3 research outputs found

    Automatic set-point control of an HVAC system using Arduino for efficient and rational energy consumption

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    Los sistemas de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado (HVAC), son tecnologías desarrolladas para brindar confort ambiental en un recinto cerrado. En ciudades con altas temperaturas el consumo energético de un sistema HVAC puede aumentar considerablemente, e inclusive, impedir que el sistema logre la temperatura deseada (set-point). Por esto, se desarrolla un control automático del set-point para sistemas de HVAC a través de la plataforma Arduino que permita un consumo energético eficiente y racional.Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are technologies developed to provide environmental comfort indoors. In cities with high temperatures, the energy consumption of an HVAC system can considerably increase, even prevent the system from achieving the desired temperature. For this, we present an automatic linear control of the point system for HVAC systems through the Arduino platform that allows an efficient and rational energy consumption

    Assessing the potential of residential HVAC systems for demand-side management

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    This paper investigates the potential of residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems to contribute to dynamic demand-side management. Thermal models for seven houses in Austin, Texas are developed with the goal of using them in a planning based demand-side management methodology. The thermal models form the base to determine the flexibility present in these houses with respect to cooling requirements. The linear models are shown to be reasonably accurate when used to predict indoor temperature changes. Furthermore, the resulting prediction errors can be largely attributed to human behavior. The considered thermal models are integrated in a planning-based demand-side management methodology while accounting for such prediction errors. The resulting methodology is capable of flattening the load profile of the considered houses considerably