8 research outputs found

    Assessing Spatial Data Infrastructure Policy Strategies Using the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis

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    Assessments of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) strategies are rather scarce. When evaluations do occur, they usually cover only one aspect of a certain initiative or infrastructure, without taking into account all the other impacts it might have. Moreover, similar methods, such as the Cost-Benefit Analysis, are used in most situations. However, these techniques are only suited for very specific objectives as they require exclusively monetary information and they do not include the objectives or perceptions of the many relevant stakeholders of the SDI environment. This is why a new methodology for assessing SDI strategies is presented in this paper, namely the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA). This technique is an extension of the original Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and allows for structured and extensive stakeholder participation during the entire evaluation procedure. The methodology provides a new assessment framework that takes into account all the different criteria and actors of the complex SDI decision making context. In order to illustrate the opportunities and strengths of the MAMCA in the SDI context, a case study will be presented, where possible policy strategies for the SDI in Flanders will be assessed. In this paper, which forms the first section of a two-parted article, the methodology of the MAMCA method and its possible merits for the assessment of an SDI are illustrated, together with the first three steps of the case study. The second paper, which will be published at a later date, will document the four following MAMCA steps of the case study as well as its global results and possible future recommendations

    Enhancing Spatial Data Accessibility in Ghana: Prioritization of Influencing Factors Using AHP

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a general problem-solving method that is useful in making complex, multi-criteria and multi-stakeholder decisions based on variables that have or do not have exact numerical consequences. AHP was applied to structure a multi-criteria decision problem regarding access to spatial data in Ghana; and to determine the priorities of spatial data accessibility components and influencing factors. A three-level AHP structure was constructed to examine the spatial data access problem, with a main objective, four sub-objectives and five alternatives. Spatial data accessibility was decomposed into four components (discoverability, retrievability, usability and affordability) which were used as sub-objectives (criteria). More so, spatial data access is mediated by affective factors (institutional, technical, policy/legal, socio-cultural and economic) which were used as alternatives. Fifty individuals from twenty four organizations were interviewed and later engaged in focus-group discussion to generate weights (priorities) for the accessibility components and the alternatives. The results provide both qualitative and quantitative information to decision makers regarding the spatial data access problem and their priorities from the perspective of enhancing access to spatial data. Regarding accessibility components (objectives), discoverability and retrievability had the highest priorities while technical and institutional issues had the highest priorities with regard to the affective factors. Considering the overall impact on the main objective and in the face of limited resources, it is concluded that improvement in the technical and institutional environment with the view to improving discoverability and retrievability require the highest priority in order to enhance access to spatial data in Ghana

    Methods to Improve and Evaluate Spatial Data Infrastructures

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    This thesis mainly focuses on methods for improving and evaluating Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). The aim has been threefold: to develop a framework for the management and evaluation of an SDI, to improve the accessibility of spatial data in an SDI, and to improve the cartography in view services in an SDI. Spatial Data Infrastructure has been identified as an umbrella covering spatial data handling procedures. The long-term implementation of SDI increases the need for short/middle term feedbacks from different perspectives. Thus, a precise strategic plan and accurate objectives have to be defined for the implementation of an efficient environment for spatial data collection and exchange in a region. In this thesis, a comprehensive study was conducted to review the current methods in the business management literature to approach to an integrated framework for the implementation and evaluation of SDIs. In this context, four techniques were described and the usability of each technique in several aspects of SDI implementation was discussed. SDI evaluation has been considered as one of the main challenges in recent years. Lack of a general goal oriented framework to assess an SDI from different perspectives was one of the main concerns of this thesis. Among a number of the current methods in this research area, we focused on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a general evaluation framework covering all perspectives in an SDI. The assessment study opened a window to a number of important issues that ranged from the technical to the cartographic aspects of spatial data exchange in an SDI. To access the required datasets in an SDI, clearinghouse networks have been developed as a gateway to the data repositories. However, traditional clearinghouse networks do not satisfy the end user requirements. By adding a number of functionalities, we proposed a methodology to increase the percentage of accessing required data. These methods were based on predefined rules and additional procedures within web processing services and service composition subjects to develop an expert system based clearinghouses. From the cartography viewpoint, current methods for spatial data presentation do not satisfy the user requirements in an SDI environment. The main presentation problem occurs when spatial data are integrated from different sources. For appropriate cartography, we propose a number of methods, such as the polygon overlay method, which is an icon placement approach, to emphasize the more important layers and the color saturation method to decrease the color saturation of the unimportant layers and emphasize the foreground layer according to the visual hierarchy concept. Another cartographic challenge is the geometrical and topological conflicts in data shown in view services. The geometrical inconsistency is due to the artificial discrepancy that occurs when displaying connected information from different sources, which is caused by inaccuracies and different levels of details in the datasets. The semantic conflict is related to the definition of the related features, i.e., to the information models of the datasets. To overcome these conflicts and to fix the topological and geometric conflicts we use a semantic based expert system by utilizing an automatic cartography core containing a semantic rule based component. We proposed a system architecture that has an OWL (Web Ontology Language) based expert system to improve the cartography by adjusting and resolving topological and geometrical conflicts in geoportals

    Flächennutzungsmonitoring III

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    Das Buch informiert über neueste Methoden und Datengrundlagen eines Flächennutzungsmonitorings sowie kleinräumigen Statistik- und Prognosemethoden. Grundlage sind die Beiträge des 3. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposiums. Zwei Trends bestimmen die rasante Entwicklung: das stetig verbesserte Datenangebot sowie die Abstimmung von Liegenschafts- und Geotopographie im AAA-Projekt. Diese wird nun endlich die tatsächliche Flächennutzung harmonisieren und neue Perspektiven für ein genaueres Flächennutzungsmonitoring eröffnen. In der Analyse und Visualisierung ist der Trend zu Rasterkarten unübersehbar. Denn administrative Gebietseinheiten werden momentan immer größer und entziehen sich damit einem Monitoring. Sie müssen zwingend um kleinräumigere und zeitlich konstante Analyseeinheiten ergänzt werden; dazu eignen sich insbesondere quadratische geographische Gitterzellen.:Aktuelle Trends der Flächennutzungsentwicklung Flächennutzungsentwicklung in Deutschland – Trendanalysen auf Basis der aktuellen amtlichen Flächenstatistik Gertrude Penn-Bressel............................................................................3 Flächenverbrauch und Landschaftszersiedelung – Wo steht Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich? Stefan Fina............................................................................................11 Aktuelle Ergebnisse des IÖR-Monitors zur Flächennutzung in Deutschland Tobias Krüger........................................................................................23 Methoden des Flächennutzungsmonitorings Fernerkundliche Erhebungen in Kombination mit Geo- und Statistikdaten – Mehrwert durch Datenverknüpfung Wieke Heldens, Hannes Taubenböck, Thomas Esch, Christian Geiß, Michael Wurm, Michael Thiel...................................................................39 Kleinräumige quantitative Abschätzung des deutschen Gebäudebestandes – Ausgangslage und Perspektive Martin Behnisch, Gotthard Meinel..........................................................47 Siedlungsflächenmonitoring in Rasterkarten Markus Dießelmann, Gotthard Meinel, Robert Hecht..............................61 Amtliche Flächenstatistik – ALK – IÖR-Monitor – Ergebnisse eines Vergleichs Gotthard Meinel, Ekkehard Scheffler......................................................71 Visualisierungs- und Bewertungsmethoden Visualisierung von Ergebnissen der Arealstatistik der Schweiz mit Kriging- und Mischrasterkarten Werner Meyer........................................................................................83 Monitoring- und Bewertungsmethoden von Problem- und Stadterneuerungs‑ gebieten – Realisierung im Stadtteilmonitor Dresden Nguyen Xuan Thinh................................................................................93 Raumbeobachtung und Flächenmanagement in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar Hans-Peter Hege.................................................................................107 Neue Analyse- und Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten im Monitor der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung (IÖR-Monitor) Jochen Förster.....................................................................................115 Amtliche Geodaten und -dienste als Grundlage eines Monitorings Das ATKIS Basis-DLM im neuen Gewand – was hat sich geändert Wolfram Kunze....................................................................................125 Das neue Geobasisprodukt 3D-Gebäudestrukturen Stephan Heitmann...............................................................................135 Informationsdienst „GeoDaten Dresden“ – informatorisches Instrument zum Flächensparen? Marcus Dora.........................................................................................141 Indikatoren und Monitoring des Freiraums Indikatoren und Monitoring der biologischen Vielfalt in Deutschland Werner Ackermann, Rainer Dröschmeister, Ulrich Sukopp...................149 Landschaftszerschneidung und Waldfragmentierung – Neue Indikatoren des IÖR-Monitors Ulrich Walz, Tobias Krüger, Ulrich Schumacher.....................................163 Prognosen der Flächeninanspruchnahme Das 30-Hektar-Ziel – Flächensparen auf Kosten sozialer und ökonomischer Belange? Stefan Siedentop.................................................................................173 Modellgestützte Projektion der Flächeninanspruchnahme in den Kreisen Deutschlands bis 2020 Martin Distelkamp, Philip Ulrich............................................................181 Gewerbeflächenprognosen – Methodische Zugänge und Forschungsbedarf Karsten Rusche, Alexander Mayr.........................................................189 Kleinräumige Statistik – Probleme und Lösungen Indikatorensysteme im Spannungsfeld zwischen europäischen Anforderungen und regionalem Informationsbedarf Hans-Dieter Kretschmann....................................................................199 „Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen, aber nicht mit Zitronen“ – Überlegungen zu einer Erweiterung der regionalstatistischen Analyseeinheiten in der amtlichen Statistik Markus Sigismund................................................................................205 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Regionalisierung statistischer Erhebungen am Beispiel des Zensus 2011 Michael Bubik, Karsten Lamla...............................................................213 Das kleinräumige städtische Gliederungssystem AGK als Basis intrakommunaler Informationssysteme Rainer Schönheit..................................................................................219 Strategien der Geoinformationsnutzung Geoinformations-Nutzung durch Geodateninfrastrukturen: Das Beispiel GDI Metropolregion Hamburg Sascha Tegtmeyer...............................................................................229 Planungsraumbezogene Informationsbereitstellung für Monitoring und Analyse – Umsetzungsbaustein der Rahmenstrategie Soziale Stadtentwicklung Berlin Dietrich Bangert...................................................................................235 Kommunale Geodateninfrastrukturen und sozio-technischer Systemwandel: Entwicklungspfade in Deutschland Marc Wolfram.......................................................................................241 Autorenverzeichnis..............................................................................25

    Flächennutzungsmonitoring III: Erhebung - Analyse - Bewertung

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    Das Buch informiert über neueste Methoden und Datengrundlagen eines Flächennutzungsmonitorings sowie kleinräumigen Statistik- und Prognosemethoden. Grundlage sind die Beiträge des 3. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposiums. Zwei Trends bestimmen die rasante Entwicklung: das stetig verbesserte Datenangebot sowie die Abstimmung von Liegenschafts- und Geotopographie im AAA-Projekt. Diese wird nun endlich die tatsächliche Flächennutzung harmonisieren und neue Perspektiven für ein genaueres Flächennutzungsmonitoring eröffnen. In der Analyse und Visualisierung ist der Trend zu Rasterkarten unübersehbar. Denn administrative Gebietseinheiten werden momentan immer größer und entziehen sich damit einem Monitoring. Sie müssen zwingend um kleinräumigere und zeitlich konstante Analyseeinheiten ergänzt werden; dazu eignen sich insbesondere quadratische geographische Gitterzellen

    Enhancing Democracy in Spatial Planning Through Spatial Data Sharing in Indonesia

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    Desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de dados espaciais locais : proposta e aplicação de um modelo exploratório para avaliação multinível da capacitação individual, institucional e territorial

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsO conhecimento científico, a inovação tecnológica e organizacional e as opções políticas enquadram o desenvolvimento e a difusão de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) na implementação de Infraestrutura de Dados Espaciais (IDE) à escala global, nacional e local (IDEL). Os SIG e IDE integram dados, tecnologias, utilizadores, normas e políticas na produção, gestão, partilha e aplicação de dados espaciais e informação geográfica. Os SIG focam-se na produção e análise de dados, enquanto as IDE privilegiam a comunicação, a partilha e o acesso aos dados e serviços de dados entre utilizadores e sistemas. As IDE são infraestruturas digitais de informação que promovem iniciativas de governança digital, as sociedades e comunidades espacialmente habilitadas lideradas por entidades públicas com vista à participação, coesão e inclusão social, à qualidade ambiental, a sustentabilidade territorial e à geração de novas economias do conhecimento pelas entidades privadas. A implementação e efetivação das potencialidades destas iniciativas e instrumentos relacionam-se com o domínio técnico-científico dos promotores e dos utilizadores, a capacidade de definir um âmbito espacial e temático adequado, uma visão estratégica comum, um forte impulso e liderança política e administrativa associado à reorganização e de capacitação das entidades humanas. A capacitação individual, institucional e territorial é um elemento central na conceção, implementação e manutenção destas infraestruturas digitais sociotécnicas. Os custos, os desafios e os potenciais impactes indicam a importância e a tendência de desenvolver abordagens e modelos de avaliação consciência, prontidão, maturidade, desempenho e satisfação das IDE. A natureza complexa dinâmica e multifacetada das IDE bem como, a experimentação dos modelos desenvolvidos, indicam a dificuldade de conceber e aplicar abordagens e modelos de avaliação sistémicos com perspetivas centradas em componentes, fases ou processos de desenvolvimento específico das IDEL. Esta tese de doutoramento visa fundamentar, conceber, experimentar e propor um modelo exploratório de avaliação da capacitação multinível que colocar em questão em que medida os projetos de desenvolvimento de SIG capacitam os indivíduos, as instituições e os territórios para o desenvolvimento de IDEL. A experimentação do modelo associa-se à inventariação, descrição e análise dos processos e resultados de 61 projetos de I&D+i, ensino e formação desenvolvidos pelo CIGESA-IPVC no período de 2000 a 2015 sobre: i) a aquisição de conhecimentos, aptidões ou atitudes de diversas tipologias de utilizadores individuais de C&TIG; ii) as componentes (politicas, normas, dados, utilizadores e tecnologias) na capacitação do IPVC (instituição); iii) ou no conjunto da região (território) para a implementação de uma IDEL do Alto Minho. Os resultados indicam os avanços na produção, modelação e partilha de dados e metadados espaciais, do número de utilizadores e áreas de aplicação, da utilização de normas internacionais, do estabelecimento de processos e de redes de conhecimento e de trabalho locais, regionais e espaços transfronteiriços. Em simultâneo verificam-se desafios e propostas de formalização, adoção social, opção política e prática técnica para a avaliação e melhoria contínua dos itinerários de desenvolvimento e dos impactes das IDEL. O modelo de avaliação mostrou se interessante para avaliar os resultados de projetos SIG no sentido de proposta para formalizar uma IDEL do Alto Minho. Mesmo assim, importa experimentar, simplificar, instrumentalizar e operacionalizar o modelo bem como adaptar e comparar a outros âmbitos ou fases de implementação. A avaliação de experiências publicadas e a avaliação de diversos estudos de casos suportam a proposta de um modelo de natureza concetual, sistémica e holística acerca da capacidade hierárquica para desenvolver e sustentar IDEL. O modelo exploratório de avaliação da capacitação multinível contribui para novos conceitos científicos, abordagens e modelos de avaliação multidisciplinar para as IDE, formula e propõe referências, instrumentos, conteúdos formativos, um programa de investigação, práticas de planeamento, gestão e monitorização de projetos SIG e IDEL