572,393 research outputs found

    University brand: factors, tools and main tendencies of development information about authors

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    Trends towards transformation of the system of higher education create the need for universities to adapt to the dynamically changing conditions of the external competitive environment. In this connection, university branding as a specific distinguishing characteristic from competitors is an integral part of the development strategy of a modern university, and the effectiveness of marketing activities to form a brand of an educational organization depends largely on the influence of internal and external factors and a set of tools applied. However, in the scientific literature, these aspects have come into common use mainly in relation to commercial organizations, giving short shrift to the institutions of higher education, which determines the goal setting of the study, which is to identify the main directions of the development of a university’s brand under present-day conditions of functioning. To achieve this goal, the authors used methods of synthesis, systematization, logical-structural, comparative and cause-and-effect analysis of the literature which highlights the theoretical and practical issues of university branding. The directions of brand formation identified as a result of the study are based on the method of an expert survey conducted in May 2021. Overall, the systematization of university branding factors has been carried out; a set of tools for creating a brand of a higher educational institution in the context of the transformation of the education system has been proposed; and the main directions for the development of the university brand from an expert survey have been identified.The authors have found that the most promising areas of university branding are corporate, educational and reputational aspects of activities


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    The purpose of the studyis to present theory and methods of efficient system of university’s competitiveness development.Design/Methodology/Approach The methods of study included chronological method, system analysis of statistical information, expert evaluation method, and mathematical data processing.Findings Creation of an innovative university requires a qualitative change of technology and the content of educational, scientific, methodical, economic and industrial activities of the university. To achieve long-term success in asserting the university on educational market, the work should be performed in all the spheres and by all the aspects of its activities. It is very important to take into account specifics of interrelation between a higher education establishment and external environment; the university managers should objectively evaluate the university’s position in the market of educational services, understand the necessity of changes, and predict the effects of introduced amendments. There are different strategies aimed to achieve high competitiveness of a university including internalization of higher education and creation of entrepreneurial universities.Originality/Value The results represented in the article can be used by the heads of higher education establishments to optimize the system of universities’ competitiveness management. The article may also be useful for specialists who prepare study editions and guides for students specializing in management in education, and non-specialists interested in this topic

    Development of Assessment Instrument Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills of Respiratory System of Grade XI of Senior High School

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    Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) is a thinking process at a higher level. It is not just memorizing facts, it involves mental activity in an effort to explore complex, reflective, and creative experiences. Indicators for measuring higher order thinking skills are analyzing, evaluating, and creating. These three indicators include critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, and decision-making skills. This research aimed to describe validity, reliability, and level of difficulty test items of higher order thinking skills of Respiratory System matter. This was development research referring to the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The development of HOTS based assessment instrument was conducted at Biology Department – Universitas Negeri Surabaya and the trial activity was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Sidoarjo. The theoretical validity was determined based on the results of the validation by matter expert and education expert using the validation sheet. The aspect of validity rated based on the aspects of concept, construction, language, and HOTS. The empirical validity was determined based on the result test items of HOTS on 40 students of class XI to identified empirical validity, reliability, and difficulty levels using the HOTS-based test items sheet. The results showed that the theoretical validity of the assessment instrument reached 98.19% and included in a very valid category. The empirical validity of 15 test items of HOTS were considered valid with the value of R (count) > 0.312. The reliability value of assessment instrument was 0.740 with a high level of consistency. The proportion of difficulty level was 60% with moderate category and 40% with difficult category. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the HOTS-based assessment instrument of the Respiratory System was valid and reliable. Keywords: higher order thinking skills, theoretical validity, empirical validity, reliability, level of difficulty, Respiratory System


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    The purpose of the studyis to present theory and methods of efficient system of university’s competitiveness development.Design/Methodology/Approach The methods of study included chronological method, system analysis of statistical information, expert evaluation method, and mathematical data processing.Findings Creation of an innovative university requires a qualitative change of technology and the content of educational, scientific, methodical, economic and industrial activities of the university. To achieve long-term success in asserting the university on educational market, the work should be performed in all the spheres and by all the aspects of its activities. It is very important to take into account specifics of interrelation between a higher education establishment and external environment; the university managers should objectively evaluate the university’s position in the market of educational services, understand the necessity of changes, and predict the effects of introduced amendments. There are different strategies aimed to achieve high competitiveness of a university including internalization of higher education and creation of entrepreneurial universities.Originality/Value The results represented in the article can be used by the heads of higher education establishments to optimize the system of universities’ competitiveness management. The article may also be useful for specialists who prepare study editions and guides for students specializing in management in education, and non-specialists interested in this topic

    Educational experts training in German-speaking countries of the European Union.

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    Дисертаційне дослідження присвячено проблемі підготовки експертів з освіти в німецькомовних країнах Європейського Союзу. В роботі розкрито сутність понять «експертиза», експертиза в галузі освіти», «експерт», «експерт з освіти», здійснено їх порівняльний аналіз в українському та німецькомовному науковому просторі, визначено вимоги до експертів з освіти та їх завдання. Проаналізовано проблему підготовки експертів з освіти у педагогічній теорії. Охарактеризовано експертну діяльність в галузі освіти в німецькомовних країнах Європейського Союзу. Досліджено організаційно-методичні засади підготовки експертів з освіти, а саме охарактеризовано кваліфікаційні цілі, освітні програми, зміст, форми та методи підготовки експертів з освіти в німецькомовних країнах Європейського Союзу. Розглянуто підготовку експертів в галузі освіти в Україні та визначено напрями використання досвіду підготовки експертів з освіти в німецькомовних країнах Європейського Союзу в Україні на міжнародному, національному та інституційному рівнях.Диссертационное исследование посвящено проблеме подготовки экспертов по вопросам образования в немецкоязычных странах Европейского Союза. В работе раскрыта сущность понятий «экспертиза», «экспертиза в области образования», «эксперт», «эксперт по вопросам образования», осуществлен их сравнительный анализ в украинском и немецкоязычном научном пространстве, определены требования к экспертам по вопросам образования и их задания. Проанализирована проблема подготовки экспертов по вопросам образования в педагогической теории. Охарактеризована экспертная деятельность в области образования в немецкоязычных странах Европейского Союза. Исследованы организационно-методические основы подготовки экспертов по вопросам образования, а именно охарактеризованы квалификационные цели, образовательные программы, содержание, формы и методы подготовки экспертов по вопросам образования в немецкоязычных странах Европейского Союза. Рассмотрена подготовка экспертов по вопросам образования в Украине и определены направления использования опыта подготовки экспертов по вопросам образования в немецкоязычных странах Европейского Союза в Украине на международном, национальном и институциональном уровнях.The thesis deals with the research of education expert training in German-speaking countries of the European Union. The research reveals the essence of such terms as "assessment", "assessment in education", "expert", "educational expert" and the comparative analysis of the terms is carried out in the Ukrainian- and German-speaking scientific fields. The educational expert requirements are identified (communication competence, methodological and methodical literacy, high level of professional competence, practical experience and appropriate personal qualities) as well as the types of tasks they fulfill (diagnostics, classification, forecasting, planning and management). The problem of education expert training in pedagogical theory is analysed and it is identified that the experts training has to be based on the competence, constructivist and andragogical approaches. Domestic scholars propose to train experts on education: a) on the basis of institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education in the form of advanced training courses; b) during one-time educational seminars, which do not have a tight institutional link. In Germany and Austria, the training of experts on education is carried out on the basis of: a) Master's educational programmes (together with Switzerland) or educational programmes for obtaining a certificate of advanced training in universities and pedagogical institutes as additional professional education; b) a system of seminars, workshops, conferences, which are regularly held by the institutions that support the development of education. In Liechtenstein and Luxembourg, education experts are not trained. The expert assessment in education in the German-speaking countries of the European Union was characterized. It is also noted that in all German-speaking countries of the European Union assessment is an important tool that provides for the quality of education. The organisational and methodical principles of education expert training were researched, that is qualification aims, educational programmes, the content, forms and methods of experts training in German-speaking countries of the European Union were characterized. It is stated that experts training in those countries is carried out in the fields of general secondary and higher education and implies gaining skills and knowledge in the area of development of an educational institution, its staff, the process of education, assessment and quality as well as acquiring the empirical methods of research and consulting. One of the methods of expert assessment is empirical research. Such training suggests gaining knowledge and skills as for researching educational institutions, educational process, professional and media education, as well as informal types of education, educational inequalities, such aspects as migration and education, and the return to education. In the field of pre-school, vocational and post-graduate education of the German-speaking countries expert assessment is carried out without special expert training. The research has identified that the main forms of expert training are lectures, seminars, research workshops, colloquiums and fieldwork, and the methods aimed at androgogical principles realisation, that is brainstorming sessions, interviews with experts, the analysis of video recordings of personal real-life cases, the portfolio method, the method of specific situation. The educational experts training in Ukraine is researched, and it is identified that such systematic training is not carried out in the country. The ways of adopting in Ukraine the experience of education expert training in German-speaking countries of the European Union are identified at the following levels: international, national and institutional

    Implementation Strategies of Higher Education Part of National Education Policy 2020 of India towards Achieving its Objectives

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    Well defined and futuristic education policy is essential for a country at school and college levels due to the reason that education leads to economic and social progress. India with the leadership of its current prime minister and an expert team with members of varied backgrounds has developed and planned to implement a new education policy during the next decade of the 21st century called Indian National Education Policy (NEP-2020). The aim, objectives, and details are well known to practitioners and the public. NEP-2020 is an innovative and futuristic proposal with both positive and negative aspects, framed with the objective to provide a quality school education and higher education to everyone with an expectation of holistic & research-oriented progress. This paper initially depicts an overview of NEP-2020, distinguish the strengths & weakness of the policy at higher education & research part, evaluation of the implementation suggestions given in the policy, identifying and analyzing possible generic strategies for implementation of NEP-2020 to fulfill its objectives based on focus group discussions. The paper also includes many predictive proposals on issues like developing quality universities & colleges, institutional restructuring & consolidation, more holistic & multidisciplinary education, optimal learning environment & student support, transforming the regulatory system of higher education, technology usage & integration, and online & digital education. Finally, some recommendations are made to implement the NEP-2020 effectively irrespective of various constraints. This article can be considered as a reference to the policy implementation teams of Govt of India

    Implementation Strategies of Higher Education Part of National Education Policy 2020 of India towards Achieving its Objectives

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    Well defined and futuristic education policy is essential for a country at school and college levels due to the reason that education leads to economic and social progress. India with the leadership of its current prime minister and an expert team with members of varied backgrounds has developed and planned to implement a new education policy during the next decade of the 21st century called Indian National Education Policy (NEP-2020). The aim, objectives, and details are well known to practitioners and the public. NEP-2020 is an innovative and futuristic proposal with both positive and negative aspects, framed with the objective to provide a quality school education and higher education to everyone with an expectation of holistic & research-oriented progress. This paper initially depicts an overview of NEP-2020, distinguish the strengths & weakness of the policy at higher education & research part, evaluation of the implementation suggestions given in the policy, identifying and analyzing possible generic strategies for implementation of NEP-2020 to fulfill its objectives based on focus group discussions. The paper also includes many predictive proposals on issues like developing quality universities & colleges, institutional restructuring & consolidation, more holistic & multidisciplinary education, optimal learning environment & student support, transforming the regulatory system of higher education, technology usage & integration, and online & digital education. Finally, some recommendations are made to implement the NEP-2020 effectively irrespective of various constraints. This article can be considered as a reference to the policy implementation teams of Govt of India

    NETCU: analising e-Learning neworked curricula in Europe: the importance of legal and quality assurance aspects

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    Conferência realizada no Porto de 6-9 de junho de 2012info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio