636 research outputs found

    The Impact Of American Advertising Humor On Taiwanese Consumers

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    This paper examines the effect of American humorous advertising on consumers in Taiwan. Several American print advertisements for brands familiar in Taiwan were shown to Taiwanese consumers in a field study. Three distinct perceptual appeals–humor, quality and positivity–in the processing of the advertisements by Taiwanese consumers were identified. It was found that all of these three types of appeals positively impacted the perceived image of and the motivation to purchase the brands featured in the advertisements. This paper also discusses the managerial implications and future research avenues stemming from the results of the study

    Analiza učinkovitosti oglašivačkih poruka. Usporedba po mediju, tipologiji i rasporedu oglasa

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    Purpose – This research aims to evaluate how the effectiveness of advertisements can vary according to three fundamental variables: the time schedule of message receipt, the media, and the type of advertising message used. Design/methodology/approach – An experiment with 375 university students related to administrative careers was devised, creating 25 work groups that were stimulated by multiple advertisements with different combinations of the described variables. Subsequently, various techniques were applied to evaluate the ads used. Findings and implications – The main results showed that advertisements with musical messages have a greater capacity to be retained in the minds of their recipients; similarly, advertising messages that are transmitted through the use of audiovisual media have a greater capacity to please or attract. Limitation – The main limitation is associated primarily with the characteristics of the sample, as it is a very specific audience, where the influence of other demographic variables, including age, sex, marital status, and living conditions, was not considered. Originality – The results obtained confirm the contributions of previous studies and reveal patterns of behavior related to the impact of the media and the type of advertisement that is used in its potential to stimulate memories in the subjects receiving the message and to please the target audience, fundamentally in the messages aimed at young audiences (university students). In addition, it provides information on how some attributes that distinguish the advertisement, according to the type of advertising messages used, should be considered as an additional criterion for managers to decide on the type of the advertising message, the fair amount to use, and the most beneficial transmission schedule of such advertisements.Svrha – Cilj je istraživanja procijeniti kako se učinkovitost oglasa može razlikovati ovisno o trima ključnim varijablama, to jest o vremenskom rasporedu primanja poruke, mediju i vrsti korištene oglašivačke poruke. Metodološki pristup – Osmišljen je eksperiment u kojem je sudjelovalo 375 studenata poslovnog usmjerenja, a oformljeno je 25 radnih grupa koje su poticane višestrukim oglasima s različitim kombinacijama opisanih varijabli. Potom su primijenjene različite tehnike za procjenu korištenih oglasa. Rezultati i implikacije – Glavni rezultati pokazali su da oglasi s glazbenim porukama imaju veću sposobnost zadržavanja u svijesti primatelja poruke kao i da oglašivačke poruke koje se prenose korištenjem audiovizualnih medija imaju veći kapacitet za ugoditi ili privući. Ograničenja – Glavno ograničenje uglavnom je povezano s karakteristikama uzorka jer je riječ o vrlo specifičnoj populaciji u kojoj utjecaj drugih demografskih varijabli, poput dobi, spola, bračnog statusa, životnih uvjeta, između ostalog, nije razmatran. Doprinos – Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju doprinose prethodnih istraživanja i otkrivaju obrasce ponašanja povezane s utjecajem medija i vrste korištenog oglasa u odnosu na potencijal poticanja sjećanja u primatelja poruke i ugađanje ciljnoj publici, u osnovi u porukama namijenjenim mladoj publici (studentima). Dodatno, pružaju informacije o tome kako neke atribute, po kojima se oglas razlikuje prema vrsti korištene oglašivačke poruke, treba razmatrati kao dodatni kriterij pri odlučivanju menadžera o vrsti oglašivačke poruke, primjerenoj količini korištenja kao i najpovoljnijem rasporedu prenošenja takvih oglasa

    Celebrity Endorsements in Print and Twitter: Comparing Brand Name Memorability and Credibility

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    The present study investigated the differences in brand name memorability and credibility of celebrity-endorsed advertisements presented in print and in Twitter. An experiment was conducted between two groups of participants. One group received treatments for print and the other for Twitter. Participants reviewed five advertisements, one of which contained a celebrity, then responded to 11 credibility belief statements and were tested on their memorability of the celebrity-endorsed ad. Significant differences were found in favor of remembering, buying and trusting a brand/product in celebrity-endorsed print ads. Significant differences were also found in the memorability of a celebrity-endorsed ad. The print group was more likely to remember the celebrity and/or brand presented via a celebrity-endorsed print ad

    Three paths to brand growth: new product introduction, digital advertising, and crowdfunding

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    This thesis uses empirical techniques of dynamic modelling to examine three major means for brands to achieve sustainable growth, including new product introduction (NPI), digital advertising, and value co-creation with consumers through digital crowdfunding. Essay 1 (Chapter 2) explores the impact of NPI on the performance volatility of the innovating and the competing brands in the CPG industry. Using a GARCH-in-VAR modelling approach, we find that NPI causes a long-term rise in sales volatility of all brands. Such volatility increase is especially significant for new brand entries, premium-priced and more innovative brands, and retailers with a larger assortment and those where private labels dominate. More importantly, NPI's impact through sales volatility on the sales level of brands is consistently positive. Findings from Essay 1 challenge marketers' conventional wisdom to curb volatility and instead highlight brands' potential to benefit from the market turbulence following an NPI. Essay 2 (Chapter 3) investigates the effect of processing disfluency on consumers' decisions to click on digital display advertisements. With consumers flooded by digital ads, it is imperative for marketers to strike a balance between capturing consumer attention and keeping them unannoyed. A series of lab experiments combined with field data modelling using the Dynamic Factor Model indicate that processing disfluency can elicit consumer interest and desire to explore, leading to a higher willingness to click. Such disfluency does not cause consumer ad annoyance and can be induced by negative ad emotional appeals such as fear and sorrow. Essay 3 (Chapter 4) studies investment dynamics between digital crowdfunding investors, who are also the future consumers of the fundraising venture. Recognizing the co-existence between more and less informed investors, our results show that large investments by informed investors are effective signals that positively influence subsequent investors' behaviours. Such an effect is strengthened by a higher level of social similarity between investors and the size of the deal. Our findings shed light on the asymmetric information flows from more to less informed investors, and the complementarity between different types of investors.Open Acces

    The role of culture in the adapted approach to international advertising: implications for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, 1995

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the attitudes of business and advertising executives, civic leaders, and individuals towards the perceived role of standardized or adapted international advertising appeals in promoting the 1996 Atlanta Centennial Olympic Games. The study was descriptive in design and used both secondary and primary data. The findings suggest that the 1996 Olympic Games should be advertised in other countries using culturally meaningful themes adapted to reflect the aesthetics, language, customs and educational level of the target audience. Conversely, Olympic advertising themes should not contain religious messages or be standardized. These findings carry implications for the International Olympic Committee, the World Cup Soccer Federation, Tourists Boards, Convention Bureaus, Chambers of Commerce, as well as scholars and practitioners who wish to advocate employing adapted or standardized advertising messages to culturally diverse target audience

    Music in Advertising: An Overview of Jingles, Popular Music and the Emotional Impact of Music in Advertising

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    Music is used extensively in advertising. Thus, it is surprising that so little research has been conducted on the emotional effects of music in advertising. Industry research has focused on the informational processing model, which measures how effective an advertisement is based on recall and understanding. However, beyond influencing thoughts and behavior, music tugs at the heart and leaves a lasting mark. This thesis gives an overview of how music has been used in advertising, and delves into the emotional impacts of music in advertising. This thesis also explores the creative process behind choosing the right music for an advertisement, and takes a look at a tool called the “Semantic Differential” that facilitates the process

    A longitudinal study of the use of rhetorical figures and communicative and stylistic strategies in advertising slogans

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    This study attempts to analyse developments in the use of rhetorical figures and persuasive strategies in advertising slogans selected from the late 1800s till the beginning of the 21st century. Research has discovered that the use of rhetorical figures, specifically schemes and tropes, in advertising headlines and texts has become more complicated and sophisticated over time. Various persuasive strategies have also been found across different periods. Previous studies have only examined rhetorical figures in isolation rather than a combination of a wide range of figures. Besides, there have not been any studies done on the historical trends of the use of a combination of rhetorical figures. The combination of rhetorical figures in slogans has also not been researched. More significantly, the combination of rhetorical figures and persuasive strategies in advertising slogans has not been examined. A total of 500 advertising slogans were selected from thirteen multinational and established companies and arranged according to the year or decade they were created. The companies selected were ones that existed from the late 1800s or early 1900s and which still exist today. The slogans were then analysed for the presence of schemes and tropes and various persuasive strategies. Two types of analysis were done, that is, a qualitative and a quantitative analysis. The results of the study have revealed changes in the pattern of the rhetorical figures and persuasive strategies employed in advertising slogans through the decades. From the results, a taxonomy has been constructed which can be used to analyse advertising slogans. This taxonomy is a combination of both classical and contemporary approaches, incorporating classical rhetorical figures as well as more contemporary persuasive strategies. The pattern of changes that the results have revealed has also been described

    An Evaluation Of Advertising Models In Emergent Countries – The Case Of Albania

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    The market today is confronted with cornucopia of challenges and opportunities. The unfolding scenario is being closely watched by marketers across the globe and they are competing with each other to grasp the market share. In order to win over the consumers, marketers are constantly evolving strategies. The western firms based and operating from market-based economies are progressively being confronted with the growing challenge of creating brand awareness amongst the perspective consumers. As a result, advertising has become an essential marketing tool for these foreign firms in establishing their relatively less or unknown brands and products. The study aims to report the results of a survey about changing attitudes towards advertising in Albania. It examines the questionnaire - based response of a sample population of consumers from the city of Vlora, in their general attitudes towards advertising. Findings will contribute to the understanding of theoretical explanations for advertising in emerging markets, and of western firms using advertising marketing tool to penetrate these markets

    Advertising, Women, and Censorship

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