313 research outputs found

    ARTiS, an Asymmetric Real-Time Scheduler for Linux on Multi-Processor Architectures

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    The ARTiS system is a real-time extension of the GNU/Linux scheduler dedicated to SMP (Symmetric Multi-Processors) systems. It allows to mix High Performance Computing and real-time. ARTiS exploits the SMP architecture to guarantee the preemption of a processor when the system has to schedule a real-time task. The implementation is available as a modification of the Linux kernel, especially focusing (but not restricted to) IA-64 architecture. The basic idea of ARTiS is to assign a selected set of processors to real-time operations. A migration mechanism of non-preemptible tasks insures a latency level on these real-time processors. Furthermore, specific load-balancing strategies permit ARTiS to benefit from the full power of the SMP systems: the real-time reservation, while guaranteed, is not exclusive and does not imply a waste of resources. This document describes the theoretical approach of ARTiS as well as the details of the Linux implementation. Several kind of measurements are also presented in order to validate the results

    Implementation of ARTiS, an Asymmetric Real-Time Extension of SMP Linux

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    ARTiS is a real-time extension of GNU/Linux dedicated to SMP systems (Symmetric Multi-Processors). ARTiS divides the CPUs of an SMP system into two sets: real-time CPUs and non real-time CPUs. Real-time CPUs execute preemptible code only, thus tasks running on these processors perform predictably. If a task wants to enter into a non-preemptible section of code on a real-time processor, ARTiS will automatically migrate this task to a non real-time processor. Furthermore, dedicated load-balancing strategies allow all the system's CPUs to be fully exploited. \par The purpose of this paper is to describe the basic API that has been specified to deploy real-time applications, and to present the current implementation of the ARTiS model, which was achieved through modifications of the 2.6 Linux kernel. The implementation is build around an automatic migration of tasks between real-time and non real-time processors and the use of a load-balancer. The basic function of those mechanisms is to move a task structure from one processor to another. A strong constraint of the implementation is the impossibility for the code running on an RT processor to share a lock or to wait after another processor

    Implementation of ARTiS, an Asymmetric Real-Time Extension of SMP Linux

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    ARTiS is a real-time extension of GNU/Linux dedicated to SMP systems (Symmetric Multi-Processors). ARTiS divides the CPUs of an SMP system into two sets: real-time CPUs and non real-time CPUs. Real-time CPUs execute preemptible code only, thus tasks running on these processors perform predictably. If a task wants to enter into a non-preemptible section of code on a real-time processor, ARTiS will automatically migrate this task to a non real-time processor. Furthermore, dedicated load-balancing strategies allow all the system's CPUs to be fully exploited. \par The purpose of this paper is to describe the basic API that has been specified to deploy real-time applications, and to present the current implementation of the ARTiS model, which was achieved through modifications of the 2.6 Linux kernel. The implementation is build around an automatic migration of tasks between real-time and non real-time processors and the use of a load-balancer. The basic function of those mechanisms is to move a task structure from one processor to another. A strong constraint of the implementation is the impossibility for the code running on an RT processor to share a lock or to wait after another processor

    Hard real-time performances in multiprocessor-embedded systems using ASMP-Linux

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    Multiprocessor systems, especially those based on multicore or multithreaded processors, and new operating system architectures can satisfy the ever increasing computational requirements of embedded systems.ASMP-LINUX is a modified, high responsiveness, open-source hard real-time operating system for multiprocessorsystems capable of providing high real-time performance while maintaining the code simple and not impacting on theperformances of the rest of the system. Moreover, ASMP-LINUX does not require code changing or application recompiling/relinking.In order to assess the performances of ASMP-LINUX, benchmarks have been performed on several hardware platformsand configurations

    Operating system support for overlapping-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures

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    A heterogeneous processor consists of cores that are asymmetric in performance and functionality. Such a de-sign provides a cost-effective solution for processor man-ufacturers to continuously improve both single-thread per-formance and multi-thread throughput. This design, how-ever, faces significant challenges in the operating system, which traditionally assumes only homogeneous hardware. This paper presents a comprehensive study of OS support for heterogeneous architectures in which cores have asym-metric performance and overlapping, but non-identical in-struction sets. Our algorithms allow applications to trans-parently execute and fairly share different types of cores. We have implemented these algorithms in the Linux 2.6.24 kernel and evaluated them on an actual heterogeneous plat-form. Evaluation results demonstrate that our designs effi-ciently manage heterogeneous hardware and enable signifi-cant performance improvements for a range of applications.

    Real-Time Performance and Middleware on Multicore Linux Platforms

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    An increasing number of distributed real-time applications are running on multicore platforms. However, existing real-time middleware (e.g., Real-Time CORBA) lacks support for scheduling soft real-time tasks on multicore platforms while guaranteeing their time constraints will be satisfied. This paper makes three contributions to the state of the art in real-time system software for multicore platforms. First, it offers what is to our knowledge the first experimental analysis of real-time performance for vanilla Linux primitives on multicore platforms. Second, it presents MC-ORB, the first real-time object request broker (ORB), designed to exploit the features of multicore platforms, with admission control and task allocation services that can provide schedulability guarantees for soft real-time tasks on multicore platforms. Third, it gives a performance evaluation of MC-ORB on a Linux multicore testbed, the results of which demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of MC-ORB

    4. Process Scheduling. Files. Shell.

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    Design of a High Capacity, Scalable, and Green Wireless Communication System Leveraging the Unlicensed Spectrum

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    The stunning demand for mobile wireless data that has been recently growing at an exponential rate requires a several fold increase in spectrum. The use of unlicensed spectrum is thus critically needed to aid the existing licensed spectrum to meet such a huge mobile wireless data traffic growth demand in a cost effective manner. The deployment of Long Term Evolution (LTE) in the unlicensed spectrum (LTE-U) has recently been gaining significant industry momentum. The lower transmit power regulation of the unlicensed spectrum makes LTE deployment in the unlicensed spectrum suitable only for a small cell. A small cell utilizing LTE-L (LTE in licensed spectrum), and LTE-U (LTE in unlicensed spectrum) will therefore significantly reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a small cell, while providing the additional mobile wireless data offload capacity from Macro Cell to small cell in LTE Heterogeneous Networks (HetNet), to meet such an increase in wireless data demand. The U.S. 5 GHz Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) bands that are currently under consideration for LTE deployment in the unlicensed spectrum contain only a limited number of 20 MHZ channels. Thus in a dense multi-operator deployment scenario, one or more LTE-U small cells have to co-exist and share the same 20 MHz unlicensed channel with each other and with the incumbent Wi-Fi. This dissertation presents a proactive small cell interference mitigation strategy for improving the spectral efficiency of LTE networks in the unlicensed spectrum. It describes the scenario and demonstrate via simulation results, that in the absence of an explicit interference mitigation mechanism, there will be a significant degradation in the overall LTE-U system performance for LTE-U co-channel co-existence in countries such as U.S. that do not mandate Listen-Before-Talk (LBT) regulations. An unlicensed spectrum Inter Cell Interference Coordination (usICIC) mechanism is then presented as a time-domain multiplexing technique for interference mitigation for the sharing of an unlicensed channel by multi-operator LTE-U small cells. Through extensive simulation results, it is demonstrated that the proposed usICIC mechanism will result in 40% or more improvement in the overall LTE-U system performance (throughput) leading to increased wireless communication system capacity. The ever increasing demand for mobile wireless data is also resulting in a dramatic expansion of wireless network infrastructure by all service providers resulting in significant escalation in energy consumption by the wireless networks. This not only has an impact on the recurring operational expanse (OPEX) for the service providers, but importantly the resulting increase in greenhouse gas emission is not good for the environment. Energy efficiency has thus become one of the critical tenets in the design and deployment of Green wireless communication systems. Consequently the market trend for next-generation communication systems has been towards miniaturization to meet this stunning ever increasing demand for mobile wireless data, leading towards the need for scalable distributed and parallel processing system architecture that is energy efficient, and high capacity. Reducing cost and size while increasing capacity, ensuring scalability, and achieving energy efficiency requires several design paradigm shifts. This dissertation presents the design for a next generation wireless communication system that employs new energy efficient distributed and parallel processing system architecture to achieve these goals while leveraging the unlicensed spectrum to significantly increase (by a factor of two) the capacity of the wireless communication system. This design not only significantly reduces the upfront CAPEX, but also the recurring OPEX for the service providers to maintain their next generation wireless communication networks