678 research outputs found

    A systematic literature review of cloud computing in eHealth

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    Cloud computing in eHealth is an emerging area for only few years. There needs to identify the state of the art and pinpoint challenges and possible directions for researchers and applications developers. Based on this need, we have conducted a systematic review of cloud computing in eHealth. We searched ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Inspec, ISI Web of Science and Springer as well as relevant open-access journals for relevant articles. A total of 237 studies were first searched, of which 44 papers met the Include Criteria. The studies identified three types of studied areas about cloud computing in eHealth, namely (1) cloud-based eHealth framework design (n=13); (2) applications of cloud computing (n=17); and (3) security or privacy control mechanisms of healthcare data in the cloud (n=14). Most of the studies in the review were about designs and concept-proof. Only very few studies have evaluated their research in the real world, which may indicate that the application of cloud computing in eHealth is still very immature. However, our presented review could pinpoint that a hybrid cloud platform with mixed access control and security protection mechanisms will be a main research area for developing citizen centred home-based healthcare applications

    Ensuring patients privacy in a cryptographic-based-electronic health records using bio-cryptography

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    Several recent works have proposed and implemented cryptography as a means to preserve privacy and security of patients health data. Nevertheless, the weakest point of electronic health record (EHR) systems that relied on these cryptographic schemes is key management. Thus, this paper presents the development of privacy and security system for cryptography-based-EHR by taking advantage of the uniqueness of fingerprint and iris characteristic features to secure cryptographic keys in a bio-cryptography framework. The results of the system evaluation showed significant improvements in terms of time efficiency of this approach to cryptographic-based-EHR. Both the fuzzy vault and fuzzy commitment demonstrated false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0%, which reduces the likelihood of imposters gaining successful access to the keys protecting patients protected health information. This result also justifies the feasibility of implementing fuzzy key binding scheme in real applications, especially fuzzy vault which demonstrated a better performance during key reconstruction

    Security framework for cloud based electronic health record (EHR) system

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    Health records are an integral aspect of any Hospital Management System. With newer innovations in technology, there has been a shift in the way of recording health information. Medical records which used to be managed using various paper charts have now become easier to organize and maintain, thereby increasing the efficiency of medical staff. The Electronic Health Records (EHR) System is becoming a high-tech medical management technology developed for the economic or emerging economic countries like India. In a national health system, the EHR integrates the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in all collaborating hospitals through different networks. EHR gives healthcare professionals a way to share and manage patient data quickly and effectively. Due to the mass storage of confidential patient data, healthcare organizations are considered as one of the most targeted sectors by intruders. This paper proposes a security framework for EHR system, which takes into consideration the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of health records. The threats posed to the EHR system are modeled by STRIDE modeling tool, and the amount of risk is calculated using DREAD. The paper also suggests the security mechanism and countermeasures based on security standards, which can be utilized in an EHR environment. The paper shows that the utilization of the proposed methods effectively addresses security concerns such as breach of sensitive medical information

    Integrated, reliable and cloud-based personal health record: a scoping review.

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    Personal Health Records (PHR) emerge as an alternative to integrate patient’s health information to give a global view of patients' status. However, integration is not a trivial feature when dealing with a variety electronic health systems from healthcare centers. Access to PHR sensitive information must comply with privacy policies defined by the patient. Architecture PHR design should be in accordance to these, and take advantage of nowadays technology. Cloud computing is a current technology that provides scalability, ubiquity, and elasticity features. This paper presents a scoping review related to PHR systems that achieve three characteristics: integrated, reliable and cloud-based. We found 101 articles that addressed thosecharacteristics. We identified four main research topics: proposal/developed systems, PHR recommendations for development, system integration and standards, and security and privacy. Integration is tackled with HL7 CDA standard. Information reliability is based in ABE security-privacy mechanism. Cloud-based technology access is achieved via SOA.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Secure Blockchain Transactions for Electronic Health Records based on an Improved Attribute-Based Signature Scheme (IASS)

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    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are entirely controlled by hospitals, not patients, making it difficult to obtain medical advice from individual hospitals. Patients need to keep tabs on their health details and take back control of their medical data. The rapid development of blockchain technology has facilitated large-scale healthcare, including medical records and patient-related data. The technology provides comprehensive and immutable patient records and free access to electronic medical records for providers and treatment portals. To ensure the validity of the blockchain-connected EHR, the Improved Attribute-Based Signature Scheme (IASS) has considerable powers, allowing patients to approve messages based on attributes but not validated. In addition, it avoids the problem of having multiple authorities without a single or central source of trust for generating and distributing patient public/private keys and fits into the blockchain model for distributed data storage. By sharing a secret, pseudo-random activity seed between authorities, the protocol resists collusive attacks by corrupt officials. The technology provides patients with a comprehensive, immutable record and free access to their EHR from providers and treatment portals. To ensure the validity of blockchain-connected EHRs, propose an attribute-based multi-authority signature scheme that authorizes messages based on their attributes without revealing any information
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