178 research outputs found

    Development of advanced autonomous learning algorithms for nonlinear system identification and control

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    Identification of nonlinear dynamical systems, data stream analysis, etc. is usually handled by autonomous learning algorithms like evolving fuzzy and evolving neuro-fuzzy systems (ENFSs). They are characterized by the single-pass learning mode and open structure-property. Such features enable their effective handling of fast and rapidly changing natures of data streams. The underlying bottleneck of ENFSs lies in its design principle, which involves a high number of free parameters (rule premise and rule consequent) to be adapted in the training process. This figure can even double in the case of the type-2 fuzzy system. From this literature gap, a novel ENFS, namely Parsimonious Learning Machine (PALM) is proposed in this thesis. To reduce the number of network parameters significantly, PALM features utilization of a new type of fuzzy rule based on the concept of hyperplane clustering, where it has no rule premise parameters. PALM is proposed in both type-1 and type-2 fuzzy systems where all of them characterize a fully dynamic rule-based system. Thus, it is capable of automatically generating, merging, and tuning the hyperplane-based fuzzy rule in a single-pass manner. Moreover, an extension of PALM, namely recurrent PALM (rPALM), is proposed and adopts the concept of teacher-forcing mechanism in the deep learning literature. The efficacy of both PALM and rPALM have been evaluated through numerical study with data streams and to identify nonlinear unmanned aerial vehicle system. The proposed models showcase significant improvements in terms of computational complexity and the number of required parameters against several renowned ENFSs while attaining comparable and often better predictive accuracy. The ENFSs have also been utilized to develop three autonomous intelligent controllers (AICons) in this thesis. They are namely Generic (G) controller, Parsimonious controller (PAC), and Reduced Parsimonious Controller (RedPAC). All these controllers start operating from scratch with an empty set of fuzzy rules, and no offline training is required. To cope with the dynamic behavior of the plant, these controllers can add, merge or prune the rules on demand. Among three AICons, the G-controller is built by utilizing an advanced incremental learning machine, namely Generic Evolving Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. The integration of generalized adaptive resonance theory provides a compact structure of the G-controller. Consequently, the faster evolution of structure is witnessed, which lowers its computational cost. Another AICon namely, PAC is rooted with PALM's architecture. Since PALM has a dependency on user-defined thresholds to adapt the structure, these thresholds are replaced with the concept of bias- variance trade-off in PAC. In RedPAC, the network parameters have further reduced in contrast with PALM-based PAC, where the number of consequent parameters has reduced to one parameter per rule. These AICons work with very minor expert domain knowledge and developed by incorporating the sliding mode control technique. In G-controller and RedPAC, the control law and adaptation laws for the consequent parameters are derived from the SMC algorithm to establish a stable closed-loop system, where the stability of these controllers are guaranteed by using the Lyapunov function and the uniform asymptotic convergence of tracking error to zero is witnessed through the implication of an auxiliary robustifying control term. While using PAC, the boundedness and convergence of the closed-loop control system's tracking error and the controller's consequent parameters are confirmed by utilizing the LaSalle-Yoshizawa theorem. Their efficacy is evaluated by observing various trajectory tracking performance of unmanned aerial vehicles. The accuracy of these controllers is comparable or better than the benchmark controllers where the proposed controllers incur significantly fewer parameters to attain similar or better tracking performance

    A body at the edge of language: writing anorexia, bulimia and recovering

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    This practice-led life writing project explores this writer-scholar's experience of her eating disorder through a series of poetic essays developed from material and somatic writing methods including ink-and-paper, found text, and movement. Through these particular methods, and the episodic acts of the writing itself, this PhD discovers a form of somatic life writing that both demonstrates and analyses the lived experience of this psycho-somatic disorder. This research project responds to the challenges of writing anorexia, bulimia and recovering, by developing material writing methods to negotiate self-erasure, narrative authority and embodied memory on the page. The PhD examines the symbiotic relation between writing and (not) eating in ways that are analogous, metaphoric and mutually affective. It draws on a range of writers and feminist materialist scholars to propose that when the tensions of eating disorder are transposed to language and navigated on the page, moments can be found where bodies and writing are constituted and de-constituted. In locating their life-affirming entanglement, this writing practice counteracts the erasure and containment of the condition

    What does the honeybee see? And how do we know?

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    This book is the only account of what the bee, as an example of an insect, actually detects with its eyes. Bees detect some visual features such as edges and colours, but there is no sign that they reconstruct patterns or put together features to form objects. Bees detect motion but have no perception of what it is that moves, and certainly they do not recognize “things” by their shapes. Yet they clearly see well enough to fly and find food with a minute brain. Bee vision is therefore relevant to the construction of simple artificial visual systems, for example for mobile robots. The surprising conclusion is that bee vision is adapted to the recognition of places, not things. In this volume, Adrian Horridge also sets out the curious and contentious history of how bee vision came to be understood, with an account of a century of neglect of old experimental results, errors of interpretation, sharp disagreements, and failures of the scientific method. The design of the experiments and the methods of making inferences from observations are also critically examined, with the conclusion that scientists are often hesitant, imperfect and misleading, ignore the work of others, and fail to consider alternative explanations. The erratic path to understanding makes interesting reading for anyone with an analytical mind who thinks about the methods of science or the engineering of seeing machines

    Distributed Control for Collective Behaviour in Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.The work presented herein focuses on the design of distributed autonomous controllers for collective behaviour of Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). Two alternative approaches to this topic are introduced: one based upon the Evolutionary Robotics (ER) paradigm, the other one upon flocking principles. Three computer simulators have been developed in order to carry out the required experiments, all of them having their focus on the modelling of fixed-wing aircraft flight dynamics. The employment of fixed-wing aircraft rather than the omni-directional robots typically employed in collective robotics significantly increases the complexity of the challenges that an autonomous controller has to face. This is mostly due to the strict motion constraints associated with fixed-wing platforms, that require a high degree of accuracy by the controller. Concerning the ER approach, the experimental setups elaborated have resulted in controllers that have been evolved in simulation with the following capabilities: (1) navigation across unknown environments, (2) obstacle avoidance, (3) tracking of a moving target, and (4) execution of cooperative and coordinated behaviours based on implicit communication strategies. The design methodology based upon flocking principles has involved tests on computer simulations and subsequent experimentation on real-world robotic platforms. A customised implementation of Reynolds’ flocking algorithm has been developed and successfully validated through flight tests performed with the swinglet MAV. It has been notably demonstrated how the Evolutionary Robotics approach could be successfully extended to the domain of fixed-wing aerial robotics, which has never received a great deal of attention in the past. The investigations performed have also shown that complex and real physics-based computer simulators are not a compulsory requirement when approaching the domain of aerial robotics, as long as proper autopilot systems (taking care of the ”reality gap” issue) are used on the real robots.EOARD (European Office of Aerospace Research & Development), euCognitio

    Social and epistemological bases of technology transfer: The case of artificial intelligence

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.This thesis addresses a problem in the literature on technology transfer of understanding the local appropriation of knowledge. Based on interpretive and analytic traditions developed in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and ethnomethodology, I conceptualise technology transfer as involving communication between discursive communities. I develop the idea of 'performance of community' to argue that explanations of research and technology, and readings of those explanations, are sites for the elaboration of the identity of a discursive community. I explore this approach through a case study in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). I focus on what I call 'explanatory practices', that is practices of describing, identifying and explaining Al, and trace the differences in these practices, according to location, context and audience. The novelty of my thesis is to show the pervasiveness of performance of community within these explanatory practices, through showing the differences in the claimed identity and significance of Al, associated with different locations, contexts and audiences. I draw out some of the implications of my approach by counterposing it to a theory of technology transfer as the passing of neutral units of information, which I argue is implicit in a complaint made by Al vendors that the Al marketplace had been damaged by overselling or hype. In particular, I show that disclaimers of hype (more than the perpetration of it) had always been associated with the marketing of Al. More generally, my claim is that it is politically important to understand that neutral information is not available even as an ultimate standard, and that the local appropriation of knowledge is not an aberration to be controlled, but a component of both successful and unsuccessful communication between discursive communities


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    The practice-as-research project Homing Place proposes a transferable percipient-led methodology of performance and research activated by ambulant and conversive mechanisms as the culmination of this research. The thesis is comprised of a range of activity that represents a moment and way of writing practice. Three artworks that comprise part of the practical component of this thesis--- way from home, Take me to a place and Yodel Rodeo-- each involved participation and contribution from particular audiences and social groups in spatial and conversational modes of performance executed through processes of wayfinding, mapping and walking. One of the primary contributions of knowledge of this research is the notion of homing tales and the knowledge derived from its deployment as a re-working of nostalgia and as a radical spatial narrative practice of home-making and orientation in specific contexts of migration. Another central contribution is the identification of a particular form of conversational ambulant practice within contemporary performance as conversive wayfinding, an artistic spatial practice where the performance event occurs in the conversational activity set in motion by the conditions of wayfinding. Among the questions raised are: How do contextually-based and participant-led performance mechanisms enable opportunities for participants to express strategies of home-making and enable participants to articulate their own critical perspectives and experiences of place, particularly in the experience of migration? How do people construct narratives and practices of home and identity in the experience of cultural and historical displacement? How do people meet, sense and make meaningful sense of places in and through spatial narrative practices? How do these practices become radical strategies to critique, resist and enable power and to create emergent forms of identity and belonging