3 research outputs found

    Artefactual structure from least squares multidimensional scaling

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    We consider the problem of illusory or artefactual structure from the visualisation of high-dimensional structureless data. In particular we examine the role of the distance metric in the use of topographic mappings based on the statistical field of multidimensional scaling. We show that the use of a squared Euclidean metric (i.e. the SSTRESs measure) gives rise to an annular structure when the input data is drawn from a high-dimensional isotropic distribution, and we provide a theoretical justification for this observation

    Connectionist-based intelligent information systems for image analysis and knowledge engineering: applications in horticulture

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    New Zealand’s main export earnings come from the primary production area including agriculture, horticulture, and viticulture. One of the major contributors in this area of horticulture is the production of quality export grade fruit; speciïŹcally apples. In order to maintain a competitive advantage, the systems and methods used to grow the fruit are constantly being reïŹned and are increasingly based on data collected and analysed by both the orchardist who grows the produce and also researchers who reïŹne the methods used to determine high levels of fruit quality. To support the task of data analysis and the resulting decision-making process requires efïŹcient and reliable tools. This thesis attempts to address these issues by applying the techniques of Connectionist-Based Intelligent Information Systems (CBIIS) for Image Analysis and Knowledge Discovery. Using advanced neurocomputing techniques and a novel knowledge engineering methodology, this thesis attempts to seek some solutions to a set of speciïŹc problems that exist within the horticultural domain. In particular it describes a methodology based on previous research into neuro-fuzzy systems for knowledge acquisition, manipulation, and extraction and furthers this area by introducing a novel and innovative knowledge-based architecture for knowledge-discovery using an on-line/real-time incremental learning system based on the Evolving Connectionist System (ECOS) paradigm known as the Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN). The emphases of this work highlights knowledge discovery from these data sets using a novel rule insertion and rule extraction method. The advantage of this method is that it can operate on data sets of limited sizes. This method can be used to validate the results produced by the EFuNN and also allow for greater insight into what aspects of the collected data contribute to the development of high quality produce.New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and TechnologyUnpublishedAgrawal, R., Mannila, H., Srikant, R., Toivonen, H. and Verkamo, A. I. (1996). “Fast discovery of association rules” Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining. American Association for ArtiïŹcial Intelligence Menlo Park, CA, USA pp. 307–328. Aha, D. W., Kilber, D. and Albert, M. K. (1995). “Instance-based learning algorithms” Machine Learning. 6(1): 37–66. Ahrns, I., Bruske, J. and Sommerl, G. (1995). “On-Line Learning with Dynamic Cell Structure” In F. Fogelman-SouliĂ© and P. Gallinari (eds), Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on ArtiïŹcial Neural Networks (ICANN’1995). Vol. II EC2 Nanterre, France pp. 141–146. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. (eds) (1998). Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems. Springer-Verlag: Singapore. Andrews, R., Deidrich, J. and Tickle, A. B. (1995). “Survey and critique and techniques for extracting rules from trained artiïŹcial neural networks” Knowledge-Based Systems. 8(6): 373–389. Andrews, R. and Geva, S. (2002). “Rule extraction from local cluster neural nets” Neurocomputing. 47(1-4): 277–297. Antani, S., Kasturi, R. and Jain, R. (2002). “A survey on the use of pattern recognition methods for abstraction, indexing and retrieval of images and video” Pattern Recognition. 35(4): 945–965. Baesens, B., Setiono, R., Mues, C. and Vanthienen, J. (2003). “Using neural network rule extraction and decision tables as management science tools for credit-risk evaluation” Management Science. 49(3): 312–329. Bakker, B. (2002). “Reinforcement Learning with Long Short-Term Memory” In T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker and Z. Ghahramani (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA. Baraldi, A. and Blonda, P. (1999). “A survey of fuzzy clustering algorithms for pattern recognition. II” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics). 29(6): 786–801. Ben-Hur, A., Horn, D., Siegelmann, H. T. and Vapnik, V. (2001). “A Support Vector Method for Clustering” In T. K. Leen, T. G. Dietterich and V. Tresp (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13. The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA. pp. 367–373. Berkhin, P. (2002). “Survey of Clustering Data Mining Techniques” Technical report. Accrue Software San Jose, CA. Bezdek, J. E. (1993). “Editorial: fuzzy models-what are they, and why?” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 1(1): 1–6. Bilgiç, T. and TĂŒrkž sen, I. B. (1999). “Measurement of Membership functions: Theoretical and Experimental Work” In D. Dubois and H. Prade (eds), Handbook of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 1 Fundamentals of Fuzzy Sets. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 195–202. Billard, A. and Hayes, G. (1999). “DRAMA, a connectionist architecture for control and learning in autonomous robots” Adaptive Behavior Journal. 7(1): 35–64. Birmingham, W. P. and Kim, J. H. (1985). “DAS/Logic: A Rule-based Logic Design Assistant” Proceedings of The Second Conference on ArtiïŹcial Intelligence Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press. pp. 264–268. Blackmore, J. and Miikkulainen, R. (1993). “Incremental Grid Growing: Encoding High-Dimensional Structure into a Two-Dimensional Feature Map” Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN’93). Vol. I IEEE Service Center. pp. 450–455. Blue, J. L., Candela, G. T., Grother, P. J., Chellappa, R. and Wilson, C. L. (1994). “Evaluation of Pattern ClassiïŹers for Fingerprint and OCR Applications” Pattern Recognition. 27(4): 485–501. Bonarini, A. (1996). “Evolutionary Learning of Fuzzy rules: competition and cooperation” In W. Pedrycz (ed.), Fuzzy Modelling: Paradigms and Practice. 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    Connectionist-based intelligent information systems for image analysis and knowledge engineering: applications in horticulture

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    New Zealand’s main export earnings come from the primary production area including agriculture, horticulture, and viticulture. One of the major contributors in this area of horticulture is the production of quality export grade fruit; speciïŹcally apples. In order to maintain a competitive advantage, the systems and methods used to grow the fruit are constantly being reïŹned and are increasingly based on data collected and analysed by both the orchardist who grows the produce and also researchers who reïŹne the methods used to determine high levels of fruit quality. To support the task of data analysis and the resulting decision-making process requires efïŹcient and reliable tools. This thesis attempts to address these issues by applying the techniques of Connectionist-Based Intelligent Information Systems (CBIIS) for Image Analysis and Knowledge Discovery. Using advanced neurocomputing techniques and a novel knowledge engineering methodology, this thesis attempts to seek some solutions to a set of speciïŹc problems that exist within the horticultural domain. In particular it describes a methodology based on previous research into neuro-fuzzy systems for knowledge acquisition, manipulation, and extraction and furthers this area by introducing a novel and innovative knowledge-based architecture for knowledge-discovery using an on-line/real-time incremental learning system based on the Evolving Connectionist System (ECOS) paradigm known as the Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN). The emphases of this work highlights knowledge discovery from these data sets using a novel rule insertion and rule extraction method. The advantage of this method is that it can operate on data sets of limited sizes. This method can be used to validate the results produced by the EFuNN and also allow for greater insight into what aspects of the collected data contribute to the development of high quality produce.New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and TechnologyUnpublishedAgrawal, R., Mannila, H., Srikant, R., Toivonen, H. and Verkamo, A. I. (1996). “Fast discovery of association rules” Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining. American Association for ArtiïŹcial Intelligence Menlo Park, CA, USA pp. 307–328. Aha, D. W., Kilber, D. and Albert, M. K. (1995). “Instance-based learning algorithms” Machine Learning. 6(1): 37–66. Ahrns, I., Bruske, J. and Sommerl, G. (1995). “On-Line Learning with Dynamic Cell Structure” In F. Fogelman-SouliĂ© and P. Gallinari (eds), Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on ArtiïŹcial Neural Networks (ICANN’1995). Vol. II EC2 Nanterre, France pp. 141–146. Amari, S. and Kasabov, N. (eds) (1998). Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems. Springer-Verlag: Singapore. Andrews, R., Deidrich, J. and Tickle, A. B. (1995). “Survey and critique and techniques for extracting rules from trained artiïŹcial neural networks” Knowledge-Based Systems. 8(6): 373–389. Andrews, R. and Geva, S. (2002). “Rule extraction from local cluster neural nets” Neurocomputing. 47(1-4): 277–297. Antani, S., Kasturi, R. and Jain, R. (2002). “A survey on the use of pattern recognition methods for abstraction, indexing and retrieval of images and video” Pattern Recognition. 35(4): 945–965. Baesens, B., Setiono, R., Mues, C. and Vanthienen, J. (2003). “Using neural network rule extraction and decision tables as management science tools for credit-risk evaluation” Management Science. 49(3): 312–329. Bakker, B. (2002). “Reinforcement Learning with Long Short-Term Memory” In T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker and Z. Ghahramani (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14. 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