflict or (dis)agreement detection problem based on audio features only. In this work, we aim to overcome the aforementioned limitations by a) presenting the Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database, a set of excerpts from audiovisual recordings of televised political debates where conflicts naturally arise, and b)reporting baseline experiments on audiovisual conflict intensity estimation. The database contains approximately 142min of recordings in Greek language, split over 120 non-overlapping episodes of naturalistic conversations that involve two or three interactants. Subject- and session-independent experiments are conducted on continuous-time (frame-by-frame) estimation of real-valued conflict intensity, as opposed to binary conflict/non-conflict classification. For the problem at hand, the efficiency of various audio and visual features and fusion of them as well as various regression frameworks is examined. Experimental results suggest that there is much room for improvement in the design and development of automated multi-modal approaches to continuous conflict analysis. The CONFER Database is publicly available for non-commercial use at http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/confer/. The Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database is presented.CONFER contains 142min (120 episodes) of recordings in Greek language.Episodes are extracted from TV political debates where conflicts naturally arise.Experiments are the first approach to continuous estimation of conflict intensity.Performance of various audio and visual features and classifiers is evaluated

    The conflict escalation resolution (CONFER) database

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    Conflict is usually defined as a high level of disagreement taking place when individuals act on incompatible goals, interests, or intentions. Research in human sciences has recognized conflict as one of the main dimensions along which an interaction is perceived and assessed. Hence, automatic estimation of conflict intensity in naturalistic conversations would be a valuable tool for the advancement of human-centered computing and the deployment of novel applications for social skills enhancement including conflict management and negotiation. However, machine analysis of conflict is still limited to just a few works, partially due to an overall lack of suitable annotated data, while it has been mostly approached as a conflict or (dis)agreement detection problem based on audio features only. In this work, we aim to overcome the aforementioned limitations by a) presenting the Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database, a set of excerpts from audiovisual recordings of televised political debates where conflicts naturally arise, and b)reporting baseline experiments on audiovisual conflict intensity estimation. The database contains approximately 142min of recordings in Greek language, split over 120 non-overlapping episodes of naturalistic conversations that involve two or three interactants. Subject- and session-independent experiments are conducted on continuous-time (frame-by-frame) estimation of real-valued conflict intensity, as opposed to binary conflict/non-conflict classification. For the problem at hand, the efficiency of various audio and visual features and fusion of them as well as various regression frameworks is examined. Experimental results suggest that there is much room for improvement in the design and development of automated multi-modal approaches to continuous conflict analysis. The CONFER Database is publicly available for non-commercial use at http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/confer/. The Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database is presented.CONFER contains 142min (120 episodes) of recordings in Greek language.Episodes are extracted from TV political debates where conflicts naturally arise.Experiments are the first approach to continuous estimation of conflict intensity.Performance of various audio and visual features and classifiers is evaluated

    Fusion for Audio-Visual Laughter Detection

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    Laughter is a highly variable signal, and can express a spectrum of emotions. This makes the automatic detection of laughter a challenging but interesting task. We perform automatic laughter detection using audio-visual data from the AMI Meeting Corpus. Audio-visual laughter detection is performed by combining (fusing) the results of a separate audio and video classifier on the decision level. The video-classifier uses features based on the principal components of 20 tracked facial points, for audio we use the commonly used PLP and RASTA-PLP features. Our results indicate that RASTA-PLP features outperform PLP features for laughter detection in audio. We compared hidden Markov models (HMMs), Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) and support vector machines (SVM) based classifiers, and found that RASTA-PLP combined with a GMM resulted in the best performance for the audio modality. The video features classified using a SVM resulted in the best single-modality performance. Fusion on the decision-level resulted in laughter detection with a significantly better performance than single-modality classification

    Non-acted multi-view audio-visual dyadic Interactions. Project master thesis: multi-modal local and recurrent non-verbal emotion recognition in dyadic scenarios

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2019, Tutor: Sergio Escalera Guerrero i Cristina Palmero[en] In particular, this master thesis is focused on the development of baseline emotion recognition system in a dyadic environment using raw and handcraft audio features and cropped faces from the videos. This system is analyzed at frame and utterance level with and without temporal information. For this reason, an exhaustive study of the state-of-the-art on emotion recognition techniques has been conducted, paying particular attention on Deep Learning techniques for emotion recognition. While studying the state-of-the-art from the theoretical point of view, a dataset consisting of videos of sessions of dyadic interactions between individuals in different scenarios has been recorded. Different attributes were captured and labelled from these videos: body pose, hand pose, emotion, age, gender, etc. Once the architectures for emotion recognition have been trained with other dataset, a proof of concept is done with this new database in order to extract conclusions. In addition, this database can help future systems to achieve better results. A large number of experiments with audio and video are performed to create the emotion recognition system. The IEMOCAP database is used to perform the training and evaluation experiments of the emotion recognition system. Once the audio and video are trained separately with two different architectures, a fusion of both methods is done. In this work, the importance of preprocessing data (i.e. face detection, windows analysis length, handcrafted features, etc.) and choosing the correct parameters for the architectures (i.e. network depth, fusion, etc.) has been demonstrated and studied, while some experiments to study the influence of the temporal information are performed using some recurrent models for the spatiotemporal utterance level recognition of emotion. Finally, the conclusions drawn throughout this work are exposed, as well as the possible lines of future work including new systems for emotion recognition and the experiments with the database recorded in this work
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