655 research outputs found

    Associative polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices

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    The associativity property, usually defined for binary functions, can be generalized to functions of a given fixed arity n>=1 as well as to functions of multiple arities. In this paper, we investigate these two generalizations in the case of polynomial functions over bounded distributive lattices and present explicit descriptions of the corresponding associative functions. We also show that, in this case, both generalizations of associativity are essentially the same.Comment: Final versio

    Invariant functionals on completely distributive lattices

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    In this paper we are interested in functionals defined on completely distributive lattices and which are invariant under mappings preserving {arbitrary} joins and meets. We prove that the class of nondecreasing invariant functionals coincides with the class of Sugeno integrals associated with {0,1}\{0,1\}-valued capacities, the so-called term functionals, thus extending previous results both to the infinitary case as well as to the realm of completely distributive lattices. Furthermore, we show that, in the case of functionals over complete chains, the nondecreasing condition is redundant. Characterizations of the class of Sugeno integrals, as well as its superclass comprising all polynomial functionals, are provided by showing that the axiomatizations (given in terms of homogeneity) of their restriction to finitary functionals still hold over completely distributive lattices. We also present canonical normal form representations of polynomial functionals on completely distributive lattices, which appear as the natural extensions to their finitary counterparts, and as a by-product we obtain an axiomatization of complete distributivity in the case of bounded lattices

    Characterizations of discrete Sugeno integrals as polynomial functions over distributive lattices

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    We give several characterizations of discrete Sugeno integrals over bounded distributive lattices, as particular cases of lattice polynomial functions, that is, functions which can be represented in the language of bounded lattices using variables and constants. We also consider the subclass of term functions as well as the classes of symmetric polynomial functions and weighted minimum and maximum functions, and present their characterizations, accordingly. Moreover, we discuss normal form representations of these functions

    Factorizations of Elements in Noncommutative Rings: A Survey

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    We survey results on factorizations of non zero-divisors into atoms (irreducible elements) in noncommutative rings. The point of view in this survey is motivated by the commutative theory of non-unique factorizations. Topics covered include unique factorization up to order and similarity, 2-firs, and modular LCM domains, as well as UFRs and UFDs in the sense of Chatters and Jordan and generalizations thereof. We recall arithmetical invariants for the study of non-unique factorizations, and give transfer results for arithmetical invariants in matrix rings, rings of triangular matrices, and classical maximal orders as well as classical hereditary orders in central simple algebras over global fields.Comment: 50 pages, comments welcom

    Pivotal decompositions of functions

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    We extend the well-known Shannon decomposition of Boolean functions to more general classes of functions. Such decompositions, which we call pivotal decompositions, express the fact that every unary section of a function only depends upon its values at two given elements. Pivotal decompositions appear to hold for various function classes, such as the class of lattice polynomial functions or the class of multilinear polynomial functions. We also define function classes characterized by pivotal decompositions and function classes characterized by their unary members and investigate links between these two concepts
