48 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based strategic planning: harnessing (in)tangible assets of city-regions

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate the ways of best managing city-regions’ valuable tangible and intangible assets while pursuing a knowledge-based urban development that is sustainable and competitive. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides a theoretical framework to conceptualise a new strategic planning mechanism, knowledge-based strategic planning, which has been emerged as a planning mechanism for the knowledge-based urban development of post-industrial city-regions. Originality/value – The paper develops a planning framework entitled 6K1C for knowledge-based strategic planning to be used in the analysis of city-regions’ tangible and intangible assets. Practical implications – The paper discusses the importance of asset mapping of cityregions, and explores the ways of successfully managing city-regions’ tangible/intangible assets to achieve an urban development that is sustainable and knowledge-based. Keywords – Knowledge-based urban development, Knowledge-based strategic planning, Tangible assets, Intangible assets, City-regions. Paper type – Academic Research Pape

    Retaining Knowledge, Human, and Intellectual Capital

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    Knowledge retaining has become a demandable concept that many studies investigated which their findings confirmed its importance to enhance the organizational productivity and performance. In addition, the organizational knowledge contains many aspects including the economic knowledge (i.e., intellectual capital), and the individual skills and experiences (i.e., human capital), where the latter is a component of the first. Although many studies have adopted each concept, few studies have directly linked their relation which the present study aims to provide. Through representing the previous related studies that applied different methodological approaches, the findings confirmed the significant relation between knowledge retaining, intellectual capital, and human capital. Keywords: knowledge retaining , intellectual capital , human capita

    Housing the knowledge economy in China: An examination of housing provision in support of science parks

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    Little attention is paid in the extant academic literature to the question of housing knowledge workers despite the potential mismatches between housing supply and demand. This paper provides an initial examination of housing the knowledge economy in China, focusing on three science parks (SPs): Zhongguancun (Z-Park, Beijing), Zhangjiang (Z-SHIP, Shanghai) and Optics Valley of China (OVC, Wuhan). It discusses to what extent, and how these three SPs have factored in the housing dimension in connection with the knowledge economy, paying particular attention to housing affordability, location (inside the SPs or outside in the wider city-region) and the mode of provision (market or state). Insights were drawn from documentary analysis and in-depth interviews in the three chosen case studies. Initial evaluation of policies geared towards housing supply in China suggests that the housing question needs to come to the fore in discussions of structural transformation towards the knowledge economy

    Workers on temporary 457 visas: Challenges they face when working in the Western Australian resources sector

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    As a response to the shortage of specialised workers in the Western Australian (WA) resources sector, business has resorted to employing workers on temporary 457 visas. This paper provides an insight into some of the challenges workers on 457 visas reported while working in Australia in a study that collected data in 2012. While the study focussed on costs and benefits of employing workers on 457 visas to business, the migrant worker and the larger Australian community, part of the data included the social and financial costs to these workers. It is this data that is reported in this paper. Workers on 457 visas stated that financial costs that directly affected them were the requirement to cover their medical and child care costs as well as some paid up to $3000 to overseas Migration Agents to arrange their visas. The social costs included extreme loneliness, acceptance by Australian workers and difficulties with spouse and family who may be large distances apart that is further exacerbated by fly-in/fly-out working arrangements. Relocation Agents appear to provide the very valuable connection to community for newly arrived migrants in that they facilitate introductions for people to establish new friendships. The emotional and social welfare of these workers emerged as key components of successful assimilation in Australia. Failure to acknowledge these problems resulted in threats to emotional well being of the workers and their families and in some cases led to workers returning home earl

    Towards a unified method for the knowledge based urban development framework

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    Purpose–The growing debate in the literature indicates that the initiative to implement Knowledge Based Urban Development (KBUD) approaches in urban development process is neither simple nor quick. Many research efforts has therefore, been put forward to the development of appropriate KBUD framework and KBUD practical approaches. But this has lead to a fragmented and incoherent methodological approach. This paper outlines and compares a few most popular KBUD frameworks selected from the literature. It aims to identify some key and common features in the effort to achieve a unified method of KBUD framework. Design/methodology/approach–This paper reviews, examines and identifies various popular KBUD frameworks discussed in the literature from urban planners’ viewpoint. It employs a content analysis technique i.e. a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Originality/value–The paper reports on the key and common features of a few selected most popular KBUD frameworks. The synthesis of the results is based from a perspective of urban planners. The findings which encompass a new KBUD framework incorporating the key and common features will be valuable in setting a platform to achieve a unified method of KBUD. Practical implications –The discussion and results presented in this paper should be significant to researchers and practitioners and to any cities and countries that are aiming for KBUD. Keywords – Knowledge based urban development, Knowledge based urban development framework, Urban development and knowledge econom

    Knowledge Workers Job Performance: An Examination of Career Values, Perceived Organizational Support and Career Satisfaction

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    Knowledge workers help organizations improve productivity and gain competitive advantage in the market. Since organizations have realized the importance of knowledge workers in organizational development, management has been focusing on the knowledge workers’ job performance, which ultimately improves the organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effects of the knowledge workers’ career satisfaction Business and Management Horizons ISSN 2326-0297 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2 14 among career values, perceived organizational support and job performance. In this regard, data was collected from 284 knowledge workers working in Saudi Arabian organizations and it was analyzed using regression and Sobel test. The result of the analysis explain that career satisfaction play a key role in knowledge workers’ job performance, and work as mediator between career values, perceived organizational support and the knowledge workers’ job performance. The findings of this study will be helpful for top management and HR professionals to manage the knowledge workers’ job performance. Furthermore, the mediating role of career satisfaction contribute to the body of knowledge and offer future researchers opportunities to investigate other factors, which influence career satisfaction of knowledge workers. This study also discussed some limitations which could be an avenue for future research. Research on Saudi Arabian knowledge workers has never been done before. Therefore, this study explores the effects of career values, perceived organizational support and career satisfaction on Saudi Arabian knowledge workers’ job performance. (Abstract by authors

    A study on factors affecting affective organizational commitment among knowledge workers in Malaysia

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    Knowledge management (KM) has been often claimed to be an essential ingredient in building competitive advantage.One of the biggest challenges for most knowledge organizations in these highly competitive times comes from changes in work behaviours of knowledge workers.Understanding knowledge workers and what makes them stay and continue to contribute to the organization is a formidable task for most managers.Thus, the nature of this study is to determine the factors which will influence affective organizational commitment among knowledge workers.This research will contribute significantly to organizations wanting to encourage knowledge workers to be committed and continue their service with them in this knowledge–based economy

    DziaƂania uczelni wyĆŒszych na rzecz rozwoju oferty turystyczno-kulturalnej w miastach akademickich : studium przypadku Krakowa

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    The contemporary role that higher education institutions play is not limited to educational and scientific research activity. It involves also creating local tourism cultural offer and an offer of spending leisure time for inhabitants and visitors. Therefore the purpose of the article is to describe the activities undertaken by higher education institutions using the example of Krakow. On the basis of the query of source materials it was possible to identify types of undertakings carried out by higher education institutions, also in cooperation with other entities for which the basis are academic traditions and potential. As the example of Krakow shows, higher education institutions affect the development of incoming tourism in three main areas: educational tourism, cultural tourism, and business tourism and MICE industry. They also broaden the offer of spending leisure time in the city directed to inhabitants, students and tourists. Academic potential influences the function and image of the city in the national and international arena. Thus it seems necessary to include higher education institutions in the development of a local tourism offer and cultural animation of the city life