482 research outputs found

    Concevoir des applications internet des objets sémantiques

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    According to Cisco's predictions, there will be more than 50 billions of devices connected to the Internet by 2020.The devices and produced data are mainly exploited to build domain-specific Internet of Things (IoT) applications. From a data-centric perspective, these applications are not interoperable with each other.To assist users or even machines in building promising inter-domain IoT applications, main challenges are to exploit, reuse, interpret and combine sensor data.To overcome interoperability issues, we designed the Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) framework consisting in:(1) generating templates to easily build Semantic Web of Things applications, (2) semantically annotating IoT data to infer high-level knowledge by reusing as much as possible the domain knowledge expertise, and (3) a semantic-based security application to assist users in designing secure IoT applications.Regarding the reasoning part, stemming from the 'Linked Open Data', we propose an innovative idea called the 'Linked Open Rules' to easily share and reuse rules to infer high-level abstractions from sensor data.The M3 framework has been suggested to standardizations and working groups such as ETSI M2M, oneM2M, W3C SSN ontology and W3C Web of Things. Proof-of-concepts of the flexible M3 framework have been developed on the cloud (http://www.sensormeasurement.appspot.com/) and embedded on Android-based constrained devices.Selon les prĂ©visions de Cisco , il y aura plus de 50 milliards d'appareils connectĂ©s Ă  Internet d'ici 2020. Les appareils et les donnĂ©es produites sont principalement exploitĂ©es pour construire des applications « Internet des Objets (IdO) ». D'un point de vue des donnĂ©es, ces applications ne sont pas interopĂ©rables les unes avec les autres. Pour aider les utilisateurs ou mĂȘme les machines Ă  construire des applications 'Internet des Objets' inter-domaines innovantes, les principaux dĂ©fis sont l'exploitation, la rĂ©utilisation, l'interprĂ©tation et la combinaison de ces donnĂ©es produites par les capteurs. Pour surmonter les problĂšmes d'interopĂ©rabilitĂ©, nous avons conçu le systĂšme Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) consistant Ă : (1) enrichir les donnĂ©es de capteurs avec les technologies du web sĂ©mantique pour dĂ©crire explicitement leur sens selon le contexte, (2) interprĂ©ter les donnĂ©es des capteurs pour en dĂ©duire des connaissances supplĂ©mentaires en rĂ©utilisant autant que possible la connaissance du domaine dĂ©finie par des experts, et (3) une base de connaissances de sĂ©curitĂ© pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© dĂšs la conception lors de la construction des applications IdO. Concernant la partie raisonnement, inspirĂ© par le « Web de donnĂ©es », nous proposons une idĂ©e novatrice appelĂ©e le « Web des rĂšgles » afin de partager et rĂ©utiliser facilement les rĂšgles pour interprĂ©ter et raisonner sur les donnĂ©es de capteurs. Le systĂšme M3 a Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ© Ă  des normalisations et groupes de travail tels que l'ETSI M2M, oneM2M, W3C SSN et W3C Web of Things. Une preuve de concept de M3 a Ă©tĂ© implĂ©mentĂ©e et est disponible sur le web (http://www.sensormeasurement.appspot.com/) mais aussi embarqu

    Building the Web of Knowledge with Smart IoT Applications

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    General ontology for internet of things (goiot) to achieve semantic interoperability using sensor, observation, sample and actuator (sosa) approach

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices are increasing day by day, thus a common vocabulary is required to make sure these devices from a different manufacturer can communicate with each other by themselves known as semantic interoperability. Ontology is required to solve the semantic interoperability problem of the IoT. Ontology provides a base to represent objects in a specific domain. Classes, Instances, and Relationships are the components required to built ontology. Problems with existing IoT ontologies are as follows: (i) Incomplete IoT Concepts; (ii) Most of the Existing IoT ontologies did not includes all critical elements of IoT; (iii) The existing ontologies are not built on the latest ontology language standard recommended by W3C which is Web Ontology Language (OWL); (iv) The IoT ontologies in literature did not follow any Evaluation Measurement such as Reasoner. The objective of this research is to study the existing literature about IoT and Ontology and their relationship. Then to develop and evaluate GoIoT by using Protégé and pallet reasoner respectively. The methodology is divided into three portions which are Analysis, Development and Implementation, and Evaluation and Measurements. In the analysis part, basic concepts of IoT and Ontology are discussed. In Development and Implementation, SOSA is adopted to create a new ontology, namely GoIoT. It talks about the existing reused IoT concept and how new IoT concepts are further integrated. Further, it discusses which language and tools are used to build this ontology. The newly constructed GoIoT is evaluated via semantic reasoner and experts. The reasoner results showed zero error in GoIoT ontology which simply means that no issue is found among ontology components. Five (5) experts have also evaluated ontology in terms of nine (9) evaluation criteria. The mean value of five (5) expert combine is 83.059 % and this value shows that the Ontology developed can be accepted as Ontology that represent General Ontology for IOT

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade

    Building the Future Internet through FIRE

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    The Internet as we know it today is the result of a continuous activity for improving network communications, end user services, computational processes and also information technology infrastructures. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure for the human-being by offering complex networking services and end-user applications that all together have transformed all aspects, mainly economical, of our lives. Recently, with the advent of new paradigms and the progress in wireless technology, sensor networks and information systems and also the inexorable shift towards everything connected paradigm, first as known as the Internet of Things and lately envisioning into the Internet of Everything, a data-driven society has been created. In a data-driven society, productivity, knowledge, and experience are dependent on increasingly open, dynamic, interdependent and complex Internet services. The challenge for the Internet of the Future design is to build robust enabling technologies, implement and deploy adaptive systems, to create business opportunities considering increasing uncertainties and emergent systemic behaviors where humans and machines seamlessly cooperate

    Metaverse: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions for Scalable and Realtime Virtual Worlds

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    With the emergence of Cloud computing, Internet of Things-enabled Human-Computer Interfaces, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and high-accurate Machine and Deep-learning recognition and predictive models, along with the Post Covid-19 proliferation of social networking, and remote communications, the Metaverse gained a lot of popularity. Metaverse has the prospective to extend the physical world using virtual and augmented reality so the users can interact seamlessly with the real and virtual worlds using avatars and holograms. It has the potential to impact people in the way they interact on social media, collaborate in their work, perform marketing and business, teach, learn, and even access personalized healthcare. Several works in the literature examine Metaverse in terms of hardware wearable devices, and virtual reality gaming applications. However, the requirements of realizing the Metaverse in realtime and at a large-scale need yet to be examined for the technology to be usable. To address this limitation, this paper presents the temporal evolution of Metaverse definitions and captures its evolving requirements. Consequently, we provide insights into Metaverse requirements. In addition to enabling technologies, we lay out architectural elements for scalable, reliable, and efficient Metaverse systems, and a classification of existing Metaverse applications along with proposing required future research directions

    An exploration of IoT platform development

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    IoT (Internet of Things) platforms are key enablers for smart city initiatives, targeting the improvement of citizens\u27 quality of life and economic growth. As IoT platforms are dynamic, proactive, and heterogeneous socio-technical artefacts, systematic approaches are required for their development. Limited surveys have exclusively explored how IoT platforms are developed and maintained from the perspective of information system development process lifecycle. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of 63 approaches. This is accomplished by proposing an evaluation framework as a cornerstone to highlight the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of these approaches. The survey results not only provide insights of empirical findings, recommendations, and mechanisms for the development of quality aware IoT platforms, but also identify important issues and gaps that need to be addressed

    Building the Future Internet through FIRE

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    The Internet as we know it today is the result of a continuous activity for improving network communications, end user services, computational processes and also information technology infrastructures. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure for the human-being by offering complex networking services and end-user applications that all together have transformed all aspects, mainly economical, of our lives. Recently, with the advent of new paradigms and the progress in wireless technology, sensor networks and information systems and also the inexorable shift towards everything connected paradigm, first as known as the Internet of Things and lately envisioning into the Internet of Everything, a data-driven society has been created. In a data-driven society, productivity, knowledge, and experience are dependent on increasingly open, dynamic, interdependent and complex Internet services. The challenge for the Internet of the Future design is to build robust enabling technologies, implement and deploy adaptive systems, to create business opportunities considering increasing uncertainties and emergent systemic behaviors where humans and machines seamlessly cooperate
