7 research outputs found

    Algunas consideraciones sobre la gesti贸n de productos y contenidos de los medios

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    En este art铆culo se analiza la gesti贸n de los productos de los medios desde una perspectiva gen茅rica, atendiendo a su consideraci贸n como bienes de informaci贸n y bienes creativos. A partir de las caracter铆sticas comunes que comparten todos ellos, se resaltan algunos aspectos clave en la gesti贸n de producto: decisiones sobre formatos, gesti贸n de la calidad, pol铆ticas de precios y apalancamiento de contenidos. Igualmente, se destacan algunas de las implicaciones que tienen para la gesti贸n las especiales caracter铆sticas de los contenidos, tomando como ejemplo el concepto del ciclo de vida. Como conclusi贸n, se propone que las ideas y el trabajo creativo de las personas se conviertan en ejes de investigaci贸n fundamentales a la hora de abordar la gesti贸n de contenidos

    Reisen ohne Karte: wie funktionieren Suchmaschinen?

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    "Suchmaschinen sind die Eingangstore zum Internet. Doch obwohl Netz-User die Suchmaschinen bei fast jeder 'Surftour' benutzen, wissen nur die wenigsten ihrer Nutzer, wie sie funktionieren. Dieses Papier geht der Frage nach, ob die zentrale Position von Suchmaschinen im Netz auch zu einer Zentralisierung des Internet fuhren kann. Durch eine detaillierte Darstellung der Funktionsweise der Search Engines wird gezeigt, da脽 sie nicht pauschal als Instanzen betrachtet werden k枚nnen, die dem 'unstrukturierten', 'hierarchiefreien' Internet ein Zentrum und eine Hierarchie aufzwingen. Technische Einzelaspekte erscheinen jedoch trotzdem problematisch: Besonders Suchmaschinen, die - wie Lycos - die angebliche Beliebtheit einer Site zum Ma脽stab ihrer Beurteilung machen, tragen dazu bei, im Netz eine hierarchische Gliederung zu voranzutreiben." (Autorenreferat)"Search engines are the entrance doors to the internet. But despite the fact that net surfer use them almost every time they go online, most of them don't know how they actually work. This discussion paper addresses the question, whether the central position of search engines can lead to a centralization of the internet. A detailed technical analysis of the search engines leads to the conclusion that they cannot simply be considered as the main authorities that impose a center and a hierarchy on the supposedly 'unstructured', 'non-hierarchical' Internet. Yet some technical aspects appear to be problematic: especially search engines which use the assumed popularity of a site as a standard, are to some extent responsible for the introduction of a hierarchical structure on the internet." (author's abstract

    Issues in Media Product Management

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    This article explains the main dimensions of media contents as products, from the economic and managerual point of view

    Ekonomia percepcji : mechanizmy selekcjonowania informacji w internecie

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    The following dissertation presents a new model of perception associated with ever-growing amounts of information available on the Web. The specific topics discussed include automatic mechanisms for selecting data to help in countering the negative effects of information overload as well as the transformation of social tools for knowledge production and dissemination. The work consists of five parts, the first of which defines the concept of perception and explains the difference between perception and attention, categories so often used interchangeably in cultural studies. The problem of information overload is not considered through the prism of individual acts of perception, but as a phenomenon of social mechanisms of knowledge management. The second part presents the main theories and historical context of information overload. The analysis shows that the sense of overload is not only a characteristic of the information society, but a regular phenomenon in the history of culture that emerges from a changing media and communication environment. An important point of reference for the current perception changes is the birth of the mass society and the then attempts to create a democratic system of knowledge. The third chapter discusses two distinct and important phenomena impacting on the economics of perception in networked information environment, namely algorithmisation together with accompanying datification (tendency to create increasingly more numerical data) and collective intelligence, being a specific type of collaboration between different actors on the Web, which develops on a mass scale and promotes the formation of new mechanisms of knowledge creation. This part contains a diagnosis of processes involved in culture formation and change, used as a starting point for the formulation of strategies to combat information overload presented in the subsequent chapter. These strategies are understood as technological solutions (algorithms, automatic filters, data processing systems), design concepts (data visualisation) and social mechanisms of content management (curatorial practices, social tagging, etc.), which are formed by adapting existing mechanisms to current challenges and social conditions. The last part of the dissertation presents the author鈥檚 proposal for a new model of perception (ambient perception), which draws on Walter Benjamin鈥檚 concept of tactical reception. Rather than being a complete departure from the perception achieved with focused attention, ambient perception seems to enhance the cognitive apparatus by enabling data processing in the background. The perception process takes place in different modes, which intertwine and complement each other in pursuit of other objectives requiring different cognitive tools and resources. This helps to alleviate the effects of information overload without burdening the perceptual apparatus of the individual

    Attention, Media, Value and Economics

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    Building on the debate about the "attention economy" initiated by Michael Goldhaber and Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, I introduce the notion of valuing process, i.e. the process by which potential value can be translated in an economy. I show that the valuing processes applicable to attention depend on the nature of the media through which attention can be given and looked for. From there, I claim that the integration between attention and action, and the creation of a related literacy are the keys to the sustainable growth of an attention economy