6 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Methods for Demand-Side Flexibility in Energy Systems

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    Smart Grid is a system that accommodates different energy sources, including solar, wind, tidal, electric vehicles, and also facilitates communication between users and suppliers. This study tries to picture the interaction among all new sources of energy and market, besides managing supplies and demands in the system while meeting network's limitations. First, an appropriate energy system mechanism is proposed to motivate use of green and renewable energies while addressing current system's deficiencies. Then concepts and techniques from game theory, network optimization, and market design are borrowed to model the system as a Stackelberg game. Existence of an equilibrium solution to the problem is proved mathematically, and an algorithm is developed to solve the proposed nonlinear bi-level optimization model in real time. Then the model is converted to a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints using lower level's optimality conditions. Results from different solution techniques including MIP, SOS, and nonlinear MPEC solvers are compared with the proposed algorithm. Examples illustrate the appropriateness and usefulness of the both proposed system mechanism and heuristic algorithm in modeling the market and solving the corresponding large scale bi-level model. To the best knowledge of the writer there is no efficient algorithm in solving large scale bi-level models and any solution approach in the literature is problem specific. This research could be implemented in the future Smart Grid meters to help users communicate with the system and enables the system to accommodate different sources of energy. It prevents waste of energy by optimizing users' schedule of trades in the grid. Also recommendations to energy policy makers are made based on results in this research. This research contributes to science by combining knowledge of market structure and demand management to design an optimal trade schedule for all agents in the energy network including users and suppliers. Current studies in this area mostly focus either in market design or in demand management side. However, by combining these two areas of knowledge in this study, not only will the whole system be more efficient, but it also will be more likely to make the system operational in real world

    Fahrplanbasiertes Energiemanagement in Smart Grids

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    Die Zunahme dezentraler, volatiler Stromerzeugung im Rahmen der Energiewende führt schon heute zu Engpässen in Stromnetzen. Eine Lösung dieser Probleme verspricht die informationstechnische Vernetzung und Koordination der Erzeuger und Verbraucher in Smart Grids. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen Energiemanagement-Ansatz, der basierend auf Leistungsprognosen und Flexibilitäten der Akteure spezifische, aggregierte Leistungsprofile approximiert. Hierbei werden Netzrestriktionen berücksichtigt

    Fahrplanbasiertes Energiemanagement in Smart Grids

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    Die Zunahme dezentraler, volatiler Stromerzeugung im Rahmen der Energiewende führt schon heute zu Engpässen in Stromnetzen. Eine Lösung dieser Probleme verspricht die informationstechnische Vernetzung und Koordination der Erzeuger und Verbraucher in Smart Grids. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen Energiemanagement-Ansatz, der basierend auf Leistungsprognosen und Flexibilitäten der Akteure spezifische, aggregierte Leistungsprofile approximiert. Hierbei werden Netzrestriktionen berücksichtigt

    Mathematical framework for designing energy matching and trading within green building neighbourhood system

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    Nowadays, energy efficiency, energy matching and trading, power production based on renewable energyresources, improving reliability, increasing power quality and other concepts are providing the most important topics in the power systems analysis especially in green building in the neighbourhood systems (GBNS). To do so, the need to obtain the optimal and economical dispatch of energy matching and trading should be expressed at the same time. Although, there are some solutions in literature but there is still a lack of mathematical framework for energy matching and trading in GBNS. In this dissertation, a mathematical framework is developed with the aim of supporting an optimal energy matching and trading within a GBNS.This aim will be achieved through several optimization algorithms based on heuristic and realistic optimization techniques. The appearance of new methods based on optimization algorithms and the challenges of managing a system contain different type of energy resources was also replicating the challenges encountered in this thesis. As a result, these methods are needed to be applied in such a way to achieve maximum efficiency,enhance the economic dispatch as well as to provide the best performance in GBNS. In order to validate theproposed framework, several case studies are simulated in this thesis and optimized based on various optimization algorithms. The better performances of the proposed algorithms are shown in comparison with the realistic optimization algorithms, and its effectiveness is validated over several GBs. The obtained results show convergence speed increase and the remarkable improvement of efficiency and accuracy under different condition. The obtained results clearly show that the proposed framework is effective in achieving optimal dispatch of generation resources in systems with multiple GBs and minimizing the market clearing price for the consumers and providing the better utilization of renewable energy sources