1,317 research outputs found

    Extracting, managing, and exploiting the semantics of mechanical CAD models in assembly tasks

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    The manufacturing of mechanical products is increasingly assisted by technologies that exploit the CAD model of the final assembly to address complex tasks in an automated and simplified way, to reduce development time and costs. However, it is proven that industrial CAD models are heterogeneous objects, involving different design conventions, providing geometric data on parts but often lacking explicit semantic information on their functionalities. As a consequence, existing approaches are mainly mathematics-based or need expert intervention to interpret assembly components, and this is limiting. The work presented in the thesis is placed in this context and aims at automatically extracting and leveraging in industrial applications high-level semantic information from B-rep models of mechanical products in standard format (e.g. STEP). This makes possible the development of promising knowledge intensive processes that take into account the engineering meaning of the parts and their relationships. The guiding idea is to define a rule-based approach that matches the shape features, the dimensional relations, and the mounting schemes strictly governing real mechanical assemblies with the geometric and topological properties that can be retrieved in CAD models of assemblies. More in practice, a standalone system is implemented which carries out two distinct operations, namely the data extraction and the data exploitation. The first involves all the steps necessary to process and analyze the geometric objects representing the parts of the assembly to infer their engineering meaning. It returns an enriched product model representation based on a new data structure, denoted as liaison, containing all the extracted information. The new product model representation, then, stands at the basis of the data exploitation phase, where assembly tasks, such as subassembly identification, assembly planning, and design for assembly, are addressed in a more effective way

    Autonomous Mechanical Assembly on the Space Shuttle: An Overview

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    The space shuttle will be equipped with a pair of 50 ft. manipulators used to handle payloads and to perform mechanical assembly operations. Although current plans call for these manipulators to be operated by a human teleoperator. The possibility of using results from robotics and machine intelligence to automate this shuttle assembly system was investigated. The major components of an autonomous mechanical assembly system are examined, along with the technology base upon which they depend. The state of the art in advanced automation is also assessed

    Review on the leveraging of design information in 3D CAD models for subassemblies identification

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    In industrial manufacturing, both in the design and the production phase, the management of modern mechanical assemblies is becoming demanding due to their increasing complexity. The use of stable subassemblies concept constitutes a better alternative, which allows to independently treat smaller groups of the assembly's parts, also to achieve a parallel production. At this regard, several methods for automatic subassemblies identifi-cation, starting from the assembly CAD model, have been provided. However, most of the methodologies proposed rely on human intervention, especially in the model processing to make available essential data, while other details are ignored. After giving the definition of stable subassembly, this paper focuses on the application of stable subassemblies identification to industrial CAD models and highlights the issues arising. With the aim of ensuring a reliable CAD model analysis, starting point of the identification, the possible real engineering situations, both related to assembling methods and modelling techniques, are presented. Ap-proaches to algorithmically address them are then described, with the help of two examples of mechanical assemblies

    Assembly Sequence Planning by Probabilistic Tree Transformation

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    Various types of computer systems including CAD/CAM systems have been introduced in machine industry. Some of the systems can handle assembly sequence planning, however it requires long time for planning. This paper proposes a method of generating assembly sequences efficiently. This method extracts some parts and/or subassemblies whose possibilities of being removed from a product are strong, and tests whether they can be removed without any geometric interference. By performing these operations repeatedly, the method generates a disassembly sequence of the product, and obtains an assembly sequence by reversing it. The extraction of some parts and/or subassemblies is performed, based on probabilistic tree transformation. The authors present a calculation example by using a software tool integrated with a CAD system

    Feature-based representation for assembly modelling

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    The need for a product model which can support the modelling requirements of a broad range of applications leads to the application of a feature-based model. An important requirement in feature-based design and manufacture is that a single feature representation should be capable of supporting a number of different applications. The capability of representing products composed of assemblies is seen to be necessary to serve the information needs of those applications. To achieve this aim it is an essential prerequisite to develop a formal structure for the representation of assembly information in a feature-based design system. This research addresses two basic questions related to the lack of a unified definition for features and the problem of representing assemblies in a feature-based representation. The intention is to extend the concept of designing with features by incorporating assembly information in addition to the geometrical and topological details of component parts. This allows models to be assembled using the assembly information within the feature definitions. Features in this research are defined as machined volumes which are represented in a hierarchical taxonomy. The taxonomy includes several types and profiles of features which cover a general range of machined parts. A hierarchical assembly structure is also defined in which features form basic entities in the assembly. Each feature includes information needed to establish assembly relationships among features in the form of mating relationships. An analysis of typical assemblies shows that assembly interfaces occur at the face level of the mating features and between features themselves. Three mating relationships between pairs of features have been defined (against, fits and align) and are represented in the form of expressions that can be used for evaluations. Various sub-types of these major mating relationships can be identified (e.g. tight fit, clearance fit, etc.) and represented through the use of qualifying attributes. Component Relation Graphs, Feature Relation Graphs and Face Mating Graphs have been developed to represent each level of interaction in an assembly, and assembly relationships are combined with knowledge on process planning into a Component Connectivity Graph. These graphs are used as the basis for deriving an integrated data structure which is used for defining classes for each level in the assembly hierarchy. The implementation of a prototype system has been facilitated by use of an object-oriented programming technique which provides a natural method of adding functionality to the geometric reasoning process of features and the complex relationships between the parts that make up the assembly. The feature-based model is embedded in an object-oriented solid modeller kernel, ACIS®. The research demonstrates the possibilities for a single feature representation to support multiple activities within a computer integrated manufacturing environment. Such a representation can form the basis of design improvement techniques and manufacturing planning as well as be a model to support the life cycle of the product

    Design and Vertical Tests of SPS-series Double-Quarter Wave (DQW) Cavity Prototypes for the HL-LHC Crab Cavity System

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    Crab crossing is essential for high-luminosity colliders. The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will equip one of its Interaction Points (IP1) with Double-Quarter Wave (DQW) crab cavities. A DQW cavity is a new generation of deflecting RF cavities that stands out for its compactness and broad frequency separation between fundamental and first high-order modes. The deflecting kick is provided by its fundamental mode. Each HL-LHC DQW cavity shall provide a nominal deflecting voltage of 3.4 MV, although up to 5.0 MV may be required. A Proof-of-Principle (PoP) DQW cavity was limited by quench at 4.6 MV. This paper describes a new, highly optimized cavity, designated DQW SPS-series, which satisfies dimensional, cryogenic, manufacturing and impedance requirements for beam tests at SPS and operation in LHC. Two prototypes of this DQW SPS-series were fabricated by US industry and cold tested after following conventional SRF surface treatment. Both units outperformed the PoP cavity, reaching a deflecting voltage of 5.3-5.9 MV. This voltage - the highest reached by a DQW cavity - is well beyond the nominal voltage of 3.4 MV and may even operate at the ultimate voltage of 5.0MVwith sufficient margin. This paper covers fabrication, surface preparation and cryogenic RF test results and implications

    Backward assembly planning with DFA analysis

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    An assembly planning system that operates based on a recursive decomposition of assembly into subassemblies, and analyzes assembly cost in terms of stability, directionality, and manipulability to guide the generation of preferred assembly plans is presented. The planning in this system incorporates the special processes, such as cleaning, testing, labeling, etc. that must occur during the assembly, and handles nonreversible as well as reversible assembly tasks through backward assembly planning. In order to increase the planning efficiency, the system avoids the analysis of decompositions that do not correspond to feasible assembly tasks. This is achieved by grouping and merging those parts that can not be decomposable at the current stage of backward assembly planning due to the requirement of special processes and the constraint of interconnection feasibility. The invention includes methods of evaluating assembly cost in terms of the number of fixtures (or holding devices) and reorientations required for assembly, through the analysis of stability, directionality, and manipulability. All these factors are used in defining cost and heuristic functions for an AO* search for an optimal plan

    Case studies in disassembly process planning

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    The rapid advancement in technology started in last century and still continuing resulted in decreased life cycle of electronic products. It also resulted in increased product disposal rate and filling land fill space faster causing shortage of such space and consequently creates major environmental problems. So, since couple of decade environmental concern has focused on production process and environmental regulations imposed by government has watched industrial pollution. With government regulations to control environmental problems; consumers are also aware of adverse effects of product disposal forcing manufacturer to become more responsible for safe product disposal and recycling of used product. A necessary condition to disassemble any product more efficiently is the availability of a disassembly process plan. In this thesis we represent set of intelligent disassembly rules that are able to automatically generate a disassembly plan. Few electronic equipments have been used to carry out experiments of disassembly process plans generation. So, based on established disassembly rules disassembly process plans have been generated having several steps in each plan. Each step describes action to be taken on particular part of assembly, disassembly time and effort we need to put to carry out that operation. Final economic analysis is carried out to show economic gain achieved though disassembly process
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