130,939 research outputs found

    Assume, Guarantee or Repair

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    We present Assume-Guarantee-Repair (AGR) – a novel framework which not only verifies that a program satisfies a set of properties, but also repairs the program in case the verification fails. We consider communicating programs – these are simple C-like programs, extended with synchronous communication actions over communication channels. Our method, which consists of a learning-based approach to assume-guarantee reasoning, performs verification and repair simultaneously. In every iteration, AGR either makes another step towards proving that the (current) system satisfies the specification, or alters the system in a way that brings it closer to satisfying the specification. We manage handling infinite-state systems by using a finite abstract representation, and reduce the semantic problems in hand – satisfying complex specifications that also contain first-order constraints – to syntactic ones, namely membership and equivalence queries for regular languages. We implemented our algorithm and evaluated it on various examples. Our experiments present compact proofs of correctness and quick repairs

    Assume, Guarantee or Repair - A Regular Framework for Non Regular Properties

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    We present Assume-Guarantee-Repair (AGR) - a novel framework which verifies that a program satisfies a set of properties and also repairs the program in case the verification fails. We consider communicating programs - these are simple C-like programs, extended with synchronous actions over communication channels. Our method, which consists of a learning-based approach to assume-guarantee reasoning, performs verification and repair simultaneously: in every iteration, AGR either makes another step towards proving that the (current) system satisfies the required properties, or alters the system in a way that brings it closer to satisfying the properties. To handle infinite-state systems we build finite abstractions, for which we check the satisfaction of complex properties that contain first-order constraints, using both syntactic and semantic-aware methods. We implemented AGR and evaluated it on various communication protocols. Our experiments present compact proofs of correctness and quick repairs

    RADON: Repairable Atomic Data Object in Networks

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    Erasure codes offer an efficient way to decrease storage and communication costs while implementing atomic memory service in asynchronous distributed storage systems. In this paper, we provide erasure-code-based algorithms having the additional ability to perform background repair of crashed nodes. A repair operation of a node in the crashed state is triggered externally, and is carried out by the concerned node via message exchanges with other active nodes in the system. Upon completion of repair, the node re-enters active state, and resumes participation in ongoing and future read, write, and repair operations. To guarantee liveness and atomicity simultaneously, existing works assume either the presence of nodes with stable storage, or presence of nodes that never crash during the execution. We demand neither of these; instead we consider a natural, yet practical network stability condition N1 that only restricts the number of nodes in the crashed/repair state during broadcast of any message. We present an erasure-code based algorithm RADON_{C} that is always live, and guarantees atomicity as long as condition N1 holds. In situations when the number of concurrent writes is limited, RADON_{C} has significantly improved storage and communication cost over a replication-based algorithm RADON_{R}, which also works under N1. We further show how a slightly stronger network stability condition N2 can be used to construct algorithms that never violate atomicity. The guarantee of atomicity comes at the expense of having an additional phase during the read and write operations

    Contract-Based Specification Refinement and Repair for Mission Planning

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    We address the problem of modeling, refining, and repairing formal specifications for robotic missions using assume-guarantee contracts. We show how to model mission specifications at various levels of abstraction and implement them using a library of pre-implemented specifications. Suppose the specification cannot be met using components from the library. In that case, we compute a proxy for the best approximation to the specification that can be generated using elements from the library. Afterward, we propose a systematic way to either 1) search for and refine the `missing part' of the specification that the library cannot meet or 2) repair the current specification such that the existing library can refine it. Our methodology for searching and repairing mission requirements leverages the quotient, separation, composition, and merging operations between contracts

    Diagnosis and Repair for Synthesis from Signal Temporal Logic Specifications

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    We address the problem of diagnosing and repairing specifications for hybrid systems formalized in signal temporal logic (STL). Our focus is on the setting of automatic synthesis of controllers in a model predictive control (MPC) framework. We build on recent approaches that reduce the controller synthesis problem to solving one or more mixed integer linear programs (MILPs), where infeasibility of a MILP usually indicates unrealizability of the controller synthesis problem. Given an infeasible STL synthesis problem, we present algorithms that provide feedback on the reasons for unrealizability, and suggestions for making it realizable. Our algorithms are sound and complete, i.e., they provide a correct diagnosis, and always terminate with a non-trivial specification that is feasible using the chosen synthesis method, when such a solution exists. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the synthesis of controllers for various cyber-physical systems, including an autonomous driving application and an aircraft electric power system
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