16 research outputs found

    Reviewing Contractual System in Australian Copyright Balance

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    The article is aimed to review the contractual system in the Australian Copyright Act 1968. Contractual system is shaped to facilitate copyright owners to authorize potential target to make use of their copyright work through the contractual system. However, it is still arguable that there is possibility that contractual system would curtail copyright balance. Nevertheless, the Australian Copyright Act 1968 is silent as to whether private agreements can displace provisions of the Copyright Act which provide for reasonable access to copyright material. This article also analyzes the concerns about the problem in contractual agreement applied in the Act 1968. The current legislative regime is inadequate in dealing with copyright and Contract Law; which is there is no express prohibition in the Copyright Act on “contract out” then the scope of provisions may be modified by contract. Additionally, there are no clearly defined criteria or requirement to formulate “good faith” in a contractual relationship. This can causes unequal bargaining power between the copyright owners and users

    The networked micro-decision context: A new lens on transformative urban governance

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    Recent large-scale societal disruptions, from the COVID-19 pandemic to intensifying wildfires and weather events, reveal the importance of transforming governance systems so they can address complex, transboundary, and rapidly evolving crises. Yet current knowledge of the decision-making dynamics that yield transformative governance remains scant. Studies typically focus on the aggregate outputs of government decisions, while overlooking their micro-level underpinnings. This is a key oversight because drivers of policy change, such as learning or competition, are prosecuted by people rather than organizations. We respond to this knowledge gap by introducing a new analytical lens for understanding policymaking, aimed at uncovering how characteristics of decision-makers and the structure of their relationships affect their likelihood of effectuating transformative policy responses. This perspective emphasizes the need for a more dynamic and relational view on urban governance in the context of transformation

    Blended Learning Based on Creative Approach: Enhancing The Mutual Impact of Creativity, Intrinsic Motivation and Achievement in Academic Camputer Courses.

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has become the essential part of the university course aims. The rapid speed of technical development, growth of information, and knowledge, gives the attention of the higher education to improve their teaching methods in a creative way. One of the educational innovative ways that gain support in learning methods is called blended learning. The blended learning approach is a mix of e-learning technology with conventional teaching methods to get the advantage of the both methods. The research is trying to apply the blended learning based on creative approach in order to enhance the mutual impact of creativity, intrinsic motivation and achievement in academic computer courses. Existing research has emphasized on the applications of distinctive characteristics of creative teaching strategies in the particular domain of blinded learning applications for academic computer courses. High successful management of creative approach in blended -learning application's task gives learners a sufficient creative knowledge and performance   in academic computer courses. So this research aims to decide on what the extent of applying blended learning based creative approach effects on the level of creativity, motivation, and achievement in the academic computer courses. The subject participants consist of 57 undergraduate students. They all enrolled in the academic computer course. The intrinsic motivation questionnaire, Torrance creativity test, achievement test, and rubric evaluation tool to evaluate the creativity of the final computer program product have been conducted. The whole sample was drawn randomly from the faculty of medicine- foundation year –Taif University in Saudi Arabia. A creative blended learning applications have been constructed to teach the students how to design computer program, the creative blended learning applications aim to build up student creative performance to build up the computer program in their profession.According to the findings blended learning applications based on creative approach have a positive effect on the learners' creative performance on computer programming. Furthermore there is a mutual relationship between creativity, intrinsic motivation and achievement in favor of creativity in computer programming. Key words: Blended learning , learning environment , Creativity, Intrinsic Motivation, computer creative performance ,  E-learning applications , E-learning  creative approach,  Rubric evaluation

    Internal Determinants Promoting Corporate Entrepreneurship in Established Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Due to the increasing dynamics and complexity in the corporate environment, the importance of Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) for the development and long-term sustainability of established companies' competitive advantages is continuously increasing. However, the literature still lacks a CE framework that consolidates and integrates the different research findings illustrating the impact of particular CE drivers. We conduct a systematic literature review of the current CE research to ascertain which internal determinants promote CE in established organizations and how they nurture creativity and innovation. Building on a four-dimensional CE framework, we identify several central determinants of CE and provide practitioners in established organizations with guidelines for successful implementation of CE. By identifying several topical and outstanding issues, the paper encourages further debate and research activity. Implications for Central European audience: This paper advanced the current CE research by systematically consolidating and integrating top management literature invoking multiple research streams and discussing several directions for further research. The developed framework reflects the current state of CE research and hence can serve as a guide for successful implementation of CE in established organizations, as well as for further investigation of the CE concept. Thus, this paper makes an important contribution to solving the puzzle of successful implementation of CE in established corporations.O

    Entrepreneurial Orientation, Technology Orientation, Contemporary Marketing and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Performance in Nigeria

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a significant social and economic role in both developed and developing nations.Despite the relevance and important of the sector, the literature indicates there are very few studies that attempted to investigate the factors that influence the performance of SMEs in Nigeria, particularly the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO), Technology orientation (TO), contemporary marketing (CM) and performance of SMEs.A cross-sectional design was adopted using questionnaire to collect data from 240 SME owner-managers in Nigeria.Questionnaires were distributed and collected through personally-administered method and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses.The findings of the study indicates a significant positive relationship between EO, TO and CM on the Performance of SMEs. The results offers important insights to regulators of SMEs, policy-makers, SMEs owner-managers, and researchers to further understand the effects of these strategic management variables.Owner-mangers of SMEs should accentuate on these variables to improve their performance.Policy-makers should support SMEs ownermanagers in the areas of training and capacity building.Lastly, limitations of the current study suggests opportunities for researchers interested in exploring other determinates of SMEs performance

    All-lands management: Convening communities and their lands around fire management

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    Broadly defined, All-lands Management (ALM) is a land management approach involving collaborative, science-based ecosystem restoration at the landscape scale, across ownership and jurisdictional boundaries. My research investigates collaborative groups working to reduce wildfire risk by applying ALM. Fire risk in the Pacific West (California and Oregon) is increasing in severity and extent due to fire suppression and is exacerbated by the effects of drought, climate change, and expanding residential development. For decades federal, state, and local entities have expressed the need to work collaboratively, across boundaries and ownerships to reintroduce fire back onto the landscape to restore forest resiliency. This research reveals barriers that prevent broader ALM utilization, framing the implementation difficulties as bureaucratic rigidity problems. Ultimately, the goal of my research is to reveal the capacities of the cases this study is based that enable ALM. I conducted in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis with two case studies: the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership (WKRP) and the Ashland Forest Resiliency Stewardship Project (AFR). The cases demonstrate how ALM is being implemented in different contexts, as well as existing social, economic, and political barriers to its effective implementation. Both cases have employed principles of the 2010 National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy – by following these principles both groups aim to shift out of a full suppression model of fire management into a more resilience based model. Both have faced a plethora of challenges, but have problem-solved differently. I explore the ways the two cases developed strategies to enhance their capacities for ALM

    Instituting a missional worship style in a local church developed from an analysis of the culture

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    Using the 2011 Rugby World Cup as a catalyst for the reproduction and refinement of New Zealand's national identity: Uniting a nation around a brand image.

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    This study focuses on how the New Zealand Government used a mega sports event, the 2011 Rugby World Cup, as a catalyst for the reproduction and refinement of national identity. The ways that the government used a major event to unite the nation of New Zealand around the strong brand image generated by the event are examined and critically discussed in the thesis. This study used a case study methodology with data collected through discourse analysis. The three key themes Presenting New Zealand, Being a New Zealander and Growing New Zealand emerged, with the theme of Propaganda identified and introduced for further discussion at a later stage of the study. The discourse analysis highlighted how the government sought to promote New Zealand to the rest of the world with particular emphases on opportunity, reputation and innovation. Such an approach led to the success of the government’s and Rugby New Zealand’s stadium of four million strategy. In addition, the potential for future similar campaigns to be grounded on national identity was established