813 research outputs found

    Encryption Based Access Control Model In Cloud: A Survey

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    Cloud computing is known as “Utility”. Cloud Computing enabling users to remotely store their data in a server and provide services on-demand. Since this new computing technology requires user to entrust their valuable data to cloud providers, there have been increasing security and privacy concerns on outsourced data. We can increase security on access of the data in the cloud. Morever we can provide encryption on the data so third party can not use thedata. In this paper we will be reviewing various encryption based access control model for enhancing cloud security along with their limitations. We will be concluding with a proposed access control model to enhance cloud security

    Secure publish-subscribe protocols for heterogeneous medical wireless body area networks

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    Security and privacy issues in medical wireless body area networks (WBANs) constitute a major unsolved concern because of the challenges posed by the scarcity of resources in WBAN devices and the usability restrictions imposed by the healthcare domain. In this paper, we describe a WBAN architecture based on the well-known publish-subscribe paradigm. We present two protocols for publishing data and sending commands to a sensor that guarantee confidentiality and fine-grained access control. Both protocols are based on a recently proposed ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) scheme that is lightweight enough to be embedded into wearable sensors. We show how sensors can implement lattice-based access control (LBAC) policies using this scheme, which are highly appropriate for the eHealth domain. We report experimental results with a prototype implementation demonstrating the suitability of our proposed solution.This work was supported by the MINECO grant TIN2013-46469-R (SPINY: Security and Privacy in the Internet of You)

    Encryption as a Service (EaaS) as a Solution for Cryptography in Cloud

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    AbstractIn recent years, there has been a vast interest in optimal usage of computing resources so that massive data can be processed with minimal cost. The need to use a pool of shared resources in a wide area network that provide elasticity, high capacity of computation and ability to store information on location-independent storages have led to the advent of cloud-computing. However, the global nature of cloud brings about some challenges in security domain when physical control over our information in cloud is impossible. Thus, encrypting critical data becomes essential, and strongly advisable. The server-side encryption in an untrustworthy environment like public cloud is too risky. On the other hand, client-side encryption can undermine the benefits of cloud since it is a time-consuming task for encryption and decryption. To address this issue, we developed a private cloud as an intermediary. In this paper, based on XaaS concept, we design an Encryption as a Service in order to get rid of the security risks of cloud provider's encryption and the inefficiency of client-side encryption

    Ontology-based Access Control in Open Scenarios: Applications to Social Networks and the Cloud

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    La integració d'Internet a la societat actual ha fet possible compartir fàcilment grans quantitats d'informació electrònica i recursos informàtics (que inclouen maquinari, serveis informàtics, etc.) en entorns distribuïts oberts. Aquests entorns serveixen de plataforma comuna per a usuaris heterogenis (per exemple, empreses, individus, etc.) on es proporciona allotjament d'aplicacions i sistemes d'usuari personalitzades; i on s'ofereix un accés als recursos compartits des de qualsevol lloc i amb menys esforços administratius. El resultat és un entorn que permet a individus i empreses augmentar significativament la seva productivitat. Com ja s'ha dit, l'intercanvi de recursos en entorns oberts proporciona importants avantatges per als diferents usuaris, però, també augmenta significativament les amenaces a la seva privacitat. Les dades electròniques compartides poden ser explotades per tercers (per exemple, entitats conegudes com "Data Brokers"). Més concretament, aquestes organitzacions poden agregar la informació compartida i inferir certes característiques personals sensibles dels usuaris, la qual cosa pot afectar la seva privacitat. Una manera de del.liar aquest problema consisteix a controlar l'accés dels usuaris als recursos potencialment sensibles. En concret, la gestió de control d'accés regula l'accés als recursos compartits d'acord amb les credencials dels usuaris, el tipus de recurs i les preferències de privacitat dels propietaris dels recursos/dades. La gestió eficient de control d'accés és crucial en entorns grans i dinàmics. D'altra banda, per tal de proposar una solució viable i escalable, cal eliminar la gestió manual de regles i restriccions (en la qual, la majoria de les solucions disponibles depenen), atès que aquesta constitueix una pesada càrrega per a usuaris i administradors . Finalment, la gestió del control d'accés ha de ser intuïtiu per als usuaris finals, que en general no tenen grans coneixements tècnics.La integración de Internet en la sociedad actual ha hecho posible compartir fácilmente grandes cantidades de información electrónica y recursos informáticos (que incluyen hardware, servicios informáticos, etc.) en entornos distribuidos abiertos. Estos entornos sirven de plataforma común para usuarios heterogéneos (por ejemplo, empresas, individuos, etc.) donde se proporciona alojamiento de aplicaciones y sistemas de usuario personalizadas; y donde se ofrece un acceso ubicuo y con menos esfuerzos administrativos a los recursos compartidos. El resultado es un entorno que permite a individuos y empresas aumentar significativamente su productividad. Como ya se ha dicho, el intercambio de recursos en entornos abiertos proporciona importantes ventajas para los distintos usuarios, no obstante, también aumenta significativamente las amenazas a su privacidad. Los datos electrónicos compartidos pueden ser explotados por terceros (por ejemplo, entidades conocidas como “Data Brokers”). Más concretamente, estas organizaciones pueden agregar la información compartida e inferir ciertas características personales sensibles de los usuarios, lo cual puede afectar a su privacidad. Una manera de paliar este problema consiste en controlar el acceso de los usuarios a los recursos potencialmente sensibles. En concreto, la gestión de control de acceso regula el acceso a los recursos compartidos de acuerdo con las credenciales de los usuarios, el tipo de recurso y las preferencias de privacidad de los propietarios de los recursos/datos. La gestión eficiente de control de acceso es crucial en entornos grandes y dinámicos. Por otra parte, con el fin de proponer una solución viable y escalable, es necesario eliminar la gestión manual de reglas y restricciones (en la cual, la mayoría de las soluciones disponibles dependen), dado que ésta constituye una pesada carga para usuarios y administradores. Por último, la gestión del control de acceso debe ser intuitivo para los usuarios finales, que por lo general carecen de grandes conocimientos técnicos.Thanks to the advent of the Internet, it is now possible to easily share vast amounts of electronic information and computer resources (which include hardware, computer services, etc.) in open distributed environments. These environments serve as a common platform for heterogeneous users (e.g., corporate, individuals etc.) by hosting customized user applications and systems, providing ubiquitous access to the shared resources and requiring less administrative efforts; as a result, they enable users and companies to increase their productivity. Unfortunately, sharing of resources in open environments has significantly increased the privacy threats to the users. Indeed, shared electronic data may be exploited by third parties, such as Data Brokers, which may aggregate, infer and redistribute (sensitive) personal features, thus potentially impairing the privacy of the individuals. A way to palliate this problem consists on controlling the access of users over the potentially sensitive resources. Specifically, access control management regulates the access to the shared resources according to the credentials of the users, the type of resource and the privacy preferences of the resource/data owners. The efficient management of access control is crucial in large and dynamic environments such as the ones described above. Moreover, in order to propose a feasible and scalable solution, we need to get rid of manual management of rules/constraints (in which most available solutions rely) that constitutes a serious burden for the users and the administrators. Finally, access control management should be intuitive for the end users, who usually lack technical expertise, and they may find access control mechanism more difficult to understand and rigid to apply due to its complex configuration settings