3,942 research outputs found

    Artificial evolution for the detection of group identities in complex artificial societies

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    This paper aims at detecting the presence of group structures in complex artificial societies by solely observing and analysing the interactions occurring among the artificial agents. Our approach combines: (1) an unsupervised method for clustering interactions into two possible classes, namely ingroup and out-group, (2) reinforcement learning for deriving the existing levels of collaboration within the society, and (3) an evolutionary algorithm for the detection of group structures and the assignment of group identities to the agents. Under a case study of static societies — i.e. the agents do not evolve their social preferences — where agents interact with each other by means of the Ultimatum Game, our approach proves to be successful for small-sized social networks independently on the underlying social structure of the society; promising results are also registered for mid-size societies.This work has been supported, in part, by the FP7 ICT project SIREN (project no: 258453).peer-reviewe

    The Case for a Mixed-Initiative Collaborative Neuroevolution Approach

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    It is clear that the current attempts at using algorithms to create artificial neural networks have had mixed success at best when it comes to creating large networks and/or complex behavior. This should not be unexpected, as creating an artificial brain is essentially a design problem. Human design ingenuity still surpasses computational design for most tasks in most domains, including architecture, game design, and authoring literary fiction. This leads us to ask which the best way is to combine human and machine design capacities when it comes to designing artificial brains. Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses; for example, humans are much too slow to manually specify thousands of neurons, let alone the billions of neurons that go into a human brain, but on the other hand they can rely on a vast repository of common-sense understanding and design heuristics that can help them perform a much better guided search in design space than an algorithm. Therefore, in this paper we argue for a mixed-initiative approach for collaborative online brain building and present first results towards this goal.Comment: Presented at WebAL-1: Workshop on Artificial Life and the Web 2014 (arXiv:1406.2507

    On the Mutual Influence of Human and Artificial Life: an Experimental Investigation

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    Our modern world is teeming with non-biological agents, whose growing complexity brings them so close to living beings that they can be cataloged as artificial creatures, i.e., a form of Artificial Life (ALife). Ranging from disembodied intelligent agents to robots of conspicuous dimensions, all these artifacts are united by the fact that they are designed, built, and possibly trained by humans taking inspiration from natural elements. Hence, humans play a fundamental role in relation to ALife, both as creators and as final users, which calls attention to the need of studying the mutual influence of human and artificial life. Here we attempt an experimental investigation of the reciprocal effects of the human-ALife interaction. To this extent, we design an artificial world populated by life-like creatures, and resort to open-ended evolution to foster the creatures adaptation. We allow bidirectional communication between the system and humans, who can observe the artificial world and voluntarily choose to perform positive or negative actions towards the creatures populating it; those actions may have a short- or long-term impact on the artificial creatures. Our experimental results show that the creatures are capable of evolving under the influence of humans, even though the impact of the interaction remains uncertain. In addition, we find that ALife gives rise to disparate feelings in humans who interact with it, who are not always aware of the importance of their conduct

    Empiricism in artificial life

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    Strong artificial life research is often thought to rely on Alife systems as sources of novel empirical data. It is hoped that by augmenting our observations of natural life, this novel data can help settle empirical questions, and thereby separate fundamental properties of living systems from those aspects that are merely contingent on the idiosyncrasies of terrestrial evolution. Some authors have questioned whether this approach can be pursued soundly in the absence of a prior, agreed-upon definition of life. Here we compare Alife’s position to that of more orthodox empirical tools that nevertheless suffer from strong theory-dependence. Drawing on these examples, we consider what kind of justification might be needed to underwrite artificial life as empirical enquiry. In the title of the first international artificial life conference

    The Ontological Basis of Strong Artificial Life

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    This article concerns the claim that it is possible to create living organisms, not merely models that represent organisms, simply by programming computers ("virtual" strong alife). I ask what sort of things these computer-generated organisms are supposed to be (where are they, and what are they made of?). I consider four possible answers to this question: (a) The organisms are abstract complexes of pure information; (b) they are material objects made of bits of computer hardware; (c) they are physical processes going on inside the computer; and (d) they are denizens of an entire artificial world, different from our own, that the programmer creates. I argue that (a) could not be right, that (c) collapses into (b), and that (d) would make strong alife either absurd or uninteresting. Thus, "virtual" strong alife amounts to the claim that, by programming a computer, one can literally bring bits of its hardware to life

    How Economists Can Get Alife

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    What, is artificial life, or alife for short? And why should economists cafe? • -As-detailed in the entertaining, monographs by Levy (1992) and =Sigmund (1993), the roots of-alife go at least as far back as the work-of.John von-Neumann, in.the nineteen forties on self-replicating automata.. The establishment of.alife as a distinct field of inquiry, however, must be traced to the first alife conference,lOrganized in 1987iby\u27Chris Langton at the Los Alamos NationalrLaboratory; see Langton (1989).

    The Ontological Basis of Strong Artificial Life

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    This article concerns the claim that it is possible to create living organisms, not merely models that represent organisms, simply by programming computers ("virtual" strong alife). I ask what sort of things these computer-generated organisms are supposed to be (where are they, and what are they made of?). I consider four possible answers to this question: (a) The organisms are abstract complexes of pure information; (b) they are material objects made of bits of computer hardware; (c) they are physical processes going on inside the computer; and (d) they are denizens of an entire artificial world, different from our own, that the programmer creates. I argue that (a) could not be right, that (c) collapses into (b), and that (d) would make strong alife either absurd or uninteresting. Thus, "virtual" strong alife amounts to the claim that, by programming a computer, one can literally bring bits of its hardware to life
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