5 research outputs found

    Study of coastal water quality using HYPERION hyperspectral satellite images-case study of Arvandkenar Coasts

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    Nowadays, because of bad urban, agriculture and industrial management many of water resources suffer quality issues. Remote Sensing play a key role in water quality assessment and management. Many of pollutions can be observed using remote sensing images, so it can be a very useful tool for water resources management. Because of wide spreading of water bodies, field work cause to increase in time and cost of studies, so using satellite images can be an alternative. Quality monitoring such as salinity, water color, suspended sediment may measure using satellite images. For assessing Water Quality, some empirical relations should be found to relate water quality to one or some spectral bands. Water Quality parameters such as color, chlorophyll, Suspended Sediment and Salinity may be assessed using Remote Sensing techniques. Remote Sensing can be used for assessment and monitoring algal concentration in lakes and water resources. Increase in chlorophyll cause to reduction in Blue band reflectance and increase in Green band reflectance. For assessing Water Quality, some empirical relations should be found to relate water quality to one or some spectral bands. In this study, Chl-a, concentration of Tripton and Turbidity of a small part of the Persian Gulf was estimated applying a bio-optical model

    Hyperspectral Analysis of Oil and Oil-Impacted Soils for Remote Sensing Purposes

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    While conventional multispectral sensors record the radiometric signal only at a handful of wavelengths, hyperspectral sensors measure the reflected solar signal at hundreds contiguous and narrow wavelength bands, spanning from the visible to the infrared. Hyperspectral images provide ample spectral information to identify and distinguish between spectrally similar (but unique) materials, providing the ability to make proper distinctions among materials with only subtle signature differences. Hyperspectral images show hence potentiality for proper discrimination between oil slicks and other natural phenomena (look-alike); and even for proper distinctions between oil types. Additionally they can give indications on oil volume. At present, many airborne hyperspectral sensors are available to collect data, but only two civil spaceborn hyperspectral sensors exist as technology demonstrator: the Hyperion sensor on NASA’s EO-1 satellite and the CHRIS sensor on the European Space Agency’s PROBA satellite. Consequently, the concrete opportunity to use spaceborn hyperspectral remote sensing for operational oil spill monitoring is yet not available. Nevertheless, it is clear that the future of satellite hyperspectral remote sensing of oil pollution in the marine/coastal environment is very promising. In order to correctly interpret the hyperspectral data, the retrieved spectral signatures must be correlated to specific materials. Therefore specific spectral libraries, containing the spectral signature of the materials to be detected, must be built up. This requires that highly accurate reflected light measurements of samples of the investigated material must be performed in the lab or in the field. Accurate measurements of the spectral reflectance of several samples of oil-contaminated soils have been performed in the laboratory, in the 400-2500 nm wavelength range. Samples of the oils spilt from the Erika and the Prestige tankers during the major accidents of 1999 and 2002 were also collected and analyzed in the same spectral range, using a portable spectrophotometer. All measurements showed the typical absorption features of hydrocarbon-bearing substances: the two absorption peaks centered at 1732 and 2310 nm.JRC.G.3-Agricultur

    Crop Growth Monitoring by Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing

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    Methoden und Techniken der Fernerkundung fungieren als wichtige Hilfsmittel im regionalen Umweltmanagement. Um diese zu optimieren, untersucht die folgende Arbeit sowohl die Verwendung als auch Synergien verschiedener Sensoren aus unterschiedlichen Wellenlängenbereichen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Modellentwicklung zur Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern aus fernerkundlichen Bestandsmessungen sowie auf deren Bewertung. Zu den verwendeten komplementären Fernerkundungssystemen zählen die Sensoren EO-1 Hyperion und ALI, Envisat ASAR sowie TerraSAR-X. Für die optischen Hyper- und Multispektralsysteme werden die Reflexion verschiedener Spektralbereiche sowie die Performanz der daraus abgeleiteten Vegetationsindizes untersucht und bewertet. Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Radarsysteme konzentriert sich die Untersuchung auf Parameter wie Wellenlänge, Einfallswinkel, Radarrückstreuung und Polarisation. Die Eigenschaften verschiedener Parameterkombinationen werden hierbei dargestellt und der komplementäre Beitrag der Radarfernerkundung zur Wachstumsüberwachung bewertet. Hierzu wurden zwei Testgebiete, eines für Winterweizen in der Nordchinesischen Tiefebene und eines für Reis im Nordosten Chinas ausgewählt. In beiden Gebieten wurden während der Wachstumsperioden umfangreiche Feldmessungen von Bestandsparametern während der Satellitenüberflüge oder zeitnah dazu durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe von linearen Regressionsmodellen zwischen Satellitendaten und Biomasse wird die Sensitivität hyperspektraler Reflexion und Radarrückstreuung im Hinblick auf das Wachstum des Winterweizens untersucht. Für die optischen Daten werden drei verschiedene Modelvarianten untersucht: traditionelle Vegetationsindices berechnet aus Multispektraldaten, traditionelle Vegetationsindices berechnet aus Hyperspektraldaten sowie die Berechnung von Normalised Ratio Indices (NRI) basierend auf allen möglichen 2-Band Kombinationen im Spektralbereich zwischen 400 und 2500 nm. Weiterhin wird die gemessene Biomasse mit der gleichpolarisierten (VV) C-Band Rückstreuung des Envisat ASAR Sensors linear in Beziehung gesetzt. Um den komplementären Informationsgehalt von Hyperspektral und Radardaten zu nutzen, werden optische und Radardaten für die Parameterableitung kombiniert eingesetzt. Das Hauptziel für das Reisanbaugebiet im Nordosten Chinas ist das Verständnis über die kohärente Dualpolarimetrische X-Band Rückstreuung zu verschiedenen phänologischen Wachstumsstadien. Hierfür werden die gleichpolarisierte TerraSAR-X Rückstreuung (HH und VV) sowie abgeleitete polarimetrische Parameter untersucht und mit verschiedenen Ebenen im Bestand in Beziehung gesetzt. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss der Variation von Einfallswinkel und Auflösung auf die Bestandsparameterableitung quantifiziert. Neben der Signatur von HH und VV ermöglichen vor allem die polarimetrischen Parameter Phasendifferenz, Ratio, Koherenz und Entropy-Alpha die Bestimmung bestimmter Wachstumsstadien. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen, dass die komplementären Fernerkundungssysteme Optik und Radar die Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern und die Bestimmung von Heterogenitäten in den Beständen ermöglichen. Die Synergien diesbezüglich müssen auch in Zukunft weiter untersucht werden, da neue und immer variablere Fernerkundungssysteme zur Verfügung stehen werden und das Umweltmanagement weiter verbessern können

    Detecting soil erosion in semi-arid Mediterranean environments using simulated EnMAP data

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    Soil is an essential nature resource. Management of this resource is vital for sustainability and the continued functioning of earths atmospheric, hydrospheric and lithospheric functioning. The assessment and continued monitoring of surface soil state provides the information required to effectively manage this resource. This research used a simulated Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) hyperspectral image cube of an agricultural region in semi- arid Mediterranean Spain to classify soil erosion states. Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) was used to derive within pixel fractions of eroded and accumulated soils. A Classification of the soil erosion states using the scene fraction outputs and digital terrain information. The information products generated in this research provided an optimistic outlook for the applicability of the future EnMAP sensor for soil erosion investigations in semi-arid Mediterranean environments. Additionally, this research verifies that the launch of the EnMAP satellite sensor in 2018 will provide the opportunity to further improve the monitoring of earth finite soil resources.NSERC create AMETHYST , Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre

    Evaluating and Developing Methods for Non-Destructive Monitoring of Biomass and Nitrogen in Wheat and Rice Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    Aboveground plant biomass and plant nitrogen are two important parameters for plant growth monitoring, which have a decisive influence on the final yield. Mismanagement of fertilizer or pesticide inputs leads to poor plant growth, environmental pollution, and accordingly, yield loss. Biomass development is driven by nutrient supply, temperature, and phenology. Crop biomass reaches its highest weight at the harvest time. In contrast, plant nitrogen is dependent from fertilizer inputs to the soil and from biomass. Destructive measurement of both parameters is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Remote sensing offers remotely non-direct observation methods from outer space, air space, or close-range in the field by sensors. This dissertation focuses on non-destructive monitoring of plant biomass (the primary parameter) and plant nitrogen (the secondary parameter) using hyperspectral data from non-imaging field spectrometers and the imaging EO-1 Hyperion satellite. The study was conducted on two field crops: winter wheat of two growing seasons of the Huimin test site in the North China Plain; and rice of three growing seasons of the Jiansanjiang test site in the Sanjiang Plain of China. Study fields were set up in different spatial scales, from small experimental scale to large farmers' scale. Extensive field measurements were carried out, including both destructive measuring and non-destructive hyperspectral remote sensing of biomass and plant nitrogen. Besides, two years' Hyperion images were acquired at the Huimin test site. Four different approaches were used to develop the estimation models, which include: vegetation indices (VIs), band combinations, Optimum Multiple Narrow Band Reflectance (OMNBR) and stepwise Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), and derivatives of reflectance. Based on these four approaches, models were constructed, compared, and improved step by step. Additionally, a multiscale approach and a new VI, named GnyLi, were developed. Since experimental and farmers' fields were differently managed, several calibration and validation methods were tested and the field datasets were pooled. All tested approaches and band selections were greatly influenced by single growth stages. The broad band VIs saturated for both crops at the booting stage at the latest and were greatly outperformed by the narrow band VIs with optimized band combinations. Model applications from experimental to farmers' scale using the narrow bands measured by field spectrometers mostly failed due to the effects of different management practices and crop cultivars at both spatial scales. In contrast, the multiscale approach was successfully applied in winter wheat monitoring to transfer data and knowledge from field spectrometer measurements from the experimental scale to the farmers' field scale and the scale that is covered by the Hyperion imagery. The GnyLi and the Normalized Ratio Index (NRI) based on the optimized band combinations performed the best in the up-scaling process in the winter wheat study. In the rice study, MLR or OMNBR models based on 4–6 narrow bands better explained biomass variability compared to VIs based on broad bands and optimized band combinations. The models were more robust when data from different scales were pooled and then randomly divided into calibration and validation datasets. Additional model improvements were obtained using derivatives of reflectance. This dissertation evaluates different hyperspectral remote sensing approaches for non-destructive biomass and plant nitrogen monitoring, with the main focus on biomass estimation. The results and comparisons of different approaches revealed their potentials and limits. Development of new VIs, such as GnyLi, is advantageous due to the saturation problem of broad band VIs. However, the developed VIs need to be tested and improved for different crops and sites. Detection of optimized band combinations facilitates the development of new VIs, which are site-specific and crop-specific. MLR-based models may better explain the biomass variability; nevertheless, with more bands, they are prone to the issues of over-fitting and collinearity. Hence, no more than six bands were recommended to select from the hyperspectral data. Derivatives of reflectance were beneficial at the early growing season of rice when the canopy was strongly influenced by background signals from soil and water. However, their benefits were reduced when more bands were used