62,381 research outputs found


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    Opioid analgesics are the mainstay of pain therapy in patients at an advanced stage of a disease, including cancer. These drugs are not free from adverse effects and one of the most disturbing is constipation. The cause of this adverse effect is closely related to the interaction between opioids and opioid receptors at the sensory nerve endings in the bowels. Opioid antagonists, acting peripherally, have the potential to alleviate the problems created by opioids including opioid-induced constipation. Oral naloxone (NLX) produces some laxation, but some patients suffer from withdrawal symptoms and reversal of analgesia. Naltrexone (NTX) is a centrally and peripherally acting opioid antagonist and this is why it is of no use as a laxative. However, its derivative, methylnaltrexone (MTNTX), acts peripherally and is promising because it is a drug which is known to increase gastric emptying, nausea and vomiting and gut transit time. A new drug, specifically designed for this purpose, is ADL 9-2698, which is currently under investigation

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    The Impact of Dividends’ Policy on the Cost of Equity of Enea S.A.

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    The article is an attempt to depict the procedures and regulations accompanying the policy of dividends in a company with a particular emphasis which is put on Enea S.A. The purpose of the empirical part is to analyze and assess the effectiveness of applying discounted dividends model to calculate the cost of equity for the company. It juxtaposes advantages and impediments in using the model, as well as infers if Gordon model is adequate in estimating the cost of equity for the presented company

    Medical family businesses in Poland : model and managerial challanges

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    W Polsce występuje deficyt danych o cechach przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych świadczących usługi medyczne. Sektor medyczny w Polsce stoi w obliczu szybkiego rozwoju firm rodzinnych i jest zróżnicowany, ponieważ obejmuje różne wielkości podmiotów gospodarczych, które specjalizują się w wielu możliwych aspektach branży medycznej. Artykuł dotyczy cech przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych świadczących usługi medyczne oraz zakresu, w jakim przypominają one firmy rodzinne i do których wywodzą się z działalności usług medycznych. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny i jego celem jest zaprezentowanie modelu funkcjonowania rodzinnych firm medycznych, biorąc pod uwagę wpływ rodzaju działalności i organizacji rodzinnej. Pierwsza część artykułu koncentruje się na charakterystyce firm rodzinnych, stosunkowo mało jest reprezentatywnych badań analizujących udział przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych w polskiej gospodarce i opisujących ich charakter. Druga część artykułu to problem etosu zawodów medycznych w odniesieniu do logiki biznesowej i ekonomicznej organizacji. W trzeciej części artykułu znajduje się propozycja modelu łączącego oba aspekty funkcjonowania tego typu podmiotów gospodarczych.There is a deficit of data in Poland about characteristics of family enterprises providing medical services. The medical sector in Poland faces a rapid development of family businesses and is diverse because it encompasses various size business entities that specialize in many possible aspects of the medical business. The article is about the characteristics of family enterprises providing medical services and extent to which they resemble family businesses, and to which they are derived from medical service activities. The article is of theoretical nature and its aim is to propose the model for the functioning of family-owned medical businesses, taking into account the impact of the type of activity and the family organization. The first part of the article is focuses on characteristics of family businesses, there is relatively little representative research analyzing the share of family enterprises in the Polish economy and describing their character. The second part of the article is the problem of ethos of medical professions in relation to business and economic logics of an organization. In the third of the article part there is a proposal for a model combining both aspects of the functioning of this type of economic entities

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