9 research outputs found

    Crime prediction and monitoring in Porto, Portugal, using machine learning, spatial and text analytics

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    Crimes are a common societal concern impacting quality of life and economic growth. Despite the global decrease in crime statistics, specific types of crime and feelings of insecurity, have often increased, leading safety and security agencies with the need to apply novel approaches and advanced systems to better predict and prevent occurrences. The use of geospatial technologies, combined with data mining and machine learning techniques allows for significant advances in the criminology of place. In this study, official police data from Porto, in Portugal, between 2016 and 2018, was georeferenced and treated using spatial analysis methods, which allowed the identification of spatial patterns and relevant hotspots. Then, machine learning processes were applied for space-time pattern mining. Using lasso regression analysis, significance for crime variables were found, with random forest and decision tree supporting the important variable selection. Lastly, tweets related to insecurity were collected and topic modeling and sentiment analysis was performed. Together, these methods assist interpretation of patterns, prediction and ultimately, performance of both police and planning professionals

    Data Mining and Predictive Policing

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    This paper focuses on the operation and utilization of predictive policing software that generates spatial and temporal hotspots. There is a literature review that evaluates previous work surrounding the topics branched from predictive policing. It dissects two different crime datasets for San Francisco, California and Chicago, Illinois. Provided, is an in depth comparison between the datasets using both statistical analysis and graphing tools. Then, it shows the application of the Apriori algorithm to re-enforce the formation of possible hotspots pointed out in a actual predictive policing software. To further the analysis, targeted demographics of the study were evaluated to create a snapshot of the factors that have attributed to the safety of the neighborhoods. The results of this study can be used to create solutions for long term crime reduction by adding green spaces and community planning in areas with high crime rates and heavy environmental neglect

    A crime prediction model based on spatial and temporal data

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    In a world where data has become precious thanks to what we can do with it like forecasting the future, the fight against crime can also benefit from this technological trend. In this work, we propose a crime prediction model based on historical data that we prepare and transform into spatiotemporal data by crime type, for use in machine learning algorithms and then predict, with maximum accuracy, the risk of having crimes in a spatiotemporal point in the city. And in order to have a general model not related to a specific type of crime, we have described our risk by a vector of n values that represent the risks by type of crime

    Estimating the spatial distribution of crime events around a football stadium from georeferenced tweets

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    Crowd-based events, such as football matches, are considered generators of crime. Criminological research on the influence of football matches has consistently uncovered differences in spatial crime patterns, particularly in the areas around stadia. At the same time, social media data mining research on football matches shows a high volume of data created during football events. This study seeks to build on these two research streams by exploring the spatial relationship between crime events and nearby Twitter activity around a football stadium, and estimating the possible influence of tweets for explaining the presence or absence of crime in the area around a football stadium on match days. Aggregated hourly crime data and geotagged tweets for the same area around the stadium are analysed using exploratory and inferential methods. Spatial clustering, spatial statistics, text mining as well as a hurdle negative binomial logistic regression for spatiotemporal explanations are utilized in our analysis. Findings indicate a statistically significant spatial relationship between three crime types (criminal damage, theft and handling, and violence against the person) and tweet patterns, and that such a relationship can be used to explain future incidents of crime

    Hybrid dragonfly algorithm with neighbourhood component analysis and gradient tree boosting for crime rates modelling

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    In crime studies, crime rates time series prediction helps in strategic crime prevention formulation and decision making. Statistical models are commonly applied in predicting time series crime rates. However, the time series crime rates data are limited and mostly nonlinear. One limitation in the statistical models is that they are mainly linear and are only able to model linear relationships. Thus, this study proposed a time series crime prediction model that can handle nonlinear components as well as limited historical crime rates data. Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models have been favoured as they are able to handle nonlinear and robust to small sample data components in crime rates. Hence, the proposed crime model implemented an artificial intelligence model namely Gradient Tree Boosting (GTB) in modelling the crime rates. The crime rates are modelled using the United States (US) annual crime rates of eight crime types with nine factors that influence the crime rates. Since GTB has no feature selection, this study proposed hybridisation of Neighbourhood Component Analysis (NCA) and GTB (NCA-GTB) in identifying significant factors that influence the crime rates. Also, it was found that both NCA and GTB are sensitive to input parameter. Thus, DA2-NCA-eGTB model was proposed to improve the NCA-GTB model. The DA2-NCA-eGTB model hybridised a metaheuristic optimisation algorithm namely Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) with NCA-GTB model to optimise NCA and GTB parameters. In addition, DA2-NCA-eGTB model also improved the accuracy of the NCA-GTB model by using Least Absolute Deviation (LAD) as the GTB loss function. The experimental result showed that DA2-NCA-eGTB model outperformed existing AI models in all eight modelled crime types. This was proven by the smaller values of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), which was between 2.9195 and 18.7471. As a conclusion, the study showed that DA2-NCA-eGTB model is statistically significant in representing all crime types and it is able to handle the nonlinear component in limited crime rate data well

    Real Time Crime Prediction Using Social Media

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    There is no doubt that crime is on the increase and has a detrimental influence on a nation's economy despite several attempts of studies on crime prediction to minimise crime rates. Historically, data mining techniques for crime prediction models often rely on historical information and its mostly country specific. In fact, only a few of the earlier studies on crime prediction follow standard data mining procedure. Hence, considering the current worldwide crime trend in which criminals routinely publish their criminal intent on social media and ask others to see and/or engage in different crimes, an alternative, and more dynamic strategy is needed. The goal of this research is to improve the performance of crime prediction models. Thus, this thesis explores the potential of using information on social media (Twitter) for crime prediction in combination with historical crime data. It also figures out, using data mining techniques, the most relevant feature engineering needed for United Kingdom dataset which could improve crime prediction model performance. Additionally, this study presents a function that could be used by every state in the United Kingdom for data cleansing, pre-processing and feature engineering. A shinny App was also use to display the tweets sentiment trends to prevent crime in near-real time.Exploratory analysis is essential for revealing the necessary data pre-processing and feature engineering needed prior to feeding the data into the machine learning model for efficient result. Based on earlier documented studies available, this is the first research to do a full exploratory analysis of historical British crime statistics using stop and search historical dataset. Also, based on the findings from the exploratory study, an algorithm was created to clean the data, and prepare it for further analysis and model creation. This is an enormous success because it provides a perfect dataset for future research, particularly for non-experts to utilise in constructing models to forecast crime or conducting investigations in around 32 police districts of the United Kingdom.Moreover, this study is the first study to present a complete collection of geo-spatial parameters for training a crime prediction model by combining demographic data from the same source in the United Kingdom with hourly sentiment polarity that was not restricted to Twitter keyword search. Six unique base models that were frequently mentioned in the previous literature was selected and used to train stop-and-search historical crime dataset and evaluated on test data and finally validated with dataset from London and Kent crime datasets.Two different datasets were created from twitter and historical data (historical crime data with twitter sentiment score and historical data without twitter sentiment score). Six of the most prevalent machine learning classifiers (Random Forest, Decision Tree, K-nearest model, support vector machine, neural network and naïve bayes) were trained and tested on these datasets. Additionally, hyperparameters of each of the six models developed were tweaked using random grid search. Voting classifiers and logistic regression stacked ensemble of different models were also trained and tested on the same datasets to enhance the individual model performance.In addition, two combinations of stack ensembles of multiple models were constructed to enhance and choose the most suitable models for crime prediction, and based on their performance, the appropriate prediction model for the UK dataset would be selected. In terms of how the research may be interpreted, it differs from most earlier studies that employed Twitter data in that several methodologies were used to show how each attribute contributed to the construction of the model, and the findings were discussed and interpreted in the context of the study. Further, a shiny app visualisation tool was designed to display the tweets’ sentiment score, the text, the users’ screen name, and the tweets’ vicinity which allows the investigation of any criminal actions in near-real time. The evaluation of the models revealed that Random Forest, Decision Tree, and K nearest neighbour outperformed other models. However, decision trees and Random Forests perform better consistently when evaluated on test data