1,950 research outputs found

    Articulated Motion Capture from 3-D Points and Normals

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the problem of tracking the motion of articulated objects from their 2-D silhouettes gathered with several cameras. The vast majority of existing approaches relies on a single camera or on stereo. We describe a new method which requires at least two cameras. The method relies on (i) building 3-D observations (points and normals) from image silhouettes and on (ii) fitting an articulated object model to these observations by minimizing their discrepancies. The objective function sums up these discrepancies while it takes into account both the scaled algebraic distance from data points to the model surface and the offset in orientation between observed normals and model normals. The combination of a feed-forward reconstruction technique with a robust model-tracking method results in a reliable and efficient method for articulated motion capture

    Human Motion Tracking by Registering an Articulated Surface to 3-D Points and Normals

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    We address the problem of human motion tracking by registering a surface to 3-D data. We propose a method that iteratively computes two things: Maximum likelihood estimates for both the kinematic and free-motion parameters of a kinematic human-body representation, as well as probabilities that the data are assigned either to a body part, or to an outlier cluster. We introduce a new metric between observed points and normals on one side, and a parameterized surface on the other side, the latter being defined as a blending over a set of ellipsoids. We claim that this metric is well suited when one deals with either visual-hull or visual-shape observations. We illustrate the method by tracking human motions using sparse visual-shape data (3-D surface points and normals) gathered from imperfect silhouettes

    Capturing Hands in Action using Discriminative Salient Points and Physics Simulation

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    Hand motion capture is a popular research field, recently gaining more attention due to the ubiquity of RGB-D sensors. However, even most recent approaches focus on the case of a single isolated hand. In this work, we focus on hands that interact with other hands or objects and present a framework that successfully captures motion in such interaction scenarios for both rigid and articulated objects. Our framework combines a generative model with discriminatively trained salient points to achieve a low tracking error and with collision detection and physics simulation to achieve physically plausible estimates even in case of occlusions and missing visual data. Since all components are unified in a single objective function which is almost everywhere differentiable, it can be optimized with standard optimization techniques. Our approach works for monocular RGB-D sequences as well as setups with multiple synchronized RGB cameras. For a qualitative and quantitative evaluation, we captured 29 sequences with a large variety of interactions and up to 150 degrees of freedom.Comment: Accepted for publication by the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) on 16.02.2016 (submitted on 17.10.14). A combination into a single framework of an ECCV'12 multicamera-RGB and a monocular-RGBD GCPR'14 hand tracking paper with several extensions, additional experiments and detail

    Learning Articulated Motions From Visual Demonstration

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    Many functional elements of human homes and workplaces consist of rigid components which are connected through one or more sliding or rotating linkages. Examples include doors and drawers of cabinets and appliances; laptops; and swivel office chairs. A robotic mobile manipulator would benefit from the ability to acquire kinematic models of such objects from observation. This paper describes a method by which a robot can acquire an object model by capturing depth imagery of the object as a human moves it through its range of motion. We envision that in future, a machine newly introduced to an environment could be shown by its human user the articulated objects particular to that environment, inferring from these "visual demonstrations" enough information to actuate each object independently of the user. Our method employs sparse (markerless) feature tracking, motion segmentation, component pose estimation, and articulation learning; it does not require prior object models. Using the method, a robot can observe an object being exercised, infer a kinematic model incorporating rigid, prismatic and revolute joints, then use the model to predict the object's motion from a novel vantage point. We evaluate the method's performance, and compare it to that of a previously published technique, for a variety of household objects.Comment: Published in Robotics: Science and Systems X, Berkeley, CA. ISBN: 978-0-9923747-0-

    Learning from Synthetic Humans

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    Estimating human pose, shape, and motion from images and videos are fundamental challenges with many applications. Recent advances in 2D human pose estimation use large amounts of manually-labeled training data for learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Such data is time consuming to acquire and difficult to extend. Moreover, manual labeling of 3D pose, depth and motion is impractical. In this work we present SURREAL (Synthetic hUmans foR REAL tasks): a new large-scale dataset with synthetically-generated but realistic images of people rendered from 3D sequences of human motion capture data. We generate more than 6 million frames together with ground truth pose, depth maps, and segmentation masks. We show that CNNs trained on our synthetic dataset allow for accurate human depth estimation and human part segmentation in real RGB images. Our results and the new dataset open up new possibilities for advancing person analysis using cheap and large-scale synthetic data.Comment: Appears in: 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017). 9 page

    Video normals from colored lights

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    We present an algorithm and the associated single-view capture methodology to acquire the detailed 3D shape, bends, and wrinkles of deforming surfaces. Moving 3D data has been difficult to obtain by methods that rely on known surface features, structured light, or silhouettes. Multispectral photometric stereo is an attractive alternative because it can recover a dense normal field from an untextured surface. We show how to capture such data, which in turn allows us to demonstrate the strengths and limitations of our simple frame-to-frame registration over time. Experiments were performed on monocular video sequences of untextured cloth and faces with and without white makeup. Subjects were filmed under spatially separated red, green, and blue lights. Our first finding is that the color photometric stereo setup is able to produce smoothly varying per-frame reconstructions with high detail. Second, when these 3D reconstructions are augmented with 2D tracking results, one can register both the surfaces and relax the homogenous-color restriction of the single-hue subject. Quantitative and qualitative experiments explore both the practicality and limitations of this simple multispectral capture system