23 research outputs found

    Stance is present in scientific writing, indeed. Evidence from the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing

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    [Abstract]Stance as a pragmatic feature has been discussed widely in recent years, although the analysis of its presence in the scientific register has been more limited. Stance is most clearly seen in the use of adverbs (Quirk et al. 1985; Biber et al. 1999; Huddleston – Pullum 2002), providing a comment on the propositional content of an utterance. Thus, in any speech act the information they transmit involves both participants, which in the case of academic prose are the writer and reader. Biber et al. (1999) have claimed that oral registers exhibit the highest number of stance adverbs and that these are “relatively common” in academic prose (Tseronis 2009). In this paper we try to ascertain the extent to which stance adverbs were used in Late Modern scientific discourse, and whether differences in use can be observed between British and American authors and also across disciplines and genres, taking the orality or written nature of texts as a key feature in the analysis. Data have been drawn from around one hundred and twenty authors, from three sub-corpora of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (see also Zea, this volume). Each of these sub-corpora contains extracts of texts from different scientific disciplines written between 1700 and 1900. However, for the present study, only nineteenth-century authors have been selected. The material also allowed us to consider whether the sex of a writer had a bearing on the use of these forms. Ultimately, we have found that the most frequently used stance adverbs are those indicating inclusiveness and expressing either emphasis or tentativeness. Curiously enough, they are more abundant in texts written by North American authors and when we come to sex, male uses exceed by far female ones.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad;FFI2013-42215-

    Genre and change in the Corpus of History English Texts

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    [Abstract] This paper provides an overview of the Corpus of History English Texts, one of the component parts of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (Moskowich and Crespo 2012), looking in particular at the communicative formats that it contains.. Among the defining characteristics of the Coruña Corpus are that it is diachronic in nature, and that it can be considered either as a single- or multi-genre corpus, according to the theoretical tenets adopted (Kytö 2010, McEnery and Hardie 2013). The corpus has been designed as a tool for the study of language change in English scientific writing in general, and more specifically in the different scientific disciplines which have been sampled in each subcorpus. All the texts compiled were published betweeen 1700 and 1900, thus offering a thorough view of late Modern English scientific discourse, a period often neglected in English historical studies (De Smer 2005). The analysis of this variety of English is also useful as a means of achieving a clear and detailed description of the origins of English as "the language of science"Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; FFI2016-75599-

    ‘A matter both of curioſity and uſefulneſs’: Compiling the Corpus of English Texts on Language

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    [Abstract] This paper describes the compilation of CETeL, the subcorpus on ‘Language and Linguistics’ in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing, and discusses the various challenges encountered during the process of selection and digitisation of material. CETeL includes forty-four samples of texts on Language, Languages, and Linguistics from the period 1700–1900, and on completion will contain around 400,000 words. The paper will examine the historical context of academic writing in that period and the way in which this context affects the process of compilation. Likewise, the criteria followed in the compilation of the Coruña Corpus will be discussed in order to show the extent to which these criteria have affected the compilation of CETeL, and how they contribute towards making the corpus representative of the disciplinary practices of the period. Finally, the corpus will also be described according to a series of parameters used to assure representativeness and balance, namely the date of publication of samples, their genre, and the sex and linguistic background of their authors.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; FFI2016-75599-

    The Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing: Challenge and Reward

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    [Abstract] Short description of the (hi)story of the Coruña Corpus and its Project since its inception

    MuStE: the Dimensions of Linguistic Research at UDC

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    [Abstract] MuStE stands for Research Group for Multidimensional Corpus-based Studies in English. Of course, it is also an old-fashioned form of the verb must, which may reflect some of the characteristics of the people in the team. The group’s logo also represents history and time —from old hand-written letters to newest computer fonts—, one of the main axes of the research carried out: diachron

    A Corpus of History Texts (CHET) as part of the Coruña Corpus Project

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    [Abstract] The aim of this paper is to offer a description of the Corpus of Historical English Texts (CHET), one of the several sub-corpora within the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC). The compilation principles behind it as well as the sociolinguistic variables considered in the process of text selection will be explained.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; FFI2013-42215-

    On writing science in the Age of Reason

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    Las autoras de trabajos científicos escritos en inglés eran solamente unas cuantas en el siglo dieciocho en comparación con la creciente producción de los escritores. Su limitada presencia en el panorama científico del período podría explicar la carencia de trabajos de investigación sobre el modo de escribir de estas mujeres o el tipo de estrategias lingüísticas que empleaban en sus escritos. En el estudio del uso de la lengua, es interesante tener en cuenta ciertas consideraciones externas a los propios usos lingüísticos, como son las prescripciones de comportamiento establecidas para hombres y mujeres que puedan jugar un papel importante. A través del estudio de cuatro parámetros lingüísticos que expresan persuasión en textos escritos por hombres y mujeres recogidos en el Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing, este trabajo se centra en el análisis de cómo hombres y mujeres emplean estas estrategias con objeto de determinar la veracidad de sus proposiciones y atraer la atención del público lector.Female authors of scientific works written in English were just a few in the eighteenth century in comparison with the increasing production of male writers. Their limited presence in the scientific panorama of the period could, therefore, account for the lack of research on how these women wrote or the sort of linguistic strategies they were familiar with from a presentday perspective. Some external considerations should be also reckoned as contributing to this situation such as a prescriptive behaviour for each of the sexes. By the comparison of four linguistic parameters expressing overt persuasion in texts written by male and female authors from the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing, I will concentrate on the way in which eighteenth-century women writers of science on the one hand, and men, on the other, make use of argumentation/persuasion strategies in order to ascertain the truthfulness of their propositions and to attract the readers’ attention

    Adverbs ending in -LY in late modern english. Evidence form the Coruña corpus of history english texts

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    The objective of the present study is to analyse the meaning and function of -ly adverbs in the scientific register, specifically in history texts, across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as well as the Late Modern Period.The sample analysed is from the Corpus of History English Texts (CHET) one of the subcorpus of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing.The selection of those centuries is not fortuitous as this period of the language is essential in the development of the scientific register as we know it nowadays.Álvarez Gil, F. (2019). Adverbs eding in -LY in late modern english. Evidence form the Coruña corpus of history english texts. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11612

    Stancetaking in late modern english sicentific writing. Evidence from the Coruña corpus. Essays in honour of Santiago González y Fernández-Corugedo. Núm. 2

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    Este volumen contiene aportaciones sobre la expresión del punto de vista (stance) en el Corpus of English History Texts, que es un subcorpus del The Coruña Corpus of Early Scientific Writing (CC) (1700-1900). Las contribuciones que se incluyen presentan un enfoque semántico-pragmático en tanto que interpretan el uso de la lengua para fines específicos en los siglos XVIII y XIX, complementando de esta manera estudios previos en lengua inglesa de especialidad de siglos anteriores.Alonso Almeida, F. (2017). Stancetaking in late modern english sicentific writing. Evidence from the Coruña corpus. Essays in honour of Santiago González y Fernández-Corugedo. (Colección Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, Núm 2). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/83462EDITORIA

    Noun formation in the scientific register of late modern english : a corpus-based approach

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    [Resumen] Esta tesis doctoral analiza procesos morfológicos de formación de nombres en el registro científico del inglés moderno tardío usando metodología de lingüística de corpus. Mediante el análisis de cuarenta y una muestras escritas en el siglo dieciocho, después de la llamada ‘revolución científica’, extraídas de dos subcórpora del Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing —el Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy y el Corpus of English Philosophy Texts—, se revisarán cerca de medio millón de palabras. Mi objetivo es determinar cuáles son los procesos más productivos no sólo desde un punto de vista sincrónico en dicho siglo, sino también desde un punto de vista diacrónico a través de la historia de la lengua. Además, los nombres complejos se dividirán en sus constituyentes básicos, que serán a continuación analizados para establecer cuantitativamente patrones de las bases y afijos más productivos, en qué fecha se utilizaron por primera vez en la lengua, y las fuentes etimológicas más abundantes del inglés dependiendo de los períodos. El estudio se complementa con variables extralingüísticas que comparan los recursos empleados según la disciplina científica, el género del texto, el sexo de los autores, el país donde se formaron, y su edad cuando publicaron sus trabajos.[Resumo] Esta tese de doutoramento analiza procesos morfolóxicos de formación de nomes no rexistro científico do inglés moderno tardío usando a metodoloxía da lingüística de corpus. Mediante a análise de corenta e unha mostras escritas no século dezaoito, despois da chamada ‘revolución científica’, extraídas de dous subcórpora do Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing —o Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy e o Corpus of English Philosophy Texts—, revisaranse perto de medio millón de palabras. O meu obxectivo é determinar cales son os procesos máis productivos non só desde un punto de vista sincrónico no devandito século, senón tamén desde un punto de vista diacrónico a través da historia da lingua. Ademáis, os nomes complexos dividiranse nos seus constituintes básicos, que serán analizados a continuación para establecer cuantitativamente padróns das bases e afixos máis productivos, en qué data se producíu o seu primeiro uso na lingua, e as fontes etimolóxicas máis abundantes do inglés dependendo dos períodos. O estudio ven complementado con variables extralingüísticas que comparan os recursos empregados según a disciplina científica, o xénero do texto, o sexo dos autores, o país onde se formaron, e a sua idade cando publicaron os seus traballos.[Abstract] This PhD. dissertation analises noun forming processes in the scientific register of late Modern English using corpus linguistics methodology. By revising forty-one samples written in the eighteenth century after the so-called ‘scientific revolution’, extracted from two subcorpora of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing —Corpus of English Texts on Astronomy and Corpus of English Philosophy Texts—, I will analyse nearly half a million words. My aim is to determine which are the most productive processes, not only from a synchronic point of view in the above-mentioned century, but also from a diachronic standpoint throughout the history of the language. Furthermore, complex nouns will be decomposed in their basic constituents, which will be subsequently analysed to establish quantitatively patterns of the most productive bases and affixes, the dates when they were coined and used for the first time in the language, and their source languages across different periods. This research work is complemented by several extralinguistic variables that help comparing the linguistic resources depending on the scientific discipline studied, genre/text-type, sex of the author, place of education and age when the work in question was published