12 research outputs found

    Multi-function based modeling of 3D heterogeneous wound scaffolds for improved wound healing

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    This paper presents a new multi-function based modeling of 3D heterogeneous porous wound scaffolds to improve wound healing process for complex deep acute or chronic wounds. An imaging-based approach is developed to extract 3D wound geometry and recognize wound features. Linear healing fashion of the wound margin towards the wound center is mimicked. Blending process is thus applied to the extracted geometry to partition the scaffold into a number of uniformly gradient healing regions. Computer models of 3D engineered porous wound scaffolds are then developed for solid freeform modeling and fabrication. Spatial variation over biomaterial and loaded bio-molecule concentration is developed based on wound healing requirements. Release of bio-molecules over the uniform healing regions is controlled by varying their amount and entrapping biomaterial concentration. Thus, localized controlled release is developed to improve wound healing. A prototype multi-syringe single nozzle deposition system is used to fabricate a sample scaffold. Proposed methodology is implemented and illustrative examples are presented in this paper

    3D hybrid wound devices for spatiotemporally controlled release kinetics

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    This paper presents localized and temporal control of releasekinetics over 3-dimensional (3D) hybridwounddevices to improve wound-healing process. Imaging study is performed to extract wound bed geometry in 3D. Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) based surface lofting is applied to generate functionally graded regions. Diffusion-based releasekinetics model is developed to predict time-based release of loaded modifiers for functionally graded regions. Multi-chamber single nozzle solid freeform dispensing system is used to fabricate wounddevices with controlled dispensing concentration. Spatiotemporal control of biological modifiers thus enables a way to achieve target delivery to improve wound healing

    CAD Tool for Burn Diagnosis

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    In this paper a new system for burn diagnosis is proposed. The aim of the system is to separate burn wounds from healthy skin, and the different types of burns (burn depths) from each other, identifying each one. The system is based on the colour and texture information, as these are the characteristics observed by physicians in order to give a diagnosis. We use a perceptually uniform colour space (L*u*v*), since Euclidean distances calculated in this space correspond to perceptually colour differences. After the burn is segmented, some colour and texture descriptors are calculated and they are the inputs to a Fuzzy-ARTMAP neural network. The neural network classifies them into three types of burns: superficial dermal, deep dermal and full thickness. Clinical effectiveness of the method was demonstrated on 62 clinical burn wound images obtained from digital colour photographs, yielding an average classification success rate of 82 % compared to expert classified images

    Characterization of digital medical images utilizing support vector machines

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    BACKGROUND: In this paper we discuss an efficient methodology for the image analysis and characterization of digital images containing skin lesions using Support Vector Machines and present the results of a preliminary study. METHODS: The methodology is based on the support vector machines algorithm for data classification and it has been applied to the problem of the recognition of malignant melanoma versus dysplastic naevus. Border and colour based features were extracted from digital images of skin lesions acquired under reproducible conditions, using basic image processing techniques. Two alternative classification methods, the statistical discriminant analysis and the application of neural networks were also applied to the same problem and the results are compared. RESULTS: The SVM (Support Vector Machines) algorithm performed quite well achieving 94.1% correct classification, which is better than the performance of the other two classification methodologies. The method of discriminant analysis classified correctly 88% of cases (71% of Malignant Melanoma and 100% of Dysplastic Naevi), while the neural networks performed approximately the same. CONCLUSION: The use of a computer-based system, like the one described in this paper, is intended to avoid human subjectivity and to perform specific tasks according to a number of criteria. However the presence of an expert dermatologist is considered necessary for the overall visual assessment of the skin lesion and the final diagnosis

    Wound Healing Assessment Using Digital Photography: A Review

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    Reverse Engineering is defined as the process of obtaining a geometric CAD model by digitizing the existing objects. In medical application, it is applied to obtain the CAD model of human skin surface. Chronic leg ulcer refers to the wound which does not heal in the predictable period. Approximately 1% of the world population will develop leg ulcers in their lifespa

    Estimación del volumen de lesiones producidas por Leishmaniasis cutánea utilizando un escáner láser de triangulación 3D

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    En el Perú, la Leishmaniasis es una enfermedad parasitaria de importancia en salud pública pues afecta a 12 departamentos constituyendo la segunda endemia del tipo tropical [4]. La Leishmaniasis cutánea (LC) es un tipo de Leishmaniasis que produce úlceras erosivas que crecen en forma progresiva y cuando afectan la cara produce desfiguramiento facial [5]. Debido a la toxicidad de los tratamientos actuales, médicos investigadores están desarrollando nuevos tratamientos en los que se clasifica las lesiones por estadios clínicos de evolución que depende del análisis de las dimensiones de las lesiones en términos de área, volumen, reconstrucción epitelial y otros factores. Estas medidas hasta el momento han sido obtenidas por visión directa, para lo cual no existe un método estandarizado y además es susceptible de incluir subjetividad y errores que dependen del criterio y experiencia de cada médico. Por esta razón, es necesario contar con un método cuantitativo más exacto y preciso que evite tal subjetividad. La presente investigación desarrolla un conjunto de herramientas computacionales para medir el volumen de heridas de LC y estudiar su evolución en el tiempo. Para este fin, se utiliza un escáner láser de triangulación 3D que obtiene un modelo volumétrico tridimensional de la ulceración. A partir de este modelo y utilizando técnicas de triangulación (Delaunay), interpolación de superficies (cúbica y Spline) y segmentación semi-automática basada en contornos activos, se pueden calcular parámetros de interés de la lesión estudiada: perímetro, profundidad, área y volumen. En este sentido, se logró errores de exactitud menores al 1% en medición de volumen y errores de precisión menores al 4% en mediciones de volumen, área, perímetro y profundidad. Se caracterizó al escáner láser utilizado (NextEngine Laser Scanner HD®) con un error de exactitud de 0.13mm, error de precisión de 11μm y rango de visión de 130x97mm. Así mismo, se elaboró un protocolo adecuado de adquisición de datos demostrando que es posible su aplicación para medición y monitoreo de lesiones de Leishmaniasis cutánea. Finalmente se compara la evolución en el tiempo de estos parámetros con la evolución clínica de la lesión. Resultados preliminares sugieren que los parámetros de volumen y profundidad proveen mayor información clínica sobre la evolución de la lesión.Tesi


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    Wounds that fail to heal within an expected period develop into ulcers that cause severe pain and expose patients to limb amputation. Ulcer appearance changes gradually as ulcer tissues evolve throughout the healing process. Dermatologists assess the progression of ulcer healing based on visual inspection of ulcer tissues, which is inconsistent and subjective. The ability to measure objectively early stages of ulcer healing is important to improve clinical decisions and enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. Ulcer healing is indicated by the growth of granulation tissue that contains pigment haemoglobin that causes the red colour of the tissue. An approach based on utilising haemoglobin content as an image marker to detect regions of granulation tissue on ulcers surface using colour images of chronic ulcers is investigated in this study. The approach is utilised to develop a system that is able to detect regions of granulation tissue on ulcers surface using colour images of chronic ulcers

    Il monitoraggio non invasivo della cute perilesionale nelle ulcere croniche degli arti inferiori

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    Le lesioni cutanee ulcerative croniche possono riconoscere molteplici cause , le più frequenti, sono quelle su base vascolare : venosa , arteriosa o mista. Le ulcere croniche rappresentano inoltre una delle più significative e invalidanti complicanze del diabete , dove la loro comparsa può essere riconducibile a neuropatia periferica , arteriopatia ostruttiva o a entrambe le cause . Le ulcere da pressione sono invece legate ad una prolungata immobilità ed interessano soprattutto pazienti anziani ma anche giovani oggetto di traumi spinali, affetti da sclerosi multipla o paralisi cerebrali . La diagnosi eziologica , indispensabile per impostare un adeguato programma terapeutico , richiede una scrupolosa anamnesi seguita da un attento esame obiettivo. L’esame clinico rappresenta infatti ancora oggi il momento più importante nell’inquadramento di questo tipo di paziente ed una valutazione della sede , della morfologia della ferita nonché l’aspetto della cute perilesionale possono guidarci verso una corretta diagnosi eziologica . La sospetta patologia di base può poi essere confermata o esclusa grazie a esami strumentali come eco-color doppler , doppler a onda continua , calcolo dell’ABI . Le ulcere cutanee croniche sono lesioni difficili da gestire , richiedono un trattamento a lungo termine e spesso recidivano , proprio per questo una loro valutazione periodica , volta a monitorare il processo di guarigione , è indispensabile . Il monitoraggio del paziente prevede la periodica misurazione della lesione , che può essere effettuata grazie numerose tecniche e dispositivi , classicamente suddivisi in due grandi gruppi : Tecniche di misurazione di Area o in due dimensioni ( Wound Surface Area ) e Tecniche di misurazione di Volume o in tre dimensioni ( Volume Measurements ) . Sfortunatamente alcuni di questi dispositivi , nonostante la loro accuratezza e sensibilità , non possono essere utilizzati nella pratica clinica di routine a causa degli alti costi e sono limitati all’ambito della ricerc