12 research outputs found


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    Peserta didik abad 21 merupakan generasi yang paling akrab dengan teknologi dibanding dengan generasi sebelumnya. Dengan mengetahui hal tersebut, penting untuk guru mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam pembelajaran guna mengimbangi kebutuhan dan kondisi peserta didik di era saat ini. Namun, pengintegrasian teknologi tidak akan efektif jika tidak dibarengi dengan kemampuan pedagogi dan pengetahuan materi pembelajaran yang memadai, karena ketiga hal tersebut merupakan kerangka yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Pandangan transformatif ini menampilkan sifat dinamis dari interkoneksi konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam konteks pendidikan menuju pengembangan pengetahuan yang disebut sebagai TPACK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literatur review dengan cara menelusuri berbagai referensi yang berkaitan dengan judul. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa TPACK memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai bekal guru dalam pembelajaran PAI. Dengan menguasai TPACK, guru PAI dapat menyajikan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif, serta efektif di dalam kelas sehingga peserta didik dengan mudah memahami pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung. Hal ini berdampak pada meningkatnya kualitas pembelajaran PAI

    The Correlation Between Social Media Usage in Academic Context and Self-Efficacy Towards TPACK of Prospective Science Teachers in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the frequency of Social Media Usage (SMU) in an academic setting and Self-efficacy beliefs towards TK, TCK, TPK, and TPACK of Indonesian prospective science teachers. This research is quantitative based-research design using a self-administered survey. The research was conducted during the second semester of the academic year 2018/2019 from October to November 2018 in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science of a State University located in Semarang City, Indonesia. The sample consists of 217 Indonesian prospective science teachers from the science and Biology Education Department. The result shows that the average Social Media Usage frequency has a statistically high correlation with TK Self-efficacy, TPK, and TPACK. However, in general, it does not correlate with TCK. Second, Social Media Usage for Download Media (DM), Searching Information (SI), and Entertainment and Motivation (EM) generally have a statistically medium correlation with TK, TPK, and TPACK for both male and female participants. Third, Social Media Usage for professional development (PD) has a medium correlation with TK and high correlation with TPK and TPACK. This study implies that training focuses on the application of social media in teaching, and learning should be integrated to improve Indonesian Prospective Science Teachers' TPACK

    Students' Attitude Towards English Pronunciation At Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Taman

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    Pronunciation is an important aspect in English. However, some people ignore the pronunciation in learning English. From that problem, this qualitative research has a purpose to explore the students’ attitude towards pronunciation in English. As the Roseberg & Hovland’s theory, attitude of this research is based on the 3 aspects in attitude, at cognitive, affective and behaviour aspect. The result of this research is, the students give positive attitude towards English pronunciation in term of 3 aspects, there are cognitive, affective and behaviour aspect. In cognitive aspect, the students have a concept whether pronunciation is important in speaking English. In affective aspect, the students are happy and proud of their English accent and they are also confident speak English using their accent, although they also like to improve their English pronunciation. In behaviour aspect, the students speak English with their own accent. They will also use their English pronunciation for higher education and for reaching their future wor

    Tendencias de la innovación educativa en los contextos sociales. Análisis del mapeo de literatura

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    La innovación educativa aparece como un tema pendiente en las agendas de las instituciones educativas a nivel internacional. Las políticas educativas vigentes ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la innovación educativa como un elemento clave para la mejora de la calidad educativa y el desarrollo social. Desde una perspectiva sociocultural se subraya el carácter social y situado de la innovación como un proceso que acontece a través de la interacción multidisciplinaria. Se elaboró una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en dos principales bases de datos: SCOPUS y WoS (rango temporal 2013-2017). Mediante un proceso de filtrado, con criterios de inclusión/exclusión (palabras clave, tipología de documentos, años de publicación y disciplina), y de validez (calidad y pertinencia), se delimitó la muestra total (N=43). Los países con mayor producción de publicaciones en la temática son Estados Unidos (5), España (4) y el Reino Unido (3). Los contextos sociales en los que se han implementado estrategias de innovación educativa son las organizaciones educativas (37), empresas (5) y hospitales (1). El tipo de innovación mayoritariamente abordado versa sobre las nuevas formas de organización de actividades (29). Se discuten los hallazgos de tres contextos sociales claves en la implementación de estrategias innovadoras, ubicando seis líneas de investigación incipientes

    Kutseõpetajate hinnangud oma professionaalsetele teadmistele TPACK raamistiku alusel

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    Central to the entire discipline of education in the digital age are the concepts of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) and, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) integration in teaching and learning. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the vital links between ICT-TPD and improved education standards. However, minimum attention has been given to the integrated ICT-TPD programmes that incorporate training opportunities to assist teachers learn how to integrate ICT for teaching based on teachers' immediate professional needs, experiences, and skills considering current improvements in pedagogy. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate secondary schools’ teachers’ perspectives with regards to effective ICT-TPD programmes. Data were collected through interviews of a purposeful selection of sixteen participants who were selected based on their exemplary ICT usage behaviour. Data from the interviews were analysed using the thematic analysis technique to gain in-depth understanding of teachers’ perspectives on the subject under investigation. The analysis revealed five salient components leading to effective ICT-TPD: Teachers as a Community of Professional Practice; Teacher Champions (Mentors/Coaches); Teachers’ Research; Teacher Appraisals (Accreditation); and Cascading good Practice. The findings from this study suggest that teacher’s accounts of appreciation and dissonances with the TPD programmes in the context of integration of technology in teaching mirrored similar issues in literature. However, the findings also revealed some nuanced shifts on teacher perceptions and attitudes to the quality of teacher professional development for ICT integration in classroom teaching. Article visualizations

    Perceived Obstacles by ESL Instructors and Required Support for the Integration of Educational Technology

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    Nowadays, the use of technology has become a significant part of the language learning process inside and outside of the classroom. Many previous studies and surveys, most language educators hold a relatively positive attitude to the usage of technology in language teaching and learning. But many other studies also found that language teachers were not really using technology in their classrooms, or only for very low-level learning and teaching. The integration of technology in second language learning and teaching is still a problem that has not been fully researched.This descriptive study was designed to explore the obstacles that prevent ESL instructors from integrating technology into their teaching practice and gain a deep understanding of ESL instructors’ needs and expectations for technology use in the language classrooms in the community colleges. Findings suggest that most ESL instructors hold a relatively positive attitude toward integrating technology into language teaching, but at the same time they did encounter many obstacles and difficulties in the technology integration process. Lack of time, tools/technology not working as expected, and inadequate equipment were three main obstacles identified by the survey data. The qualitative interview data further confirms and explains the results of the survey, and at the same time brings new findings and a deeper understanding of the reasons behind the surface problems. Lack of necessary technology skills, generation gap, and neglect of ESL students’ perspectives were brought up in the interviews. At the same time, ESL instructors’ needs and expectations for technology in their classrooms were well addressed as well


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    This study aims to investigate the level of self-efficacy amongst instructors regarding the various components of the TPACK model in their teaching within Saudi Arabia. TPACK represents a viable nexus between technology and educational content, creating successful educational technology integration. Existing research demonstrates a need to study TPACK further in the context of instructors’ level of self-efficacy in the components of the TPACK model (Lee and Kim, 2017). However, this dissertation will investigate instructors’ level of self-efficacy towards utilizing technology in their classrooms. In doing so, the study will adopt a quantitative approach using a survey to gain insights into instructors’ self-efficacy. This study is significant because TPACK is a critical part of the Saudi Arabian education system. Instructor’s level of self-efficacy is essential as they shape not only the future of educational delivery, but also the future of each learner. Moreover, the growing implementation of TPACK in universities in Saudi Arabia is exclusively dependent upon the instructors’ performance with this model. The findings revealed that instructors demonstrated high levels of self-efficacy across all components of TPACK. They also exhibited confidence in using technology to enrich content, support student inquiry, and organize teaching and student learning. However, there were some areas where participants indicated a lack of self-efficacy or uncertainty. The research recommends that educational institutions support instructors through mentoring programs, collaborative learning communities, and peer observations (Marx, 2005)

    Initial Evidence of Construct Validity of Data from a Self-Assessment Instrument of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in 2-Year Public College Faculty in Texas

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    Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has been studied in K-12 faculty in the U.S. and around the world using survey methodology. Very few studies of TPACK in post-secondary faculty have been conducted and no peer-reviewed studies in U.S. post-secondary faculty have been published to date. The present study is the first reliability and validity of data from a TPACK survey to be conducted with a large sample of U.S. post-secondary faculty. The professorate of 2-year public college faculty in Texas will help their institutions meet the goals of the state’s higher education strategic plan, 60x30TX. In order to do reach the 60x30TX goals, Texas community college faculty will need to implement learner-centered strategies as well as more technology in their courses. At present, there is no simple, easy, and effective way for faculty or their institutions to assess the faculty’s readiness to fulfill these goals. A sequential EFA-CFA process is used to test the Community College TPACK Survey for Meaningful Learning (CC-TSML) for reliability, validity, and model fit. The results indicate that the CC-TSML may be a useful initial tool to help Texas community colleges and their faculty determine where to spend their professional development efforts. Comparisons to other studies indicate that the data from Texas 2-year public college faculty in this sample fit well between PK-16 and university faculty in other cultural contexts