2 research outputs found

    Development Prospective for a Picosatellites Laboratory

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    En este artículo se presentan las características y condiciones técnicas para el desarrollo de los picosatélites, se presentan los anålisis y resultados del picosatélite Colombia 1, desarrollado en el marco del proyecto CubeSat-UD de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Finalmente se expusieron las pruebas de laboratorio a realizarse de acuerdo a los fabricantes y las recomendaciones de las mismas y basadas en ellas muestran el establecimiento anticipado de un laboratorio que se requeriría para llevar a cabo dichas pruebas y asegurar el vuelo a condiciones de lanzamiento.In this article the features and technical conditions for developing picosatellites are shown, the analysis and results for the Colombia 1 picosatellite are presented, this work has been developed in the framework of the CubeSat-UD project at the Distrital University Francisco José de Caldas. Finally exposed the laboratory tests to be performed according to the manufacturers and recommendations of and based on them are shows the prospective establishment of a laboratory that would be required to perform such tests and ensure the flight to launch conditions

    ESTCube-1 asendi mÀÀramine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Uuring viidi lĂ€bi Tartu Ülikoolis, Tartu Observatooriumis, Soome Meteoroloogia instituudis ja Eesti tudengisatelliidi programmis. Doktoritöös tutvustatakse satelliidi ESTCube-1 asendi mÀÀramise sĂŒsteemi, mille otstarve on satelliidi orientatsiooni kindlakstegemine erinevate taustsĂŒsteemide suhtes. ESTCube-1 on ehitatud vastavalt CubeSat standardi nĂ”uetele (≈ 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm) ja saadeti orbiidile 2013. aasta mais, kus see tegutses kuni 2015. aasta maini. Selle pĂ”himissiooniks oli katsetada Maa orbiidil elektrilise pĂ€ikesepurje tehnoloogiaid. Elektriline pĂ€ikesetuulepuri on uudne PĂ€ikesesĂŒsteemis liikumise moodus, mis kasutab tĂ”ukejĂ”u saamiseks PĂ€ikeselt vĂ€ljapursatavate elektriliselt laetud osakeste voogu ehk pĂ€ikesetuult. ESTCube-1 asendi mÀÀramise sĂŒsteemi pĂ”hieesmĂ€rgiks on leida satelliidi orientatsioon parema tĂ€psusega kui 2° jĂ€rgmiste tegevuste jaoks: satelliidi suure kiirusega pöörlema panemisel (sajad kraadid sekundis) tsentrifugaaljĂ”u abil purje vĂ€ljakerimiseks ja selle protsessi jĂ€lgimiseks, pĂ€ikesepurje elektrilisel laadimisel sĂŒnkroonis satelliidi pöörlemisega ning mÔÔtmaks nurkkiiruse muutumist laetud pĂ€ikesepurje ja ionosfÀÀri plasma vahelise elektrostaatiline jĂ”u tulemusel. Asendi mÀÀramise sĂŒsteem koosneb magnetomeetridest, nurkkiiruseanduritest ja PĂ€ikese suuna anduritest. Maa magnetvĂ€lja ja PĂ€ikese asukoha mudeleid kasutati vastavate andurite mÔÔtmistega vĂ”rdlemiseks. Asendi mÀÀramiseks kasutati Kalmani filtrit. SĂŒsteem karakteriseeriti laboratooriumis ja simulatsioonidega enne starti. Orbiidil parendati sĂŒsteemi oluliselt tarkvara uuenduste ja uuesti karakteriseerimisega. SĂ”ltumatuks valideerimiseks kasutati satellidi poolt tehtud fotodel pĂ”hinevat orientatsiooni leidmise meetodit. SĂŒsteemi karakteriseerimise ja valideerimisega nĂ€idati, et asendi mÀÀramise tĂ€psus on parem kui 1,75° mis tĂ€idab eksperimendi poolt seatud nĂ”udeid.This research was carried out at the University of Tartu, Tartu Observatory, the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Estonian Student Satellite Programme. This thesis presents the ESTCube-1 attitude determination system. The attitude is the satellite's orientation is space. ESTCube-1 is a satellite built according to the one-unit CubeSat standard (≈ 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm). The satellite was launched in May 2013 and operated until May 2015. The main scientific mission of ESTCube-1 was to perform the first in-orbit electric solar wind sail demonstration. The electric solar wind sail is a propellantless propulsion technology concept. The sail consists of long, thin, centrifugally stretched and positively charged tethers that deflect charged particles in the solar wind, hence generate spacecraft thrust. The main requirement of the ESTCube-1 attitude determination system is to determine the attitude with an accuracy better than 2° for the following purposes: high rate spin control (hundreds of degrees per second) for centrifugal tether deployment; monitoring of tether deployment; to trigger the charging of the tether in synchronisation with the satellite spin; to measure angular velocity changes caused by the Coulomb drag interaction between the charged tether and the surrounding ionospheric plasma. The attitude determination system has Sun sensors, magnetometers and gyroscopic sensors. A geomagnetic field model and a Sun position model were used to reference the respective sensor measurements. A Kalman filter was used to estimate the attitude. Before the launch, the system was characterised in the laboratory and by simulations. With in-orbit recalibration and validation, the system was significantly improved. For validation, an independent attitude determined from on-board images was used. By characterising and validating the system, it was shown that attitude determination accuracy is better than 1.75°, hence fulfils the requirement set by the electric solar wind sail experiment.