298 research outputs found

    Cascade decode-and-forward : spatial diversity reuse in sensor networks

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    In this paper, we consider a wireless sensor network that involves sensory data hoping through multiple wireless relays to reach a central collection hub. In particular we improve the decode-and-forward cooperative relaying scheme. In this paper, we propose the Cascade-Decode-and-Forward, where the number of successful relays increases with each additional cooperation stage. The achieved effect is a cascade of relays that contribute towards achieving full spatial diversity at the destination. A novel relationship between the achievable bit error rate and delay is derived for the proposed scheme. The results show that a small delay constraint relaxation, the proposed scheme can achieve full diversity. As the delay constraint relaxes further, the protocol can achieve full diversity at signals levels 10–100 orders magnitude lower than the decode-and-forward protocol. The proposed protocol can dynamically trade-off transmission reliability with delay and the analysis has shown that a certain node connectivity density is required to achieve a cascading cooperation chain with an arbitrarily low data extinction probability

    Decentralized Dynamic Hop Selection and Power Control in Cognitive Multi-hop Relay Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a cognitive multi-hop relay secondary user (SU) system sharing the spectrum with some primary users (PU). The transmit power as well as the hop selection of the cognitive relays can be dynamically adapted according to the local (and causal) knowledge of the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) in the multi-hop SU system. We shall determine a low complexity, decentralized algorithm to maximize the average end-to-end throughput of the SU system with dynamic spatial reuse. The problem is challenging due to the decentralized requirement as well as the causality constraint on the knowledge of CSI. Furthermore, the problem belongs to the class of stochastic Network Utility Maximization (NUM) problems which is quite challenging. We exploit the time-scale difference between the PU activity and the CSI fluctuations and decompose the problem into a master problem and subproblems. We derive an asymptotically optimal low complexity solution using divide-and-conquer and illustrate that significant performance gain can be obtained through dynamic hop selection and power control. The worst case complexity and memory requirement of the proposed algorithm is O(M^2) and O(M^3) respectively, where MM is the number of SUs

    Analysis of Outage Probability and Throughput for Half-Duplex Hybrid-ARQ Relay Channels

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    International audienceWe consider a half-duplex wireless relay network with hybrid-automatic retransmission request (HARQ) and Rayleigh fading channels. In this paper, we analyze the average throughput and outage probability of the multirelay delay-limited (DL) HARQ system with an opportunistic relaying scheme in decode-and-forward (DF) mode, in which the best relay is selected to transmit the source's regenerated signal. A simple and distributed relay selection strategy is considered for multirelay HARQ channels. Then, we utilize the nonorthogonal cooperative transmission between the source and selected relay for retransmission of source data toward the destination, if needed, using space-time codes. We analyze the performance of the system. We first derive the cumulative density function (cdf) and probability density function (pdf) of the selected relay HARQ channels. Then, the cdf and pdf are used to determine the exact outage probability in the lth round of HARQ. The outage probability is required to compute the throughput-delay performance of this half-dublex opportunistic relaying protocol. The packet delay constraint is represented by L, which is maximum number of HARQ rounds. Furthermore, simple closed-form upper bounds on outage probability are derived. Based on the derived upper bound expressions, it is shown that the proposed schemes achieve the full spatial diversity order of N+1, where N is the number of potential relays. In addition, simulation shows that our proposed scheme can achieve higher average throughput, compared with direct transmission and conventional tho-phase relay networks

    Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of Asynchronous Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks

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    Synchronization of relay nodes is an important and critical issue in exploiting cooperative diversity in wireless networks. In this paper, two asynchronous cooperative diversity schemes are proposed, namely, distributed delay diversity and asynchronous space-time coded cooperative diversity schemes. In terms of the overall diversity-multiplexing (DM) tradeoff function, we show that the proposed independent coding based distributed delay diversity and asynchronous space-time coded cooperative diversity schemes achieve the same performance as the synchronous space-time coded approach which requires an accurate symbol-level timing synchronization to ensure signals arriving at the destination from different relay nodes are perfectly synchronized. This demonstrates diversity order is maintained even at the presence of asynchronism between relay node. Moreover, when all relay nodes succeed in decoding the source information, the asynchronous space-time coded approach is capable of achieving better DM-tradeoff than synchronous schemes and performs equivalently to transmitting information through a parallel fading channel as far as the DM-tradeoff is concerned. Our results suggest the benefits of fully exploiting the space-time degrees of freedom in multiple antenna systems by employing asynchronous space-time codes even in a frequency flat fading channel. In addition, it is shown asynchronous space-time coded systems are able to achieve higher mutual information than synchronous space-time coded systems for any finite signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) when properly selected baseband waveforms are employed

    Collaborative HARQ Schemes for Cooperative Diversity Communications in Wireless Networks

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    Wireless technology is experiencing spectacular developments, due to the emergence of interactive and digital multimedia applications as well as rapid advances in the highly integrated systems. For the next-generation mobile communication systems, one can expect wireless connectivity between any devices at any time and anywhere with a range of multimedia contents. A key requirement in such systems is the availability of high-speed and robust communication links. Unfortunately, communications over wireless channels inherently suffer from a number of fundamental physical limitations, such as multipath fading, scarce radio spectrum, and limited battery power supply for mobile devices. Cooperative diversity (CD) technology is a promising solution for future wireless communication systems to achieve broader coverage and to mitigate wireless channels’ impairments without the need to use high power at the transmitter. In general, cooperative relaying systems have a source node multicasting a message to a number of cooperative relays, which in turn resend a processed version message to an intended destination node. The destination node combines the signal received from the relays, and takes into account the source’s original signal to decode the message. The CD communication systems exploit two fundamental features of the wireless medium: its broadcast nature and its ability to achieve diversity through independent channels. A variety of relaying protocols have been considered and utilized in cooperative wireless networks. Amplify and forward (AAF) and decode and forward (DAF) are two popular protocols, frequently used in the cooperative systems. In the AAF mode, the relay amplifies the received signal prior to retransmission. In the DAF mode, the relay fully decodes the received signal, re-encodes and forwards it to the destination. Due to the retransmission without decoding, AAF has the shortcoming that noise accumulated in the received signal is amplified at the transmission. DAF suffers from decoding errors that can lead to severe error propagation. To further enhance the quality of service (QoS) of CD communication systems, hybrid Automatic Repeat-reQuest (HARQ) protocols have been proposed. Thus, if the destination requires an ARQ retransmission, it could come from one of relays rather than the source node. This thesis proposes an improved HARQ scheme with an adaptive relaying protocol (ARP). Focusing on the HARQ as a central theme, we start by introducing the concept of ARP. Then we use it as the basis for designing three types of HARQ schemes, denoted by HARQ I-ARP, HARQ II-ARP and HARQ III-ARP. We describe the relaying protocols, (both AAF and DAF), and their operations, including channel access between the source and relay, the feedback scheme, and the combining methods at the receivers. To investigate the benefits of the proposed HARQ scheme, we analyze its frame error rate (FER) and throughput performance over a quasi-static fading channel. We can compare these with the reference methods, HARQ with AAF (HARQ-AAF) and HARQ with perfect distributed turbo codes (DTC), for which correct decoding is always assumed at the relay (HARQ-perfect DTC). It is shown that the proposed HARQ-ARP scheme can always performs better than the HARQ-AAF scheme. As the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the channel between the source and relay increases, the performance of the proposed HARQ-ARP scheme approaches that of the HARQ-perfect DTC scheme
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