9,328 research outputs found

    Phase Synchronization Operator for On-Chip Brain Functional Connectivity Computation

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    This paper presents an integer-based digital processor for the calculation of phase synchronization between two neural signals. It is based on the measurement of time periods between two consecutive minima. The simplicity of the approach allows for the use of elementary digital blocks, such as registers, counters, and adders. The processor, fabricated in a 0.18- μ m CMOS process, only occupies 0.05 mm 2 and consumes 15 nW from a 0.5 V supply voltage at a signal input rate of 1024 S/s. These low-area and low-power features make the proposed processor a valuable computing element in closed-loop neural prosthesis for the treatment of neural disorders, such as epilepsy, or for assessing the patterns of correlated activity in neural assemblies through the evaluation of functional connectivity maps.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-80923-POffice of Naval Research (USA) N00014-19-1-215

    Magnetoencephalography as a tool in psychiatric research: current status and perspective

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    The application of neuroimaging to provide mechanistic insights into circuit dysfunctions in major psychiatric conditions and the development of biomarkers are core challenges in current psychiatric research. In this review, we propose that recent technological and analytic advances in Magnetoencephalography (MEG), a technique which allows the measurement of neuronal events directly and non-invasively with millisecond resolution, provides novel opportunities to address these fundamental questions. Because of its potential in delineating normal and abnormal brain dynamics, we propose that MEG provides a crucial tool to advance our understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of major neuropsychiatric conditions, such as Schizophrenia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and the dementias. In our paper, we summarize the mechanisms underlying the generation of MEG signals and the tools available to reconstruct generators and underlying networks using advanced source-reconstruction techniques. We then survey recent studies that have utilized MEG to examine aberrant rhythmic activity in neuropsychiatric disorders. This is followed by links with preclinical research, which have highlighted possible neurobiological mechanisms, such as disturbances in excitation/inhibition parameters, which could account for measured changes in neural oscillations. In the final section of the paper, challenges as well as novel methodological developments are discussed which could pave the way for a widespread application of MEG in translational research with the aim of developing biomarkers for early detection and diagnosis

    Emotional Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Research in Brain-computer interface (BCI) has significantly increased during the last few years. In addition to their initial role as assisting devices for the physically challenged, BCIs are now proposed for a wider range of applications. As in any HCI application, BCIs can also benefit from adapting their operation to the emotional state of the user. BCIs have the advantage of having access to brain activity which can provide signicant insight into the user's emotional state. This information can be utilized in two manners. 1) Knowledge of the inuence of the emotional state on brain activity patterns can allow the BCI to adapt its recognition algorithms, so that the intention of the user is still correctly interpreted in spite of signal deviations induced by the subject's emotional state. 2) The ability to recognize emotions can be used in BCIs to provide the user with more natural ways of controlling the BCI through affective modulation. Thus, controlling a BCI by recollecting a pleasant memory can be possible and can potentially lead to higher information transfer rates.\ud These two approaches of emotion utilization in BCI are elaborated in detail in this paper in the framework of noninvasive EEG based BCIs

    Default Mode Network alterations in alexithymia: An EEG power spectra and connectivity study

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    Recent neuroimaging studies have shown that alexithymia is characterized by functional alterations in different brain areas [e.g., posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)], during emotional/social tasks. However, only few data are available about alexithymic cortical networking features during resting state (RS). We have investigated the modifications of electroencephalographic (EEG) power spectra and EEG functional connectivity in the default mode network (DMN) in subjects with alexithymia. Eighteen subjects with alexithymia and eighteen subjects without alexithymia matched for age and gender were enrolled. EEG was recorded during 5 min of RS. EEG analyses were conducted by means of the exact Low Resolution Electric Tomography software (eLORETA). Compared to controls, alexithymic subjects showed a decrease of alpha power in the right PCC. In the connectivity analysis, compared to controls, alexithymic subjects showed a decrease of alpha connectivity between: (i) right anterior cingulate cortex and right PCC, (ii) right frontal lobe and right PCC, and (iii) right parietal lobe and right temporal lobe. Finally, mediation models showed that the association between alexithymia and EEG connectivity values was directed and was not mediated by psychopathology severity. Taken together, our results could reflect the neurophysiological substrate of some core features of alexithymia, such as the impairment in emotional awareness

    A Hidden Markov Factor Analysis Framework for Seizure Detection in Epilepsy Patients

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    Approximately 1% of the world population suffers from epilepsy. Continuous long-term electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is the gold-standard for recording epileptic seizures and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy. Detection of seizure from the recorded EEG is a laborious, time consuming and expensive task. In this study, we propose an automated seizure detection framework to assist electroencephalographers and physicians with identification of seizures in recorded EEG signals. In addition, an automated seizure detection algorithm can be used for treatment through automatic intervention during the seizure activity and on time triggering of the injection of a radiotracer to localize the seizure activity. In this study, we developed and tested a hidden Markov factor analysis (HMFA) framework for automated seizure detection based on different features such as total effective inflow which is calculated based on connectivity measures between different sites of the brain. The algorithm was tested on long-term (2.4-7.66 days) continuous sEEG recordings from three patients and a total of 16 seizures, producing a mean sensitivity of 96.3% across all seizures, a mean specificity of 3.47 false positives per hour, and a mean latency of 3.7 seconds form the actual seizure onset. The latency was negative for a few of the seizures which implies the proposed method detects the seizure prior to its onset. This is an indication that with some extension the proposed method is capable of seizure prediction

    Mapping the epileptic brain with EEG dynamical connectivity: established methods and novel approaches

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    Several algorithms rooted in statistical physics, mathematics and machine learning are used to analyze neuroimaging data from patients suffering from epilepsy, with the main goals of localizing the brain region where the seizure originates from and of detecting upcoming seizure activity in order to trigger therapeutic neurostimulation devices. Some of these methods explore the dynamical connections between brain regions, exploiting the high temporal resolution of the electroencephalographic signals recorded at the scalp or directly from the cortical surface or in deeper brain areas. In this paper we describe this specific class of algorithms and their clinical application, by reviewing the state of the art and reporting their application on EEG data from an epileptic patient

    Metastability, Criticality and Phase Transitions in brain and its Models

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    This essay extends the previously deposited paper "Oscillations, Metastability and Phase Transitions" to incorporate the theory of Self-organizing Criticality. The twin concepts of Scaling and Universality of the theory of nonequilibrium phase transitions is applied to the role of reentrant activity in neural circuits of cerebral cortex and subcortical neural structures

    Changes in MEG resting-state networks are related to cognitive decline in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients

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    OBJECTIVE: Integrity of resting-state functional brain networks (RSNs) is important for proper cognitive functioning. In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) cognitive decrements are commonly observed, possibly due to alterations in RSNs, which may vary according to microvascular complication status. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that functional connectivity in RSNs differs according to clinical status and correlates with cognition in T1DM patients, using an unbiased approach with high spatio-temporal resolution functional network.; METHODS: Resting-state magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data for T1DM patients with (n=42) and without (n=41) microvascular complications and 33 healthy participants were recorded. MEG time-series at source level were reconstructed using a recently developed atlas-based beamformer. Functional connectivity within classical frequency bands, estimated by the phase lag index (PLI), was calculated within eight commonly found RSNs. Neuropsychological tests were used to assess cognitive performance, and the relation with RSNs was evaluated.; RESULTS: Significant differences in terms of RSN functional connectivity between the three groups were observed in the lower alpha band, in the default-mode (DMN), executive control (ECN) and sensorimotor (SMN) RSNs. T1DM patients with microvascular complications showed the weakest functional connectivity in these networks relative to the other groups. For DMN, functional connectivity was higher in patients without microangiopathy relative to controls (all p<0.05). General cognitive performance for both patient groups was worse compared with healthy controls. Lower DMN alpha band functional connectivity correlated with poorer general cognitive ability in patients with microvascular complications.; DISCUSSION: Altered RSN functional connectivity was found in T1DM patients depending on clinical status. Lower DMN functional connectivity was related to poorer cognitive functioning. These results indicate that functional connectivity may play a key role in T1DM-related cognitive dysfunction

    EEG-based cognitive control behaviour assessment: an ecological study with professional air traffic controllers

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    Several models defining different types of cognitive human behaviour are available. For this work, we have selected the Skill, Rule and Knowledge (SRK) model proposed by Rasmussen in 1983. This model is currently broadly used in safety critical domains, such as the aviation. Nowadays, there are no tools able to assess at which level of cognitive control the operator is dealing with the considered task, that is if he/she is performing the task as an automated routine (skill level), as procedures-based activity (rule level), or as a problem-solving process (knowledge level). Several studies tried to model the SRK behaviours from a Human Factor perspective. Despite such studies, there are no evidences in which such behaviours have been evaluated from a neurophysiological point of view, for example, by considering brain activity variations across the different SRK levels. Therefore, the proposed study aimed to investigate the use of neurophysiological signals to assess the cognitive control behaviours accordingly to the SRK taxonomy. The results of the study, performed on 37 professional Air Traffic Controllers, demonstrated that specific brain features could characterize and discriminate the different SRK levels, therefore enabling an objective assessment of the degree of cognitive control behaviours in realistic setting