9 research outputs found

    Extending Architectural Representation in UML with View Integration

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    Enabling the Refinement of a Software Architecture into a Design

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    Software architecture: styles and representational schemes

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    Software architecture is being widely used today to describe a very high-level design methodology of large software systems. Software architecture represents the overall structure of a system in an abstract, structured manner. A good architectural representation scheme holds the key to the effectiveness of a software architecture description and usage. In this work we look at architectural styles and architectural representation schemes. We propound the idea that the layered architectural model is a suitable candidate for a generalized architectural style and that it can cater to many different problem domains, other than the message-passing systems it has traditionally been used to model. We propose some rules by which the layered architectural style can be improved and modified in order to be able to model a wider problem domain. Then we evaluate different methods of architectural representations that have been used to model software architecture and analyze their strengths and shortcomings. We propose the use of a modified data flow diagram architecture representation scheme. This scheme is called AND-OR DFD method and is introduced and developed in this thesis. The main concept introduced here is a combination of components to form action groups to support multiple workflows and the relationships among them, without significant increase in the architectural complexity. Finally, we look at UML as a prospect for a generalized architecture description language and discuss its merits and demerits with examples

    Uma arquitetura baseada em ambientes para sistemas de comércio eletrônico

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Este trabalho explora uma abordagem de ambientes para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de vendas online utilizando a tecnologia Servlets/JSP. A primeira parte deste trabalho é dedicada a um estudo de caso compreendendo a análise de um sistema de vendas online para produtos relacionados à construção civil denominado Sistema de Vendas Online Casarão. A segunda, dedicou-se ao desenvolvimento de um projeto de software contemplando as necessidades do sistema proposto na primeira etapa. Esse estudo tem como objetivo principal a identificação de conceitos arquiteturais para o projeto de sistemas de vendas online. Especificamente, buscou-se, de um lado, esclarecer melhor a problemática envolvida e, de outro, evidenciar uma noção de ambientes como um possível candidato a conceito arquitetural para sistemas de vendas online onde os ambientes são caracterizados conforme ambientes de uma loja real

    Leveraging service-oriented business applications to a rigorous rule-centric dynamic behavioural architecture.

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    Today’s market competitiveness and globalisation are putting pressure on organisations to join their efforts, to focus more on cooperation and interaction and to add value to their businesses. That is, most information systems supporting these cross-organisations are characterised as service-oriented business applications, where all the emphasis is put on inter-service interactions rather than intra-service computations. Unfortunately for the development of such inter-organisational service-oriented business systems, current service technology proposes only ad-hoc, manual and static standard web-service languages such as WSDL, BPEL and WS-CDL [3, 7]. The main objective of the work reported in this thesis is thus to leverage the development of service-oriented business applications towards more reliability and dynamic adaptability, placing emphasis on the use of business rules to govern activities, while composing services. The best available software-engineering techniques for adaptability, mainly aspect-oriented mechanisms, are also to be integrated with advanced formal techniques. More specifically, the proposed approach consists of the following incremental steps. First, it models any business activity behaviour governing any service-oriented business process as Event-Condition-Action (ECA) rules. Then such informal rules are made more interaction-centric, using adapted architectural connectors. Third, still at the conceptual-level, with the aim of adapting such ECA-driven connectors, this approach borrows aspect-oriented ideas and mechanisms, and proposes to intercept events, select the properties required for interacting entities, explicitly and separately execute such ECA-driven behavioural interactions and finally dynamically weave the results into the entities involved. To ensure compliance and to preserve the implementation of this architectural conceptualisation, the work adopts the Maude language as an executable operational formalisation. For that purpose, Maude is first endowed with the notions of components and interfaces. Further, the concept of ECA-driven behavioural interactions are specified and implemented as aspects. Finally, capitalising on Maude reflection, the thesis demonstrates how to weave such interaction executions into associated services

    SAVCBS 2003: Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems

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    These are the proceedings for the SAVCBS 2003 workshop. This workshop was held at ESEC/FSE 2003 in Helsinki Finland in September 2003

    Assessing the Suitability of a Standard Design Method for Modeling Software Architectures

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    Software architecture descriptions are high-level models of software systems. Most existing special-purpose architectural notations have a great deal of expressive power but are not well integrated with common development methods. Conversely, mainstream development methods are accessible to developers, but lack the semantics needed for extensive analysis. In our previous work, we described an approach to combining the advantages of these two ways of modeling architectures. While this approach suggested a practical strategy for bringing architectural modeling into wider use, it introduced specialized extensions to a standard modeling notation, which could also hamper wide adoption of the approach. This paper attempts to assess the suitability of a standard design method "as is" for modeling software architectures

    Formal patterns for Web-based systems design

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    The ubiquitous and simple interface of Web browsers has opened the door for the devel- opment of a new class of distributed applications which they have been known as Web applications. As more and more systems become Web-enabled we become increasingly dependent on the Web applications. Therefore, reliability of such systems is a very crucial factor for successful operation of many modern organisations and institutes. In the ¯rst part of this thesis we review how Web systems have evolved from simple static pages, in their early days, to their current situation as distributed applications with sophisticated functionalities. We also ¯nd out how the design methods have evolved to align with the rapid changes both in the new emerging technologies and growing functionalities. Although design approaches for Web applications have improved during the last decade we conclude that dependability should be given more consideration. In Chapter 2 we explain how this could be achieved through the application of formal methods. Therefore, we have provided an overview of dependability and formal methods in this chapter. In the second part of this research we follow a practical approach to the formal modelling of Web Applications. Accordingly, in Chapter 3 we have developed a series of formal models for an integrated holiday booking system. Our main objectives are to gain some common knowledge of the domain and to identify some key areas and features with regard to our formal modelling approach. Formal modelling of large Web applications could be a very complex process. In Chapter 4 we have introduced the idea of formal patterns for speci¯cation and re¯nement to accelerate the modelling process and to help alleviate the burden of formal modelling. In a further attempt to tackle the complexity of the formal modelling of Web applica- tions, we have introduced the idea of speci¯cation partitioning in Chapter 5. Speci¯- cation partitioning is closely related to the notion of composition. In this chapter we have extended some CSP-like composition techniques to build the system speci¯cation from subsystems or parts. The summary of our research, related ¯ndings and some suggestions for the future work are presented in Chapter 6.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo