2,119 research outputs found

    Connexin-dependent neuroglial networking as a new therapeutic target

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    Astrocytes and neurons dynamically interact during physiological processes, and it is now widely accepted that they are both organized in plastic and tightly regulated networks. Astrocytes are connected through connexin-based gap junction channels, with brain region specificities, and those networks modulate neuronal activities, such as those involved in sleep-wake cycle, cognitive, or sensory functions. Additionally, astrocyte domains have been involved in neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation during development; they participate in the "tripartite synapse" with both pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons by tuning down or up neuronal activities through the control of neuronal synaptic strength. Connexin-based hemichannels are also involved in those regulations of neuronal activities, however, this feature will not be considered in the present review. Furthermore, neuronal processes, transmitting electrical signals to chemical synapses, stringently control astroglial connexin expression, and channel functions. Long-range energy trafficking toward neurons through connexin-coupled astrocytes and plasticity of those networks are hence largely dependent on neuronal activity. Such reciprocal interactions between neurons and astrocyte networks involve neurotransmitters, cytokines, endogenous lipids, and peptides released by neurons but also other brain cell types, including microglial and endothelial cells. Over the past 10 years, knowledge about neuroglial interactions has widened and now includes effects of CNS-targeting drugs such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, or sedatives drugs as potential modulators of connexin function and thus astrocyte networking activity. In physiological situations, neuroglial networking is consequently resulting from a two-way interaction between astrocyte gap junction-mediated networks and those made by neurons. As both cell types are modulated by CNS drugs we postulate that neuroglial networking may emerge as new therapeutic targets in neurological and psychiatric disorders

    The connexin43 mimetic peptide Gap19 inhibits hemichannels without altering gap junctional communication in astrocytes

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    In the brain, astrocytes represent the cellular population that expresses the highest amount of connexins (Cxs). This family of membrane proteins is the molecular constituent of gap junction channels and hemichannels that provide pathways for direct cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm and inside-out exchange, respectively. Both types of Cx channels are permeable to ions and small signaling molecules allowing astrocytes to establish dynamic interactions with neurons. So far, most pharmacological approaches currently available do not distinguish between these two channel functions, stressing the need to develop new specific molecular tools. In astrocytes two major Cxs are expressed, Cx43 and Cx30, and there is now evidence indicating that at least Cx43 operates as a gap junction channel as well as a hemichannel in these cells. Based on studies in primary cultures as well as in acute hippocampal slices, we report here that Gap 19, a nonapeptide derived from the cytoplasmic loop of Cx43, inhibits astroglial Cx43 hemichannels in a dose-dependent manner, without affecting gap junction channels. This peptide, which not only selectively inhibits hemichannels but is also specific for Cx43, can be delivered in vivo in mice as TAT-Gap19, and displays penetration into the brain parenchyma. As a result, Gap 19 combined with other tools opens up new avenues to decipher the role of Cx43 hemichannels in interactions between astrocytes and neurons in physiological as well as pathological situations

    Aktiini-vÀlitteisten liikkuvuuden rooli ÀÀreis-astrosyyttejen kehityskulkussa synaptisessa toiminnassa

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    Among other glial cell types such as microglia, oligodendrocytes and radial glia, astrocytes are known to be involved in brain function; metabolically supporting neurons, regulating blood flow dynamics, participating in the development of pathological states, sensing and modulating synaptic activity. At the same time the complex astrocytic morphology, with a number of highly ramified peripheral processes located near the synaptic terminals, suggests them as a possible source for morpho-functional plasticity in the brain. This thesis summarizes the work on the in vitro development and further in vivo implementation, using a gene delivery system, of a tool for suppressing activity-dependent astrocytic motility. Calciuminduced astrocyte process outgrowth and its dependence on Profilin-1, novel in vivo gene delivery approaches, a demonstration of astrocytic motility in vivo and the independence of visual processing from astrocytic motility rates are the main findings of the project. The results described in this work increase our understanding of the interactions occurring between astrocytes and neurons as well as the consequences for brain function.Glia-soluihin kuuluvat astrosyytit ovat tiedettÀvÀsti osa aivojen toimintaa. Astrosyytit tukevat metabolisesti neuroneita, sÀÀtelevÀt verenkierron dynamiikkaa, ovat hyvin lÀsnÀ patoloogisten tilojen kehittymisessÀ, mukana aistimassa ja muuntamassa synaptista aktiivisuutta. Samanaikaisesti astrosyyttejen kompleksi morfologia, lÀheinen sijainti synaptisien terminalejen kanssa viittaavat mahdolliseen morfo-funtionaaliseen muovautumiseen aivoissa. TÀmÀ vÀitöskirja keskittyy töihin jotka kehittÀvÀt in vitro ja in vivo tekniikoita jolla voidaan kÀyttÀÀ geeni jakelu menetelmÀÀ joka vaimentaa astrosyyttejen liikkuvuutta. Keskeiset havainnot tÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa ovat astrosyyttejen kasliumin indusoima haarottuminen joka on riippuvainen Profiliini-1:stÀ ja havainnollistaminen astrosyyttejen liikkuvuudesta in vivo menetelmillÀ ja astrosyyttejen liikkuvuus aste joka on itsenÀinen visuaalisesta prosessoinnista. Kuvaillut tulokset tÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa kohentavat meidÀn ymmÀrrystÀ astrosyytetjen ja neuronejen vÀlisestÀ kanssakÀymisestÀ ja niiden seuraamus aivojen toiminnassa

    Differential sensitivity of brainstem vs cortical astrocytes to changes in pH reveals functional regional specialization of astroglia

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    Astrocytes might function as brain interoceptors capable of detecting different (chemo)sensory modalities and transmitting sensory information to the relevant neural networks controlling vital functions. For example, astrocytes which reside near the ventral surface of the brainstem (central respiratory chemosensitive area) respond to physiological decreases in pH with vigorous elevations in intracellular Ca(2+) and release of ATP. ATP transmits astroglial excitation to the brainstem respiratory network and contributes to adaptive changes in lung ventilation. Here we show that in terms of pH-sensitivity ventral brainstem astrocytes are clearly distinct from astrocytes residing in the cerebral cortex. We monitored vesicular fusion in cultured rat brainstem astrocytes using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and found that approximately 35% of them respond to acidification with an increased rate of exocytosis of ATP-containing vesicular compartments. These fusion events require intracellular Ca(2+) signaling and are independent of autocrine ATP actions. In contrast, the rate of vesicular fusion in cultured cortical astrocytes is not affected by changes in pH. Compared to cortical astrocytes, ventral brainstem astrocytes display higher levels of expression of genes encoding proteins associated with ATP vesicular transport and fusion, including vesicle-associated membrane protein-3 and vesicular nucleotide transporter. These results suggest that astrocytes residing in different parts of the rat brain are functionally specialized. In contrast to cortical astrocytes, astrocytes of the brainstem chemosensitive area(s) possess signaling properties which are functionally relevant – they are able to sense changes in pH and respond to acidification with enhanced vesicular release of ATP

    Neurological manifestations of oculodentodigital dysplasia: a Cx43 channelopathy of the central nervous system?

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    The coordination of tissue function is mediated by gap junctions (GJs) that enable direct cell–cell transfer of metabolic and electric signals. GJs are formed by connexins of which Cx43 is most widespread in the human body. In the brain, Cx43 GJs are mostly found in astroglia where they coordinate the propagation of Ca2+ waves, spatial K+ buffering, and distribution of glucose. Beyond its role in direct intercellular communication, Cx43 also forms unapposed, non-junctional hemichannels in the plasma membrane of glial cells. These allow the passage of several neuro- and gliotransmitters that may, combined with downstream paracrine signaling, complement direct GJ communication among glial cells and sustain glial-neuronal signaling. Mutations in the GJA1 gene encoding Cx43 have been identified in a rare, mostly autosomal dominant syndrome called oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD). ODDD patients display a pleiotropic phenotype reflected by eye, hand, teeth, and foot abnormalities, as well as craniofacial and bone malformations. Remarkably, neurological symptoms such as dysarthria, neurogenic bladder (manifested as urinary incontinence), spasticity or muscle weakness, ataxia, and epilepsy are other prominent features observed in ODDD patients. Over 10 mutations detected in patients diagnosed with neurological disorders are associated with altered functionality of Cx43 GJs/hemichannels, but the link between ODDD-related abnormal channel activities and neurologic phenotype is still elusive. Here, we present an overview on the nature of the mutants conveying structural and functional changes of Cx43 channels and discuss available evidence for aberrant Cx43 GJ and hemichannel function. In a final step, we examine the possibilities of how channel dysfunction may lead to some of the neurological manifestations of ODDD

    CO2 signaling mediates neurovascular coupling in the cerebral cortex

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    Neurovascular coupling is a fundamental brain mechanism that regulates local cerebral blood flow (CBF) in response to changes in neuronal activity. Functional imaging techniques are commonly used to record these changes in CBF as a proxy of neuronal activity to study the human brain. However, the mechanisms of neurovascular coupling remain incompletely understood. Here we show in experimental animal models (laboratory rats and mice) that the neuronal activity-dependent increases in local CBF in the somatosensory cortex are prevented by saturation of the CO2-sensitive vasodilatory brain mechanism with surplus of exogenous CO2 or disruption of brain CO2/HCO3− transport by genetic knockdown of electrogenic sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (NBCe1) expression in astrocytes. A systematic review of the literature data shows that CO2 and increased neuronal activity recruit the same vasodilatory signaling pathways. These results and analysis suggest that CO2 mediates signaling between neurons and the cerebral vasculature to regulate brain blood flow in accord with changes in the neuronal activity

    Geoff Burnstock, purinergic signalling, and chemosensory control of breathing.

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    This article is the authors' contribution to the tribute issue in honour of Geoffrey Burnstock, the founder of this journal and the field of purinergic signalling. We give a brief account of the results of experimental studies which at the beginning received valuable input from Geoff, who both directly and indirectly influenced our research undertaken over the last two decades. Research into the mechanisms controlling breathing identified ATP as the common mediator of the central and peripheral chemosensory transduction. Studies of the sources and mechanisms of chemosensory ATP release in the CNS suggested that this signalling pathway is universally engaged in conditions of increased metabolic demand by brain glial cells - astrocytes. Astrocytes appear to function as versatile CNS metabolic sensors that detect changes in brain tissue pH, CO2, oxygen, and cerebral perfusion pressure. Experimental studies on various aspects of astrocyte biology generated data indicating that the function of these omnipresent glial cells and communication between astrocytes and neurons are governed by purinergic signalling, - first discovered by Geoff Burnstock in the 70's and researched through his entire scientific career
