450 research outputs found

    Exo2EgoDVC: Dense Video Captioning of Egocentric Procedural Activities Using Web Instructional Videos

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    We propose a novel benchmark for cross-view knowledge transfer of dense video captioning, adapting models from web instructional videos with exocentric views to an egocentric view. While dense video captioning (predicting time segments and their captions) is primarily studied with exocentric videos (e.g., YouCook2), benchmarks with egocentric videos are restricted due to data scarcity. To overcome the limited video availability, transferring knowledge from abundant exocentric web videos is demanded as a practical approach. However, learning the correspondence between exocentric and egocentric views is difficult due to their dynamic view changes. The web videos contain mixed views focusing on either human body actions or close-up hand-object interactions, while the egocentric view is constantly shifting as the camera wearer moves. This necessitates the in-depth study of cross-view transfer under complex view changes. In this work, we first create a real-life egocentric dataset (EgoYC2) whose captions are shared with YouCook2, enabling transfer learning between these datasets assuming their ground-truth is accessible. To bridge the view gaps, we propose a view-invariant learning method using adversarial training in both the pre-training and fine-tuning stages. While the pre-training is designed to learn invariant features against the mixed views in the web videos, the view-invariant fine-tuning further mitigates the view gaps between both datasets. We validate our proposed method by studying how effectively it overcomes the view change problem and efficiently transfers the knowledge to the egocentric domain. Our benchmark pushes the study of the cross-view transfer into a new task domain of dense video captioning and will envision methodologies to describe egocentric videos in natural language

    A Semantics-based User Interface Model for Content Annotation, Authoring and Exploration

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    The Semantic Web and Linked Data movements with the aim of creating, publishing and interconnecting machine readable information have gained traction in the last years. However, the majority of information still is contained in and exchanged using unstructured documents, such as Web pages, text documents, images and videos. This can also not be expected to change, since text, images and videos are the natural way in which humans interact with information. Semantic structuring of content on the other hand provides a wide range of advantages compared to unstructured information. Semantically-enriched documents facilitate information search and retrieval, presentation, integration, reusability, interoperability and personalization. Looking at the life-cycle of semantic content on the Web of Data, we see quite some progress on the backend side in storing structured content or for linking data and schemata. Nevertheless, the currently least developed aspect of the semantic content life-cycle is from our point of view the user-friendly manual and semi-automatic creation of rich semantic content. In this thesis, we propose a semantics-based user interface model, which aims to reduce the complexity of underlying technologies for semantic enrichment of content by Web users. By surveying existing tools and approaches for semantic content authoring, we extracted a set of guidelines for designing efficient and effective semantic authoring user interfaces. We applied these guidelines to devise a semantics-based user interface model called WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) which enables integrated authoring, visualization and exploration of unstructured and (semi-)structured content. To assess the applicability of our proposed WYSIWYM model, we incorporated the model into four real-world use cases comprising two general and two domain-specific applications. These use cases address four aspects of the WYSIWYM implementation: 1) Its integration into existing user interfaces, 2) Utilizing it for lightweight text analytics to incentivize users, 3) Dealing with crowdsourcing of semi-structured e-learning content, 4) Incorporating it for authoring of semantic medical prescriptions

    Designing and evaluating a behaviour change intervention that introduces modification of time perceptions as a solution to promote sustainable behaviours

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    This research presents the design and evaluation of an intervention that introduces modification of time perceptions as one of the solutions to promote sustainable behaviours. It is demonstrated in this thesis that unnecessary energy use is often caused by temporal tensions, defined as the relation between actions to be performed and available time. This research proposes that it is possible to deliberately reduce temporal tensions, and this can motivate people to behave more sustainably. Persuasive technology and human-computer interaction provided the tools needed to manipulate time perceptions and therefore bring about changes in the specific behaviours that result in unnecessary energy usage. Previous studies indicate that behaviours play an important role in energy consumption. From the different domains of energy use that could be examined, cooking was chosen to be the platform where the studies on behaviour change and energy use would take place. How behaviours influence energy use motivated the design of empirical studies to understand behaviours related to domestic energy use and identify what are the determinants of these behaviours. Each determinant was related to a strategy to be included on a behaviour change intervention. A wider survey was developed to understand students acceptance of a set of proposed energy saving techniques, and resulted in a vast volume of information about user preferences and intentions to perform the suggested energy saving behaviours for cooking. It emerged that participants rushed into the cooking tasks without much deliberation, consequently not following preparation procedures and thus using more energy. Information gathered during the first studies also showed that participants behaviours were partially motivated by the need to speed up the cooking process in order to reduce boredom when they were waiting for the food to cook, consequently resulting in extra energy usage. The knowledge gathered from the preceding steps and a literature review informed the design of strategies to modify the non-sustainable behaviours and promote energy saving. A user-centred design process involving an idea generation session and scenario analysis was used to provide a set of strategies to be embedded in an intervention, containing the specific methods to tackle the correspondent determinants of behaviours. The specific needs of the cooking activity indicated that an electronic intervention was an adequate platform to be implemented and tested. Two high resolution working prototypes of the electronic interventions were developed as mobile phone applications. The final study comprised the evaluation of the proposed interventions in improving aspects of the cooking activity, the acceptance of the interventions and effectiveness in promoting energy saving

    Semantic Interaction in Web-based Retrieval Systems : Adopting Semantic Web Technologies and Social Networking Paradigms for Interacting with Semi-structured Web Data

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    Existing web retrieval models for exploration and interaction with web data do not take into account semantic information, nor do they allow for new forms of interaction by employing meaningful interaction and navigation metaphors in 2D/3D. This thesis researches means for introducing a semantic dimension into the search and exploration process of web content to enable a significantly positive user experience. Therefore, an inherently dynamic view beyond single concepts and models from semantic information processing, information extraction and human-machine interaction is adopted. Essential tasks for semantic interaction such as semantic annotation, semantic mediation and semantic human-computer interaction were identified and elaborated for two general application scenarios in web retrieval: Web-based Question Answering in a knowledge-based dialogue system and semantic exploration of information spaces in 2D/3D

    Combining visual recognition and computational linguistics : linguistic knowledge for visual recognition and natural language descriptions of visual content

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    Extensive efforts are being made to improve visual recognition and semantic understanding of language. However, surprisingly little has been done to exploit the mutual benefits of combining both fields. In this thesis we show how the different fields of research can profit from each other. First, we scale recognition to 200 unseen object classes and show how to extract robust semantic relatedness from linguistic resources. Our novel approach extends zero-shot to few shot recognition and exploits unlabeled data by adopting label propagation for transfer learning. Second, we capture the high variability but low availability of composite activity videos by extracting the essential information from text descriptions. For this we recorded and annotated a corpus for fine-grained activity recognition. We show improvements in a supervised case but we are also able to recognize unseen composite activities. Third, we present a corpus of videos and aligned descriptions. We use it for grounding activity descriptions and for learning how to automatically generate natural language descriptions for a video. We show that our proposed approach is also applicable to image description and that it outperforms baselines and related work. In summary, this thesis presents a novel approach for automatic video description and shows the benefits of extracting linguistic knowledge for object and activity recognition as well as the advantage of visual recognition for understanding activity descriptions.Trotz umfangreicher Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung der die visuelle Erkennung und dem automatischen VerstĂ€ndnis von Sprache, ist bisher wenig getan worden, um diese beiden Forschungsbereiche zu kombinieren. In dieser Dissertation zeigen wir, wie beide voneinander profitieren können. Als erstes skalieren wir Objekterkennung zu 200 ungesehen Klassen und zeigen, wie man robust semantische Ähnlichkeiten von Sprachressourcen extrahiert. Unser neuer Ansatz kombiniert Transfer und halbĂŒberwachten Lernverfahren und kann so Daten ohne Annotation ausnutzen und mit keinen als auch mit wenigen Trainingsbeispielen auskommen. Zweitens erfassen wir die hohe VariabilitĂ€t aber geringe VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Videos mit zusammengesetzten AktivitĂ€ten durch Extraktion der wesentlichen Informationen aus Textbeschreibungen. Wir verbessern ĂŒberwachtes Training als auch die Erkennung von ungesehenen AktivitĂ€ten. Drittens stellen wir einen parallelen Datensatz von Videos und Beschreibungen vor. Wir verwenden ihn fĂŒr Grounding von AktivitĂ€tsbeschreibungen und um die automatische Generierung natĂŒrlicher Sprache fĂŒr ein Video zu erlernen. Wir zeigen, dass sich unsere Ansatz auch fĂŒr Bildbeschreibung einsetzten lĂ€sst und das er bisherige AnsĂ€tze ĂŒbertrifft. Zusammenfassend stellt die Dissertation einen neuen Ansatz zur automatische Videobeschreibung vor und zeigt die Vorteile von sprachbasierten Ähnlichkeitsmaßen fĂŒr die Objekt- und AktivitĂ€tserkennung als auch umgekehrt

    Script acquisition : a crowdsourcing and text mining approach

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    According to Grice’s (1975) theory of pragmatics, people tend to omit basic information when participating in a conversation (or writing a narrative) under the assumption that left out details are already known or can be inferred from commonsense knowledge by the hearer (or reader). Writing and understanding of texts makes particular use of a specific kind of common-sense knowledge, referred to as script knowledge. Schank and Abelson (1977) proposed Scripts as a model of human knowledge represented in memory that stores the frequent habitual activities, called scenarios, (e.g. eating in a fast food restaurant, etc.), and the different courses of action in those routines. This thesis addresses measures to provide a sound empirical basis for high-quality script models. We work on three key areas related to script modeling: script knowledge acquisition, script induction and script identification in text. We extend the existing repository of script knowledge bases in two different ways. First, we crowdsource a corpus of 40 scenarios with 100 event sequence descriptions (ESDs) each, thus going beyond the size of previous script collections. Second, the corpus is enriched with partial alignments of ESDs, done by human annotators. The crowdsourced partial alignments are used as prior knowledge to guide the semi-supervised script-induction algorithm proposed in this dissertation. We further present a semi-supervised clustering approach to induce script structure from crowdsourced descriptions of event sequences by grouping event descriptions into paraphrase sets and inducing their temporal order. The proposed semi-supervised clustering model better handles order variation in scripts and extends script representation formalism, Temporal Script graphs, by incorporating "arbitrary order" equivalence classes in order to allow for the flexible event order inherent in scripts. In the third part of this dissertation, we introduce the task of scenario detection, in which we identify references to scripts in narrative texts. We curate a benchmark dataset of annotated narrative texts, with segments labeled according to the scripts they instantiate. The dataset is the first of its kind. The analysis of the annotation shows that one can identify scenario references in text with reasonable reliability. Subsequently, we proposes a benchmark model that automatically segments and identifies text fragments referring to given scenarios. The proposed model achieved promising results, and therefore opens up research on script parsing and wide coverage script acquisition.GemĂ€ĂŸ der Grice’schen (1975) Pragmatiktheorie neigen Menschen dazu, grundlegende Informationen auszulassen, wenn sie an einem GesprĂ€ch teilnehmen (oder eine Geschichte schreiben). Dies geschieht unter der Annahme, dass die ausgelassenen Details bereits bekannt sind, oder vom Hörer (oder Leser) aus Weltwissen erschlossen werden können. Besonders beim Schreiben und Verstehen von Text wird Verwendung einer spezifischen Art von solchem Weltwissen gemacht, welches auch Skriptwissen genannt wird. Schank und Abelson (1977) erdachten Skripte als ein Modell menschlichen Wissens, welches im menschlichen GedĂ€chtnis gespeichert ist und hĂ€ufige Alltags-AktivitĂ€ten sowie deren typischen Ablauf beinhaltet. Solche Skript-AktivitĂ€ten werden auch als Szenarios bezeichnet und umfassen zum Beispiel Im Restaurant Essen etc. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Bereitstellung einer soliden empirischen Grundlage zur Akquisition qualitativ hochwertigen Skriptwissens. Wir betrachten drei zentrale Aspekte im Bereich der Skriptmodellierung: Akquisition ition von Skriptwissen, Skript-Induktion und Skriptidentifizierung in Text. Wir erweitern das bereits bestehende Repertoire und Skript-DatensĂ€tzen in 2 Bereichen. Erstens benutzen wir Crowdsourcing zur Erstellung eines Korpus, das 40 Szenarien mit jeweils 100 Ereignissequenzbeschreibungen (Event Sequence Descriptions, ESDs) beinhaltet, und welches somit grĂ¶ĂŸer als bestehende Skript- DatensĂ€tze ist. Zweitens erweitern wir das Korpus mit partiellen ESD-Alignierungen, die von Hand annotiert werden. Die partiellen Alignierungen werden dann als Vorwissen fĂŒr einen halbĂŒberwachten Algorithmus zur Skriptinduktion benutzt, der im Rahmen dieser Dissertation vorgestellt wird. Wir prĂ€sentieren außerdem einen halbĂŒberwachten Clusteringansatz zur Induktion von Skripten, basierend auf Ereignissequenzen, die via Crowdsourcing gesammelt wurden. Hierbei werden einzelne Ereignisbeschreibungen gruppiert, um Paraphrasenmengen und der deren temporale Ordnung abzuleiten. Der vorgestellte Clusteringalgorithmus ist im Stande, Variationen in der typischen Reihenfolge in Skripte besser abzubilden und erweitert damit einen Formalismus zur SkriptreprĂ€sentation, temporale Skriptgraphen. Dies wird dadurch bewerkstelligt, dass Equivalenzklassen von Beschreibungen mit "arbitrĂ€rer Reihenfolge" genutzt werden, die es erlauben, eine flexible Ereignisordnung abzubilden, die inhĂ€rent bei Skripten vorhanden ist. Im dritten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit fĂŒhren wir den Task der SzenarioIdentifikation ein, also der automatischen Identifikation von Skriptreferenzen in narrativen Texten. Wir erstellen einen Benchmark-Datensatz mit annotierten narrativen Texten, in denen einzelne Segmente im Bezug auf das Skript, welches sie instantiieren, markiert wurden. Dieser Datensatz ist der erste seiner Art. Eine Analyse der Annotation zeigt, dass Referenzen zu Szenarien im Text mit annehmbarer Akkuratheit vorhergesagt werden können. ZusĂ€tzlich stellen wir ein Benchmark-Modell vor, welches Textfragmente automatisch erstellt und deren Szenario identifiziert. Das vorgestellte Modell erreicht erfolgversprechende Resultate und öffnet damit einen Forschungszweig im Bereich des Skript-Parsens und der Skript-Akquisition im großen Stil

    Neural models for stepwise text illustration

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    In this thesis, we investigate the task of sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) retrieval: given a sequence (of text passages) as the query, retrieve a sequence (of images) that best describes and aligns with the query. This is a step beyond the traditional cross-modal retrieval which treats each image-text pair independently and ignores broader context. Since this is a difficult task, we break it into steps. We start with caption generation for images in news articles. Different from traditional image captioning task where a text description is generated given an image, here, a caption is generated conditional on both image and the news articles where it appears. We propose a novel neural-networks based methodology to take into account both news article content and image semantics to generate a caption best describing the image and its surrounding text context. Our results outperform existing approaches to image captioning generation. We then introduce two new novel datasets, GutenStories and Stepwise Recipe datasets for the task of story picturing and sequential text illustration. GutenStories consists of around 90k text paragraphs, each accompanied with an image, aligned in around 18k visual stories. It consists of a wide variety of images and story content styles. StepwiseRecipe is a similar dataset having sequenced image-text pairs, but having only domain-constrained images, namely food-related. It consists of 67k text paragraphs (cooking instructions), each accompanied by an image describing the step, aligned in 10k recipes. Both datasets are web-scrawled and systematically filtered and cleaned. We propose a novel variational recurrent seq2seq (VRSS) retrieval model. xii The model encodes two streams of information at every step: the contextual information from both text and images retrieved in previous steps, and the semantic meaning of the current input (text) as a latent vector. These together guide the retrieval of a relevant image from the repository to match the semantics of the given text. The model has been evaluated on both the Stepwise Recipe and GutenStories datasets. The results on several automatic evaluation measures show that our model outperforms several competitive and relevant baselines. We also qualitatively analyse the model both using human evaluation and by visualizing the representation space to judge the semantical meaningfulness. We further discuss the challenges faced on the more difficult GutenStories and outline possible solutions
