3 research outputs found

    Automatic generation of specifications using verification tools

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    This dissertation deals with the automatic generation of sound specifications from a given program in the form of loop invariants and method contracts. Sound specifications are extremely useful, in that without them analysis of non-trivial programs becomes almost impossible. Verification tools can be used to prove complex properties for real-world programs, but this requires the presence of sound specifications for unbounded loops and unbounded recursive method calls. If even one simple specification is missing, the proof may become impossible to close. In general automation and precision are two goals which are often mutually exclusive. To ensure that the generation of specifications is fully automatic, precision will suffer. Approaches exist which perform abstraction on programs, replacing all types with abstracted counterparts with only finitely many different abstract values. Thus algorithms relying on fixed points for these abstract values can be used in the automatic generation of specifications, ensuring termination thereof. Precision is lost not only at the loops and method calls where this is required to ensure automation, however, but in the entire program. The automatic generation of specifications illustrated in this dissertation is characterized by the following: (i) abstraction is restricted to the loops and method calls themselves, ensuring that precision is kept for the remaining program, (ii) the loss of precision due to abstraction is partially reduced, by coupling the abstraction with introduction of new invariants which aim to counteract this loss of precision to a certain degree, and (iii) non-standard control flows of real-world programming languages are supported, rather than restricting the analysis to an academic toy language. In order to restrict the loss of precision to loops and method calls, abstraction is performed on program states, rather than the entire program. This allows full precision to be kept where possible, while program states related to loops and method calls are abstracted in order to ensure the termination of fixed point algorithms. The abstraction of program states is performed using abstract domains for the corresponding types. These abstract values can then be used outside of the loop or method call as normal values for which only partial knowledge is present. Real-world programming languages, such as Java, can contain, for example, a program heap which can be modified in loops or method calls, as well as objects and arrays as types in addition to the simpler primitive types such as booleans and integers. This leads to abstract domains being presented for objects and program heaps. As abstract domains are hard to fine-tune, additional invariants are introduced when abstracting, to counteract the coarse overapproximations. This allows abstraction of an array's elements, for example, by a coarse overapproximation of the program heap on which the elements reside, in addition to the introduction of invariants regarding the values of said array elements. Real-world programming languages contain many elements that make the automatic generation of specifications much harder than these are on academic toy languages or strongly reduced subsets of real-world languages. Both loops and simple recursion are comparatively easy to reason about by themselves, however combining these, where a method calls itself recursively inside a loop, makes automatic generation of specifications a much harder task. Mutual recursion and non-standard control flows such as breaking out of a loop, throwing exceptions or returning from a method call while inside a loop add further complications. This dissertation describes how to automatically generate specifications in all of these cases

    Detection and Exploitation of Information Flow Leaks

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    This thesis contributes to the field of language-based information flow analysis with a focus on detection and exploitation of information flow leaks in programs. To achieve this goal, this thesis presents a number of precise semi-automatic approaches that allow one to detect, exploit and judge the severity of information flow leaks in programs. The first part of the thesis develops an approach to detect and demonstrate information flow leaks in a program. This approach analyses a given program statically using symbolic execution and self-composition with the aim to generate so-called insecurity formulas whose satisfying models (obtained by SMT solvers) give rise to pairs of initial states that demonstrate insecure information flows. Based on these models, small unit test cases, so-called leak demonstrators, are created that check for the detected information flow leaks and fail if these exist. The developed approach is able to deal with unbounded loops and recursive method invocation by using program specifications like loop invariants or method contracts. This allows the approach to be fully precise (if needed) but also to abstract and allow for false positives in exchange for a higher degree of automation and simpler specifications. The approach supports several information flow security policies, namely, noninterference, delimited information release, and information erasure. The second part of the thesis builds upon the previous approach that allows the user to judge the severity of an information flow leak by exploiting the detected leaks in order to infer the secret information. This is achieved by utilizing a hybrid analysis which conducts an adaptive attack by performing a series of experiments. An experiment constitutes a concrete program run which serves to accumulate the knowledge about the secret. Each experiment is carried out with optimal low inputs deduced from the prior distribution and the knowledge of secret so that the potential leakage is maximized. We propose a novel approach to quantify information leakages as explicit functions of low inputs using symbolic execution and parametric model counting. Depending on the chosen security metric, general nonlinear optimization tools or Max-SMT solvers are used to find optimal low inputs, i.e., inputs that cause the program to leak a maximum of information. For the purpose of evaluation, both approaches have been fully implemented in the tool KEG, which is based on the state-of-the-art program verification system KeY. KEG supports a rich subset of sequential Java programs and generates executable JUnit tests as leak demonstrators. For the secret inference, KEG produces executable Java programs and runs them to perform the adaptive attack. The thesis discusses the planning, execution, and results of the evaluation. The evaluation has been performed on a collection of micro-benchmarks as well as two case studies, which are taken from the literature. The evaluation using the micro-benchmarks shows that KEG detects successfully all information flow leaks and is able to generate correct demonstrators in case the supplied specifications are correct and strong enough. With respect to secret inference, it shows that the approach presented in this thesis (which computes optimal low inputs) helps an attacker to learn the secret much more efficiently compared to approaches using arbitrary low inputs. KEG has also been evaluated in two case studies. The first case study is performed on an e-voting software which has been extracted in a simplified form from a real-world e-voting system. This case study focuses on the leak detection and demonstrator generation approach. The e-voting case study shows that KEG is able to deal with relatively complicated programs that include unbounded loops, objects, and arrays. Moreover, the case study demonstrates that KEG can be integrated with a specification generation tool to obtain both precision and full automation. The second case study is conducted on a PIN integrity checking program, adapted from a real-world ATM PIN verifying system. This case study mainly demonstrates the secret inference feature of KEG. It shows that KEG can help an attacker to learn the secret more efficiently given a good enough assumption about the prior distribution of secret

    Array Abstraction with Symbolic Pivots

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    In this paper we present a novel approach to automatically generate invariants for loops manipulating arrays. The intention is to achieve deductive program verification without the need for user-specified loop invariants. Many loops iterate and manipulate collections. Finding useful, i.e., sufficiently precise invariants for those loops is a challenging task, in particular, if the iteration order is complex. Our approach partitions an array and provides an abstraction for each of these partitions. Symbolic pivot elements are used to compute the partitions. In addition we integrate a faithful and precise program logic for sequential (Java) programs with abstract interpretation using an extensible multi-layered framework to compute array invariants. The presented approach has been implemented