875 research outputs found

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    Predictable embedded multiprocessor architecture for streaming applications

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    The focus of this thesis is on embedded media systems that execute applications from the application domain car infotainment. These applications, which we refer to as jobs, typically fall in the class of streaming, i.e. they process on a stream of data. The jobs are executed on heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms, for performance and power efficiency reasons. Most of these jobs have firm real-time requirements, like throughput and end-to-end latency. Car-infotainment systems become increasingly more complex, due to an increase in the supported number of jobs and an increase of resource sharing. Therefore, it is hard to verify, for each job, that the realtime requirements are satisfied. To reduce the verification effort, we elaborate on an architecture for a predictable system from which we can verify, at design time, that the job’s throughput and end-to-end latency requirements are satisfied. This thesis introduces a network-based multiprocessor system that is predictable. This is achieved by starting with an architecture where processors have private local memories and execute tasks in a static order, so that the uncertainty in the temporal behaviour is minimised. As an interconnect, we use a network that supports guaranteed communication services so that it is guaranteed that data is delivered in time. The architecture is extended with shared local memories, run-time scheduling of tasks, and a memory hierarchy. Dataflow modelling and analysis techniques are used for verification, because they allow cyclic data dependencies that influence the job’s performance. Shown is how to construct a dataflow model from a job that is mapped onto our predictable multiprocessor platforms. This dataflow model takes into account: computation of tasks, communication between tasks, buffer capacities, and scheduling of shared resources. The job’s throughput and end-to-end latency bounds are derived from a self-timed execution of the dataflow graph, by making use of existing dataflow-analysis techniques. It is shown that the derived bounds are tight, e.g. for our channel equaliser job, the accuracy of the derived throughput bound is within 10.1%. Furthermore, it is shown that the dataflow modelling and analysis techniques can be used despite the use of shared memories, run-time scheduling of tasks, and caches

    Analysis and Coordination of Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A Cyber-physical System (CPS) can be described as a network of interlinked, concurrent computational components that interact with the physical world. Such a system is usually of reactive nature and must satisfy strict timing requirements to guarantee a correct behaviour. The components can be of mixed-criticality which implies different progress models and communication models, depending whether the focus of a component lies on predictability or resource efficiency. In this dissertation I present a novel approach that bridges the gap between stream processing models and Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs). The former offer powerful tools to describe concurrent systems of, usually simple, components while the latter allow to describe complex, reactive, components and their mutual interaction. In order to achieve the bridge between the two domains I introduce the novel LTS Synchronous Interface Automaton (SIA) that allows to model the interaction protocol of a process via its interface and to incrementally compose simple processes into more complex ones while preserving the system properties. Exploiting these properties I introduce an analysis to identify permanent blocking situations in a network of composed processes. SIAs are wrapped by the novel component-based coordination model Process Network with Synchronous Communication (PNSC) that allows to describe a network of concurrent processes where multiple communication models and the co-existence and interaction of heterogeneous processes is supported due to well defined interfaces. The work presented in this dissertation follows a holistic approach which spans from the theory of the underlying model to an instantiation of the model as a novel coordination language, called Streamix. The language uses network operators to compose networks of concurrent processes in a structured and hierarchical way. The work is validated by a prototype implementation of a compiler and a Run-time System (RTS) that allows to compile a Streamix program and execute it on a platform with support for ISO C, POSIX threads, and a Linux operating system

    System architecture and hardware implementations for a reconfigurable MPLS router

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    With extremely wide bandwidth and good channel properties, optical fibers have brought fast and reliable data transmission to today’s data communications. However, to handle heavy traffic flowing through optical physical links, much faster processing speed is required or else congestion can take place at network nodes. Also, to provide people with voice, data and all categories of multimedia services, distinguishing between different data flows is a requirement. To address these router performance, Quality of Service /Class of Service and traffic engineering issues, Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) was proposed for IP-based Internetworks. In addition, routers flexible in hardware architecture in order to support ever-evolving protocols and services without causing big infrastructure modification or replacement are also desirable. Therefore, reconfigurable hardware implementation of MPLS was proposed in this project to obtain the overall fast processing speed at network nodes. The long-term goal of this project is to develop a reconfigurable MPLS router, which uniquely integrates the best features of operations being conducted in software and in run-time-reconfigurable hardware. The scope of this thesis includes system architecture and service algorithm considerations, Verilog coding and testing for an actual device. The hardware and software co-design technique was used to partition and schedule the protocol code for execution on both a general-purpose processor and stream-based hardware. A novel RPS scheme that is practically easy to build and can realize pipelined packet-by-packet data transfer at each output was proposed to take the place of the traditional crossbar switching. In RPS, packets with variable lengths can be switched intelligently without performing packet segmentation and reassembly. Primary theoretical analysis of queuing issues was discussed and an improved multiple queue service scheduling policy UD-WRR was proposed, which can reduce packet-waiting time without sacrificing the performance. In order to have the tests carried out appropriately, dedicated circuitry for the MPLS functional block to interface a specific MAC chip was implemented as well. The hardware designs for all functions were realized with a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device in this project. The main result presented in this thesis was the MPLS function implementation realizing a major part of layer three routing at the reconfigurable hardware level, which advanced a great step towards the goal of building a router that is both fast and flexible

    Polymorphic computing abstraction for heterogeneous architectures

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    Integration of multiple computing paradigms onto system on chip (SoC) has pushed the boundaries of design space exploration for hardware architectures and computing system software stack. The heterogeneity of computing styles in SoC has created a new class of architectures referred to as Heterogeneous Architectures. Novel applications developed to exploit the different computing styles are user centric for embedded SoC. Software and hardware designers are faced with several challenges to harness the full potential of heterogeneous architectures. Applications have to execute on more than one compute style to increase overall SoC resource utilization. The implication of such an abstraction is that application threads need to be polymorphic. Operating system layer is thus faced with the problem of scheduling polymorphic threads. Resource allocation is also an important problem to be dealt by the OS. Morphism evolution of application threads is constrained by the availability of heterogeneous computing resources. Traditional design optimization goals such as computational power and lower energy per computation are inadequate to satisfy user centric application resource needs. Resource allocation decisions at application layer need to permeate to the architectural layer to avoid conflicting demands which may affect energy-delay characteristics of application threads. We propose Polymorphic computing abstraction as a unified computing model for heterogeneous architectures to address the above issues. Simulation environment for polymorphic applications is developed and evaluated under various scheduling strategies to determine the effectiveness of polymorphism abstraction on resource allocation. User satisfaction model is also developed to complement polymorphism and used for optimization of resource utilization at application and network layer of embedded systems

    Reconfigurable microarchitectures at the programmable logic interface

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