122 research outputs found

    Model-based specification of safety compliance needs for critical systems : A holistic generic metamodel

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    Abstract Context: Many critical systems must comply with safety standards as a way of providing assurance that they do not pose undue risks to people, property, or the environment. Safety compliance is a very demanding activity, as the standards can consist of hundreds of pages and practitioners typically have to show the fulfilment of thousands of safety-related criteria. Furthermore, the text of the standards can be ambiguous, inconsistent, and hard to understand, making it difficult to determine how to effectively structure and manage safety compliance information. These issues become even more challenging when a system is intended to be reused in another application domain with different applicable standards. Objective: This paper aims to resolve these issues by providing a metamodel for the specification of safety compliance needs for critical systems. Method: The metamodel is holistic and generic, and abstracts common concepts for demonstrating safety compliance from different standards and application domains. Its application results in the specification of “reference assurance frameworks” for safety-critical systems, which correspond to a model of the safety criteria of a given standard. For validating the metamodel with safety standards, parts of several standards have been modelled by both academic and industry personnel, and other standards have been analysed. We further augment this with feedback from practitioners, including feedback during a workshop. Results: The results from the validation show that the metamodel can be used to specify safety compliance needs for aerospace, automotive, avionics, defence, healthcare, machinery, maritime, oil and gas, process industry, railway, and robotics. Practitioners consider that the metamodel can meet their needs and find benefits in its use. Conclusion: The metamodel supports the specification of safety compliance needs for most critical computer-based and software-intensive systems. The resulting models can provide an effective means of structuring and managing safety compliance information

    (User-friendly) formal requirements verification in the context of ISO26262

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    Abstract In order to achieve the highest safety integrity levels, ISO26262 recommends the use of formal methods for various verification activities, throughout the lifecycle of safety-related embedded systems for road vehicles. Since formal methods are known to be difficult to use, one of the main challenges raised by these ISO26262 requirements is to find cost-effective approaches for being compliant with them. This paper proposes an approach for requirements formal verification where formal methods, languages, and tools are only minimally exposed to the user, and are integrated into one of the commonly used system modeling environments based on SysML. This approach does not require particular expertise in formal methods still allowing to apply them. Hence, personnel training costs and development costs should be kept limited. The proposed approach has been implemented as a plugin of the Topcased environment. Although it is limited to discrete system models, it has been successfully experimented on an industrial use case

    Reuse of safety certification artefacts across standards and domains: A systematic approach

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    Reuse of systems and subsystem is a common practice in safety-critical systems engineering. Reuse can improve system development and assurance, and there are recommendations on reuse for some domains. Cross-domain reuse, in which a previously certified product typically needs to be assessed against different safety standards, has however received little attention. No guidance exists for this reuse scenario despite its relevance in industry, thus practitioners need new means to tackle it. This paper aims to fill this gap by presenting a systematic approach for reuse of safety certification artefacts across standards and domains. The approach is based on the analysis of the similarities and on the specification of maps between standards. These maps are used to determine the safety certification artefacts that can be reused from one domain to another and reuse consequences. The approach has been validated with practitioners in a case study on the reuse of an execution platform from railway to avionics. The results show that the approach can be effectively applied and that it can reduce the cost of safety certification across standards and domains. Therefore, the approach is a promising way of making cross-domain reuse more cost-effective in industry.European Commission's FP7 programm

    Incremental Assurance Through Eliminative Argumentation

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    An assurance case for a critical system is valid for that system at a particular point in time, such as when the system is delivered to a certification authority for review. The argument is structured around evidence that exists at that point in time. However, modern assurance cases are rarely one-off exercises. More information might become available (e.g., field data) that could strengthen (or weaken) the validity of the case. This paper proposes the notion of incremental assurance wherein the assurance case structure includes both the currently available evidence and a plan for incrementally increasing confidence in the system as additional or higher quality evidence becomes available. Such evidence is needed to further reduce doubts engineers or reviewers might have. This paper formalizes the idea of incremental assurance through an argumentation pattern. The concept of incremental assurance is demonstrated by applying the pattern to part of a safety assurance case for an air traffic control system

    Functional Safety Concept Generation within the Process of Preliminary Design of Automated Driving Functions at the Example of an Unmanned Protective Vehicle

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    Structuring the early design phase of automotive systems is an important part of efficient and successful development processes. Today, safety considerations (e.g., the safety life cycle of ISO 26262) significantly affect the course of development. Preliminary designs are expressed in functional system architectures, which are required to form safety concepts. Thus, mapping tasks and work products to a reference process during early design stages is an important part of structuring the system development. This contribution describes the systematic creation and notation of the functional safety concept within the concept phase of development of an unmanned protective vehicle within the research project aFAS. Different stages of preliminary design and dependencies between them are displayed by the work products created and used. The full set of functional safety requirements and an excerpt of the safety argument structure of the SAE level 4 application are presented

    Automotive Mechatronic Safety Argument Framework

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    A modern vehicle uses mechanical components under software control, referred to as mechatronic systems, to deliver its features. The software for these, and its supporting hardware, are typically developed according to the functional safety standard ISO 26262:2011. This standard requires that a safety argument is created that demonstrates that the safety requirements for an item are complete and satisfied by evidence. However, this argument only addresses the software and electronic hardware aspects of the mechatronic system, although safety requirements derived for these can also be allocated to the mechanical part of the mechatronic system. The safety requirements allocated to hardware and software also have a value of integrity assigned to them based on an assessment of the unmitigated risk. The concept of risk and integrity is expressed differently in the development of the mechanical components. In this thesis, we address the challenge of extending the safety argument required by ISO 26262 to include the mechanical components being controlled, so creating a safety argument pattern that encompasses the complete mechatronic system. The approach is based on a generic model for engineering which can be applied to the development of the hardware, software and mechanical components. From this, a safety argument pattern has been derived which consequently can be applied to all three engineering disciplines of the mechatronic system. The harmonisation of the concept of integrity is addressed through the use of special characteristics. The result is a model-based assurance approach which allows an argument to be constructed for the mitigation of risk associated with a mechatronic system that encompasses the three engineering disciplines of the system. This approach is evaluated through interview-based case studies and the retrospective application of the approach to an existing four corner air suspension system

    Model-connected safety cases

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    Regulatory authorities require justification that safety-critical systems exhibit acceptable levels of safety. Safety cases are traditionally documents which allow the exchange of information between stakeholders and communicate the rationale of how safety is achieved via a clear, convincing and comprehensive argument and its supporting evidence. In the automotive and aviation industries, safety cases have a critical role in the certification process and their maintenance is required throughout a system’s lifecycle. Safety-case-based certification is typically handled manually and the increase in scale and complexity of modern systems renders it impractical and error prone.Several contemporary safety standards have adopted a safety-related framework that revolves around a concept of generic safety requirements, known as Safety Integrity Levels (SILs). Following these guidelines, safety can be justified through satisfaction of SILs. Careful examination of these standards suggests that despite the noticeable differences, there are converging aspects. This thesis elicits the common elements found in safety standards and defines a pattern for the development of safety cases for cross-sector application. It also establishes a metamodel that connects parts of the safety case with the target system architecture and model-based safety analysis methods. This enables the semi- automatic construction and maintenance of safety arguments that help mitigate problems related to manual approaches. Specifically, the proposed metamodel incorporates system modelling, failure information, model-based safety analysis and optimisation techniques to allocate requirements in the form of SILs. The system architecture and the allocated requirements along with a user-defined safety argument pattern, which describes the target argument structure, enable the instantiation algorithm to automatically generate the corresponding safety argument. The idea behind model-connected safety cases stemmed from a critical literature review on safety standards and practices related to safety cases. The thesis presents the method, and implemented framework, in detail and showcases the different phases and outcomes via a simple example. It then applies the method on a case study based on the Boeing 787’s brake system and evaluates the resulting argument against certain criteria, such as scalability. Finally, contributions compared to traditional approaches are laid out
