7 research outputs found

    E-Learning – A Proposed Model to Meet the Millennium Development Goal-2

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    This paper reviews the literature and proposes a latest fastest and cheaper ways of imparting universal quality education at primary school level in developing countries. Literature review shows that blending of e-tools in present way of learning is helpful in improving the standard of education at national and international level. At present time, different ways of learning are available in the world, like: virtual universities, distant education, privately appearing in examinations, online papers etc. According to MDGs report, Goal 2 is: Achieve Universal Primary Education: Ensure that all the boys and girls complete primary school by 2015. It is found that the education and training systems of all the nations make vulnerable the future of millions of the children and of the nation itself. In developing countries villages where schools are available, enrolments are there, in spite of that there is no productivity because there something is lacking in teachers and society. Efforts made by government and donors agencies are encouraging but not enough; it is also found that with available resources by proper innovation and blending with information technology productivity can be improved, so for this a model is proposed , which will be helpful to meet the MDG-2.e-Learning; Universal Education; Innovative; MDG-2; Information Technology

    E-Learning – A Proposed Model to Meet the Millennium Development Goal-2

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    This paper reviews the literature and proposes a latest fastest and cheaper ways of imparting universal quality education at primary school level in developing countries. Literature review shows that blending of e-tools in present way of learning is helpful in improving the standard of education at national and international level. At present time, different ways of learning are available in the world, like: virtual universities, distant education, privately appearing in examinations, online papers etc. According to MDGs report, Goal 2 is: Achieve Universal Primary Education: Ensure that all the boys and girls complete primary school by 2015. It is found that the education and training systems of all the nations make vulnerable the future of millions of the children and of the nation itself. In developing countries villages where schools are available, enrolments are there, in spite of that there is no productivity because there something is lacking in teachers and society. Efforts made by government and donors agencies are encouraging but not enough; it is also found that with available resources by proper innovation and blending with information technology productivity can be improved, so for this a model is proposed , which will be helpful to meet the MDG-2e-Learning; Universal Education; Innovative; MDG-2; Information Technology

    Factors Related to the Continuance Intention Using E-Learning Based on Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) for Postgraduate Students

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    E-learning is a learning method based on information and communication technology (ICT). This learning method is a mandatory alternative during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since March 11, 2020 was declared a pandemic by WHO, the implementation of learning activities no longer takes place face-to-face. Online learning using e-learning brings a separate assessment to each student. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the continuance intention using e-learning. The population in this study are postgraduate students. The reason for choosing the sample because at this level some students have worked. Sample selection based on a simple random sampling method.  Is e-learning an effective choice of learning method because it can be done remotely at their busy time. The study was conducted using the Expectation Confirmation Model approach (Bhattacherjee, 2001) using the constructs of perceived usefulness (PU), confirmation (Cf) and satisfaction (Sf) on continuance intention (CI). The data were collected through a questionnaire use google form. The data is analyzed using Moderated Regression Analysis and performed with SPSS program. The results showed that  Keywords: continuence intention; COVID-19; e-learning; expectation confirmation model (ECM

    The challenge of the transition from online delivery to online teaching and learning

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    This paper aims to discuss the challenge of the transition from on-line delivery to on-line teaching and learning. At the present e-learning constitutes the main digital support to promote an effective distance education. However it is necessary understand “what can I do with e-learning and that I can not do with e-learning”. Due to the fact that the discussions around e-learning are almost focused on technology its pedagogical importance may be considered as a secondary problem. This paper reflects the importance of the use of e-learning in the process of teaching and learning (institution, teachers and students). The main obstacles and difficulties are considered as a catalyst for reflection in order to find ways, strategies and innovative process for the implementation of e-learning. Recommendations and future trends (e.g. m-learning) are also discussed in order to find new ways to promote an ubiquitous education

    E-Learning – A Proposed Model to Meet the Millennium Development Goal-2

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    This paper reviews the literature and proposes a latest fastest and cheaper ways of imparting universal quality education at primary school level in developing countries. Literature review shows that blending of e-tools in present way of learning is helpful in improving the standard of education at national and international level. At present time, different ways of learning are available in the world, like: virtual universities, distant education, privately appearing in examinations, online papers etc. According to MDGs report, Goal 2 is: Achieve Universal Primary Education: Ensure that all the boys and girls complete primary school by 2015. It is found that the education and training systems of all the nations make vulnerable the future of millions of the children and of the nation itself. In developing countries villages where schools are available, enrolments are there, in spite of that there is no productivity because there something is lacking in teachers and society. Efforts made by government and donors agencies are encouraging but not enough; it is also found that with available resources by proper innovation and blending with information technology productivity can be improved, so for this a model is proposed , which will be helpful to meet the MDG-2

    E-Learning Adoption Inside Jordanian Organizations from Change Management Perspective

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    The objective of this research is to build a complete e-Learning adoption model which can be used to increase the acceptance of e-learning inside Jordanian organizations. This objective is achieved through the analysis of the e-learning adoption process in two different Jordanian case studies

    Potenciação do e-learning no Ensino Básico e Secundário : o impacto da COVID-19

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    Tese de doutoramento em Gestão, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2021Exame público realizado em 24 de Janeiro de 2022Esta investigação foca-se na potenciação do e-learning e na sua evolução específica aplicada ao Ensino Básico e Secundário, tendo em consideração novas abordagens tecnológicas conforme vem sendo evidenciado pelas editoras escolares, e ao abrigo da Lei Portuguesa n.º 72/2017, que promove o desenvolvimento e generalização da desmaterialização dos diversos recursos educativos. Nesta abordagem de estudo de caso, a utilização heterogénea contraria os ambientes one size fits all e pode gerar a necessidade de diferentes estratégias de acordo com os perfis de utilizador, ou grupo de utilizadores. É assim necessário estudar o e‐learning através de uma abordagem sistémica, para identificar os principais obstáculos à potenciação e disseminação dos instrumentos tecnológicos, investigar as estratégias específicas para as ações de formação e do marketing empresarial, para promover a resolução de problemas na geração de valor (nível de adesão). A tecnologia pode não ser um fator impeditivo, mas a aplicabilidade da taxonomia das necessidades dos utilizadores, e as ações promocionais, podem não estar devidamente ajustados. A metodologia desta investigação explorou as necessidades e motivações com base no quadro conceptual que se apresenta na secção 3.2., que inclui o desenvolvimento dos processos de oferta do e-learning, de formação da demanda, e da interação entre a oferta e demanda, a qual pode ser potenciada por políticas públicas adequadas. Para esse efeito, foram entrevistados fornecedores, e professores com diversos níveis de responsabilidade nas escolas e agrupamentos de escolas, assim como analisadas notícias e documentos estatísticos de domínio público. Desta forma, as interpretações e classificações qualitativas, foram, sempre que possível, combinadas com confirmações de ordem quantitativa. Os resultados confirmaram que as crenças sobre o estudo de caso do e-learning são em geral influenciadas pela maioria dos processos de implementação anteriores, ainda geralmente considerados como um fracasso não ultrapassado. Contudo as evidencias são alteradas pelos novos dados revelados sobre o impacto que a COVID-19 está a ter em todo o processo de organização educativa, especificamente na disseminação e inovação tecnológica. A necessidade de formação específica para a utilização das diversas ferramentas de e-learning foi um obstáculo para os processos educativos mais eficientes e equitativos. Surgiram ofertas espontâneas e de emergência sobretudo promovidas pelas editoras escolares. Nesse sentido, evidencia-se a oportunidade para novas orientações e estratégias de potenciação de e-learning, que neste contexto e fase de implementação se focam no marketing empresarial e oportunidades de progressão na carreira dos professores.This research focuses on the “mise en valeur” of e-learning and its specific evolution applied to Basic and Secondary Education, taking into account new technological approaches, as it has been evidenced by school publishers, and under Portuguese Law No. 72/2017, which promotes the development and generalization of the dematerialization of various educational resources. In this case study approach, heterogeneous usage contradicts "one size fits all" environments and can generate the need for different strategies according to user profiles, or user group. It is therefore necessary to study e‐learning through a systemic approach, to identify the main obstacles to the potentiation and dissemination of technological instruments, investigate specific strategies for training and business marketing actions, to promote problem solving in value generation (level of adoption). Technology may not be an impediment, but the applicability of taxonomy to users' needs, and promotional actions, may not be properly adjusted. The methodology of this research explored the needs and motivations based on the conceptual framework presented in section 3.2., which includes the development of e-learning supply processes, demand formation, and the interaction between supply and demand, which can be enhanced with appropriate public policies. To this end, suppliers, and teachers with different levels of responsibility in schools and group of schools were interviewed, as well as analyzing news and statistical documents from the public domain. Thus, qualitative interpretations and classifications were, whenever possible, combined with quantitative confirmations. The results confirmed that beliefs about e-learning are generally influenced by most previous implementation processes still generally considered as an unsurpassed failure. However, the evidence is altered by the new data revealed on the impact that COVID-19 is having on the entire educational organization process, specifically on the technological dissemination and innovation. The need for specific training on the use of the various e-learning tools was an obstacle to the most efficient and equitable educational processes. Spontaneous and emergency offers emerged mainly promoted by school publishers. In this sense, the opportunity for new orientations and e-learning “mise en valeur” strategies are evidenced, which in this context and implementation phase focus on business marketing and on opportunities for teachers’ career progression