13 research outputs found

    Tuning the Senses:How the Pupil Shapes Vision at the Earliest Stage

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    The pupil responds reflexively to changes in brightness and focal distance to maintain the smallest pupil (and thus the highest visual acuity) that still allows sufficient light to reach the retina. The pupil also responds to a wide variety of cognitive processes, but the functions of these cognitive responses are still poorly understood. In this review, I propose that cognitive pupil responses, like their reflexive counterparts, serve to optimize vision. Specifically, an emphasis on central vision over peripheral vision results in pupil constriction, and this likely reflects the fact that central vision benefits most from the increased visual acuity provided by small pupils. Furthermore, an intention to act with a bright stimulus results in preparatory pupil constriction, which allows the pupil to respond quickly when that bright stimulus is subsequently brought into view. More generally, cognitively driven pupil responses are likely a form of sensory tuning: a subtle adjustment of the eyes to optimize their properties for the current situation and the immediate future

    Understanding the potentiation and malleability of population activity in response to absolute and relative stimulus dimensions within the human visual cortex

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    The human visual system is tasked with transforming variations in light within our environment into a coherent percept, typically described using properties such as luminance and contrast. The experiments described in this dissertation examine how the human visual cortex responds to each of these stimulus properties at the population-level, and explores the degree to which contrast adaptation can alter these response properties. The first set of experiments (Chapter 2) demonstrate how saturating sigmoidal contrast response functions can be captured using human fMRI by leveraging sustained contrast adaptation to reduce the heterogeneity of response profiles across neural populations. The results obtained using this methodology have the potential to rectify the qualitatively different findings reported across visual neuroscience, when comparing electrophysiological and population-based neuroimaging measures. The second set of experiments (Chapter 3) demonstrate how under certain conditions a well-established visuocortical response property, contrast response, can also reflect luminance encoding, challenging the idea that luminance information plays no significant role in supporting visual perception. Specifically, these results show that the mean luminance information of a visual signal persists within visuocortical representations, even after controlling for pupillary dynamics, and potentially reflects an inherent imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory components. The final set of experiments (Chapter 4) examine how the time course of population activity during initial periods of adaptation differs across seemingly slightly different adapter conditions. The degree to which stimulus adapter orientation bias (radial vs. concentric orientation) or stimulus adapter luminance (2409 cd/m2 vs. 757.3 cd/m2) can alter adaptation time course dynamics is examined in detail, as well as investigating the prevalence of any retinotopic bias. In an effort to coalesce the findings across all three chapters, the shape and efficacy of the initial adaptation time course is ultimately compared against the contrast and luminance response function parameters reported in previous chapters. As a whole, the findings reported in this dissertation challenge some common assumptions about how the early human visual cortex adjusts and responds to the environment, provide methodological tools and stimulus design caveats vision neuroscientists will need to consider, and play a significant role in cortical models of vision

    The effect of pupil size and peripheral brightness on detection and discrimination performance

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    It is easier to read dark text on a bright background (positive polarity) than to read bright text on a dark background (negative polarity). This positive-polarity advantage is often linked to pupil size: A bright background induces small pupils, which in turn increases visual acuity. Here we report that pupil size, when manipulated through peripheral brightness, has qualitatively different effects on discrimination of fine stimuli in central vision and detection of faint stimuli in peripheral vision. Small pupils are associated with improved discrimination performance, consistent with the positive-polarity advantage, but only for very small stimuli that are at the threshold of visual acuity. In contrast, large pupils are associated with improved detection performance. These results are likely due to two pupil-size related factors: Small pupils increase visual acuity, which improves discrimination of fine stimuli; and large pupils increase light influx, which improves detection of faint stimuli. Light scatter is likely also a contributing factor: When a display is bright, light scatter creates a diffuse veil of retinal illumination that reduces perceived image contrast, thus impairing detection performance. We further found that pupil size was larger during the detection task than during the discrimination task, even though both tasks were equally difficult and similar in visual input; this suggests that the pupil may automatically assume an optimal size for the current task. Our results may explain why pupils dilate in response to arousal: This may reflect an increased emphasis on detection of unpredictable danger, which is crucially important in many situations that are characterized by high levels of arousal. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the ergonomics of display design

    Alpha-band oscillations and emotion: A review of studies on picture perception

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    Although alpha-band activity has long been a focus of psychophysiological research, its modulation by emotional value during picture perception has only recently been studied systematically. Here, we review these studies and report that the most consistent alpha oscillatory pattern indexing emotional processing is an enhanced desynchronization (ERD) over posterior sensors when viewing emotional compared with neutral pictures. This enhanced alpha ERD is not specific to unpleasant picture content, as previously proposed for other measures of affective response, but has also been observed for pleasant stimuli. Evidence suggests that this effect is not confined to the alpha band but that it also involves a desynchronization of the lower beta frequencies (8-20 Hz). The emotional modulation of alpha ERD occurs even after massive stimulus repetition and when emotional cues serve as task-irrelevant distractors, consistent with the hypothesis that evaluative processes are mandatory in emotional picture processing. A similar enhanced ERD has been observed for other significant cues (e.g., conditioned aversive stimuli, or in anticipation of a potential threat), suggesting that it reflects cortical excitability associated with the engagement of the motivational systems

    Effects of affective content and motivational context on neural gain functions during naturalistic scene perception

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    Visual scene processing is modulated by semantic, motivational, and emotional factors, in addition to physical scene statistics. An open question is to what extent those factors affect low-level visual processing. One index of low-level visual processing is the contrast response function (CRF), representing the change in neural or psychophysical gain with increasing stimulus contrast. Here we aimed to (a) establish the use of an electrophysiological technique for assessing CRFs with complex emotional scenes and (b) examine the effects of motivational context and emotional content on CRFs elicited by naturalistic stimuli, including faces and complex scenes (humans, animals). Motivational context varied by expectancy of threat (a noxious noise) versus safety. CRFs were measured in 18 participants by means of sweep steady-state visual evoked potentials. Results showed a facilitation in visuocortical sensitivity (contrast gain) under threat, compared with safe conditions, across all stimulus categories. Facial stimuli prompted heightened neural response gain, compared with scenes. Within the scenes, response gain was smaller for scenes high in emotional arousal, compared with low-arousing scenes, consistent with interference effects of emotional content. These findings support the notion that motivational context alters the contrast sensitivity of cortical tissue, differing from changes in response gain (activation) when visual cues themselves carry motivational/affective relevance

    Modeling trait anxiety:from computational processes to personality

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    Computational methods are increasingly being applied to the study of psychiatric disorders. Often, this involves fitting models to the behavior of individuals with subclinical character traits that are known vulnerability factors for the development of psychiatric conditions. Anxiety disorders can be examined with reference to the behavior of individuals high in “trait” anxiety, which is a known vulnerability factor for the development of anxiety and mood disorders. However, it is not clear how this self-report measure relates to neural and behavioral processes captured by computational models. This paper reviews emerging computational approaches to the study of trait anxiety, specifying how interacting processes susceptible to analysis using computational models could drive a tendency to experience frequent anxious states and promote vulnerability to the development of clinical disorders. Existing computational studies are described in the light of this perspective and appropriate targets for future studies are discussed

    Human spatial navigation in the digital era: Effects of landmark depiction on mobile maps on navigators’ spatial learning and brain activity during assisted navigation

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    Navigation was an essential survival skill for our ancestors and is still a fundamental activity in our everyday lives. To stay oriented and assist navigation, our ancestors had a long history of developing and employing physical maps that communicated an enormous amount of spatial and visual information about their surroundings. Today, in the digital era, we are increasingly turning to mobile navigation devices to ease daily navigation tasks, surrendering our spatial and navigational skills to the hand-held device. On the flip side, the conveniences of such devices lead us to pay less attention to our surroundings, make fewer spatial decisions, and remember less about the surroundings we have traversed. As navigational skills and spatial memory are related to adult neurogenesis, healthy aging, education, and survival, scientists and researchers from multidisciplinary fields have made calls to develop a new account of mobile navigation assistance to preserve human navigational abilities and spatial memory. Landmarks have been advocated for special attention in developing cognitively supportive navigation systems, as landmarks are widely accepted as key features to support spatial navigation and spatial learning of an environment. Turn-by-turn direction instructions without reference to surrounding landmarks, such as those provided by most existing navigation systems, can be one of the reasons for navigators’ spatial memory deterioration during assisted navigation. Despite the benefit of landmarks in navigation and spatial learning, long-standing literature on cognitive psychology has pointed out that individuals have only a limited cognitive capacity to process presented information for a task. When the learning items exceed learners’ capacity, the performance may reach a plateau or even drop. This leads to an unexamined yet important research question on how to visualize landmarks on a mobile map to optimize navigators’ cognitive resource exertion and thus optimize their spatial learning. To investigate this question, I leveraged neuropsychological and hypothesis-driven approaches and investigated whether and how different numbers of landmarks depicted on a mobile map affected navigators’ spatial learning, cognitive load, and visuospatial encoding. Specifically, I set out a navigation experiment in three virtual urban environments, in which participants were asked to follow a given route to a specific destination with the aid of a mobile map. Three different numbers of landmarks—3, 5, and 7—along the given route were selected based on cognitive capacity literature and presented to 48 participants during map-assisted navigation. Their brain activity was recorded both during the phase of map consultation and during that of active locomotion. After navigation in each virtual city, their spatial knowledge of the traversed routes was assessed. The statistical results revealed that spatial learning improved when a medium number of landmarks (i.e., five) was depicted on a mobile map compared to the lowest evaluated number (i.e., three) of landmarks, and there was no further improvement when the highest number (i.e., seven) of landmarks were provided on the mobile map. The neural correlates that were interpreted to reflect cognitive load during map consultation increased when participants were processing seven landmarks depicted on a mobile map compared to the other two landmark conditions; by contrast, the neural correlates that indicated visuospatial encoding increased with a higher number of presented landmarks. In line with the cognitive load changes during map consultation, cognitive load during active locomotion also increased when participants were in the seven-landmark condition, compared to the other two landmark conditions. This thesis provides an exemplary paradigm to investigate navigators’ behavior and cognitive processing during map-assisted navigation and to utilize neuropsychological approaches to solve cartographic design problems. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the effects of landmark depiction (3, 5, and 7 landmarks) on navigators’ spatial learning outcomes and their cognitive processing (cognitive load and visuospatial encoding) during map-assisted navigation. Of these insights, I conclude with two main takeaways for audiences including navigation researchers and navigation system designers. First, the thesis suggests a boundary effect of the proposed benefits of landmarks in spatial learning: providing landmarks on maps benefits users’ spatial learning only to a certain extent when the number of landmarks does not increase cognitive load. Medium number (i.e., 5) of landmarks seems to be the best option in the current experiment, as five landmarks facilitate spatial learning without taxing additional cognitive resources. The second takeaway is that the increased cognitive load during map use might also spill over into the locomotion phase through the environment; thus, the locomotion phase in the environment should also be carefully considered while designing a mobile map to support navigation and environmental learning

    Top-down control of visual attention and awareness: cognitive and neural mechanisms.

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    Recent behavioural and neural research suggests that awareness is intimately related to top-down cognitive functions such as attention. Here I present a characterization of this relationship, guided by Lavie's load theory. Load theory proposes that perception has limited capacity but proceeds automatically on all stimuli (whether relevant to the task at hand or not) until capacity is exhausted, and that the allocation of processing resources to certain stimuli (rather than to other, competing ones) is guided by executive control functions such as working memory. The theory predicts that increasing the perceptual load of a task will consume capacity, therefore reducing processing of stimuli external to that task it also predicts that increasing working memory load will impair executive control, leading to increased processing of salient ignored stimuli. Here I show that these predictions hold not only for indirect measures of perceptual processing, as has been demonstrated previously, but also for visual awareness - the subjective experience of seeing and being able to report the nature of a visual stimulus. I find that under high perceptual load, observers become less aware of the very presence of other stimuli, even when these stimuli are fully expected and serve as targets. I also show that perceptual load affects the temporal resolution of visual awareness - under high load, the ability to detect a temporal pattern (luminance flicker) is reduced, leading to a subjective percept of steady illumination. In a neuroimaging study, I show that subjective awareness of flicker is associated with activity in frontal and parietal brain regions previously associated with attention and awareness. Next, I investigate the role of executive control in visual awareness by examining the effect of working memory load on binocular rivalry, a fundamental form of visual competition. I find that high working memory load reduces dominance durations in rivalry, suggesting that working memory may serve to maintain perceptual biases during competitive interactions in visual awareness. Finally, I use Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to establish a causal role for the previously described right parietal involvement in the control of binocular rivalry. This research therefore indicates that top- down cognitive and neural mechanisms are involved in determining whether visual stimuli will reach awareness, and in shaping the subjective nature of the experience such stimuli evoke