92,209 research outputs found

    Behind the Brick Walls: On “Hearth” and Slavery at the College of William and Mary

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    Excerpt from the article: The College of William and Mary was the second university in the U.S. after Brown University to establish a funded, institutional examination of its dark history of complicity with slavery and Jim Crow segregation. After resolutions from the Student Assembly and Faculty Assembly, the Board of Visitors in 2009 established the Lemon Project: A Journey of Reconciliation, named after Lemon, a man enslaved by the College..

    Worship and the Ministry of Reconciliation: Turning Walls into Tables

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    (Excerpt) Thank you for the invitation to be with you. One regret I have had, not the only one, is that I have never attended the Institute of Liturgical Studies. Each spring my colleague, William Beckstrand, the cantor at University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis, would begin to invite and encourage me to join him for his annual journey to the institute at Valparaiso University. As I worked with Bill I began to realize that this event was like a pool of refreshing water that beckoned him through the often taxing days of Lent, Holy Week, and Triduum- I know I can do this .... I know I can do this because soon I will be at Valpo ..

    Walking in Reconciled Relationships

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    The Middle East Justice & Reconciliation Initiative

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    Report on Muslim/Christian faith-based reconciliation dialogue in Cyprus - this report includes a description of faith-based reconciliation methodology in relation to The Middle East Justice & Reconciliation Initiative

    Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2007

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    Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 200

    Neglected Duty: Providing Comprehensive Reparations to the Indonesian "1965 Victims" of State Persecution

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    As part of the International Centre for Transitional Justice's work in Indonesia, this monograph provides a contextual review of national and international instruments providing comprehensive reparations to victims of state persecution in Indonesia. This paper provides a background to the state persecution of alleged Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) members, sympathsiers and their families, legal instruments and practices used to legitimate persecution, civil society initiatives seeking justice for the victims, actions taken by successive governments since the fall of president Soeharto and critique of the truth commission legislation. The paper also includes a set of recommendations

    Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2010

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    Report on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 201

    Structural Justice: A critical feminist framework exploring the intersection between justice, equity and structural reconciliation.

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    Violence against women is a human rights violation (UN, 2006). It affects the health of women globally (UN, 2009) and its elimination is at the heart of many international and national goals. Intimate partner violence (IPV), one of the most common forms of gender-based violence, affects one in three women worldwide (WHO, 2013). The consequences of IPV create negative health outcomes for women that diminish their quality of life and their overall well-being. Abused women access community supports such as shelters to seek safe refuge from the abuse and restore their lives. While shelters play an extensive role in helping women to rebuild their lives they often struggle to navigate inflexible and unjust systemic structures that can be re-victimizing to women and undermine their ability to live violence free. This study describes an emergent narrative of structural justice (SJ) that arose while examining the structural challenges of 6 shelters for abused women in urban and rural Virginia. It details the critical exploration of the intersection between structure and justice by integrating existing literature with qualitative participant narratives (N=36); and constructing an operational definition of structural justice (SJ) through an iterative process. Findings reveal SJ oriented patterns that shape five core tenets at the heart of this narrative. This SJ offers a framework out of which we can create a narrative of hope and a call-to-action. to rectify systemic violence. This framework contributes to the discourse concerning the elimination of VAW as it focuses on creating justice, equity and structural reconciliation

    "UhuRuto" and Other Leviathans: the International Criminal Court and the Kenyan Political Order

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    The International Criminal Court’s intervention in Kenya emerged from a complex and contested political history, with different actors advocating for domestic solutions and others arguing for an international legal process in The Hague. Earlier positions have been disavowed and others have changed in the dynamic Kenyan political environment. The icc intervention has produced a number of political effects, including the imbrication of the icc process with electoral politics. This article takes up the case study of the Kenyan situation as a site of political contestation mediated through legal discourse. It considers these dynamics on two registers: at the geopolitical level (considering the relationships between the icc, the African Union, and the United Nations Security Council) as well as at the domestic level (both state and civil society). By tracing the discourses through which these contestations transpire, this article highlights some of the themes, strategies, and practices through which the icc’s intervention has been received.</jats:p
