48 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Approximations for Asian Options with Discrete Sampling Using Multiple Scale Approach

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    We develop asymptotic approximations to Asian arithmetic average-strike options with discrete averages using the method of multiple scales. A review of applying this approach to European options with discrete dividend payments by Howison [8] will be presented. As an extension, a higher order correction term will be calculated. A detailed demonstration of using this approach for Asian options with discrete sampling will be followed, through which we can obtain the continuous counterpart as a leading order term and derive the first-order `continuity correction' term. For both cases, extensive comparison of asymptotic approximations with numerical solutions of the full problem will be provided

    The valuation of self-funding instalment warrants

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    © 2017 World Scientific Publishing Company. We present two models for the fair value of a self-funding instalment warrant. In both models we assume the underlying stock process follows a geometric Brownian motion. In the first model, we assume that the underlying stock pays a continuous dividend yield and in the second we assume that it pays a series of discrete dividend yields. We show that both models admit similarity reductions and use these to obtain simple finite-difference and Monte Carlo solutions. We use the method of multiple scales to connect these two models and establish the first-order correction term to be applied to the first model in order to obtain the second, thereby establishing that the former model is justified when many dividends are paid during the life of the warrant. Further, we show that the functional form of this correction may be expressed in terms of the hedging parameters for the first model and is, from this point of view, independent of the particular payoff in the first model. In two appendices we present approximate solutions for the first model which are valid in the small volatility and the short time-To-expiry limits, respectively, by using singular perturbation techniques. The small volatility solutions are used to check our finite-difference solutions and the small time-To-expiry solutions are used as a means of systematically smoothing the payoffs so we may use pathwise sensitivities for our Monte Carlo methods

    Interest-rate models: an extension to the usage in the energy market and pricing exotic energy derivatives.

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    In this thesis, we review various popular pricing models in the interest-rate market. Among these pricing models, we choose the LIBOR Market model (LMM) as the benchmark model. Based on market practice experience, we also develop a pricing model named the “Market volatility model”. By pricing vanilla interest-rate options such as interest-rate caps and swaptions, we compare the performance of our Market volatility model to that of the LMM. It is proved that the Market Volatility model produce comparable results to the LMM, while its computing efficiency largely exceeds that of the LMM. Following the recent rapid development in the commodity market, in particular the energy market, we attempt to extend the use of our proposed Market volatility model from the interest-rate market to the energy market. We prove that the Market Volatility model is capable of pricing various energy derivative under the assumption of absence of the convenience yield. In addition, we propose a new type of exotic energy derivative which has a flexible option structure. This energy derivative is named as the Flex-Asian spread options (FASO). We give examples of different option structures within the FASO framework and use the Market volatility model to generate option prices and greeks for each structure. Although the Market volatility model can be used to price various energy derivatives based on oil/gas contracts, it is not compatible with the structure of one of the most advanced derivatives in the energy market, the storage option. We modify the existing pricing model for storage options and use our own 3D-binomial tree approach to price gas storage contracts. By doing these, we improve the performance of the traditional storage model

    Application of Malliavin Calculus and Wiener chaos to option pricing theory.

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    This dissertation provides a contribution to the option pricing literature by means of some recent developments in probability theory, namely the Malliavin Calculus and the Wiener chaos theory. It concentrates on the issue of faster convergence of Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo simulations for the Greeks, on the topic of the Asian option as well as on the approximation for convexity adjustment for fixed income derivatives. The first part presents a new method to speed up the convergence of Monte- Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo simulations of the Greeks by means of Malliavin weighted schemes. We extend the pioneering works of Fournie et al. (1999), (2000) by deriving necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to serve as a weight function and by providing the weight function with minimum variance. To do so, we introduce its generator defined as its Skorohod integrand. On a numerical example, we find evidence of spectacular efficiency of this method for corridor options, especially for the gamma calculation. The second part brings new insights on the Asian option. We first show how to price discrete Asian options consistent with different types of underlying densities, especially non-normal returns, by means of the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. We then extends Malliavin weighted schemes to continuous time Asian options. In the last part, we first prove that the Black Scholes convexity adjustment (Brotherton-Ratcliffe and Iben (1993)) can be consistently derived in a martingale framework. As an application, we examine the convexity bias between CMS and forward swap rates. However, for more complicated term structures assumptions, this approach does not hold any more. We offer a solution to this, thanks to an approximation formula, in the case of multi-factor lognormal zero coupon models, using Wiener chaos theory