5 research outputs found

    A formalisation and prototype implementation of argumentation for statistical model selection

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    © 2019 – IOS Press and the authors. The task of data collection is becoming routine in many disciplines and this results in increased availability of data. This routinely collected data provides a valuable opportunity for analysis with a view to support evidence based decision making. In order to confidently leverage the data in support of decision making the most appropriate statistical method needs to be selected, and this can be difficult for an end user not trained in statistics. This paper outlines an application of argumentation to support the analysis of clinical data, that uses Extended Argumentation Frameworks in order to reason with the meta-level arguments derived from preference contexts relevant to the data and the analysis objective of the end user. We outline a formalisation of the argument scheme for statistical model selection, its critical questions and the structure of the knowledge base required to support the instantiation of the arguments and meta-level arguments through the use of Z notation. This paper also describes the prototype implementation of argumentation for statistical model selection based on the Z specification outlined herein.CONSULT EPSRC grant no. EP-P010105-1

    Argumentation Schemes for Clinical Decision Support

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    This paper demonstrates how argumentation schemes can be used in decision support systems that help clinicians in making treatment decisions. The work builds on the use of computational argumentation, a rigorous approach to reasoning with complex data that places strong emphasis on being able to justify and explain the decisions that are recommended. The main contribution of the paper is to present a novel set of specialised argumentation schemes that can be used in the context of a clinical decision support system to assist in reasoning about what treatments to offer. These schemes provide a mechanism for capturing clinical reasoning in such a way that it can be handled by the formal reasoning mechanisms of formal argumentation. The paper describes how the integration between argumentation schemes and formal argumentation may be carried out, sketches how this is achieved by an implementation that we have created, and illustrates the overall process on a small set of case studies

    Argumentation for Statistical Model Selection

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