6 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini adalah suatu kerangka konseptual penelitian yang dapat dikembangkan untuk meneliti penggunaan metode Quick Scan untuk penerapan TQM pada usaha kecil dan menengah. Dalam kenyataannya bahwa UKM menghadapi persaingan yang tidak adil dari perusahaan besar yang sudah menerapkan TQM secara sempurna untuk menciptakan produk dan pelayanan kepada pangsa pasar konsumen yang sama. Kendala yang dihadapi UKM dalam menerapkan TQM adalah mahalnya biaya untuk menjamin semua kriteria TQM diterapkan dalam operasional UKM sehingga menimbulkan sikap frustasi menghadapi kenyataan ini dengan menampilkan kinerja apa adanya. Metode QuickScan merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi kendala penerapan TQM pada UKM. Metode Quick Scan berbasiskan pada teknik evaluasi diri dengan menggunakan instrumen yang sudah dijamin validitasnya terlebih dahulu

    Moderating effect of external environment on performance of SMEs in Pakistan

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    This study aimed to investigate the moderating effect of external environment (EE) on the relationships between Total Quality Management (TQM), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), Market orientation (MO) and performance (P). The study was greatly motivated by the inconsistent findings and the gaps indicated in the contemporary literature regarding those relationships. First there were contradictory findings between TQM and Performance, EO and Performance and MO and Performance relationships. Second, the three strategies; TQM, EO and MO were not investigated together within the context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and third, in the relevant literature, many theories have emphasized the necessity to establish the fit between external environment and intended strategies as the key success factor. Therefore, this study integrated EE as an important moderating variable for the purpose of strategy implementation. Data were collected from SMEs operating in the Punjab Province, Pakistan by using questionnaire survey, and a random sampling was used for sample selection. 500 questionnaires were distributed to SME owner/managers but only 384 of them were returned, giving a response rate of 77 percent. However, only 367 useable questionnaires were used for further analysis. The high response rate was achieved due to the survey instrument being personally distributed and emailed by the researcher to the SMEs. The findings revealed that TQM and MO were significant predictors of performance, while EO was found insignificant to the performance. Meanwhile mixed results were found upon investigating the moderating effect of EE on the relationships between TQM, EO, MO and performance. The findings of this study provided significant insights for both managers and researchers to further understand the effects of implemented strategies on performance. Finally, limitations of study and necessary recommendations for future research were discusse


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    This study focusses on the literature survey and identifying the research gap to frame the objectives of the study, formulate the hypotheses and pursue the research study. In todays globalize economy; competition is becoming even more intense. Many companies are trying very hard not only to satisfy their customer’s needs, but where possible, excel them. This can only be achieved through cost reduction, improvement in product performance, increased customer satisfaction and a constant effort towards world class organizations. In order for companies to survive and grow in the future, it is essential that they deliver high quality goods and services. Those that can deliver quality are the ones that will prosper in the next century (Ross, 1994) (1). Companies actually compete on three major issues; Quality, Price and Delivery. However, companies choosing the low cost approach may find themselves losing premium business to competitors while retaining the low-margin business in the long term (Victor, 1995).(2)  Many companies have become aware of the need to make quality as the competitive marketing strategy in a global market. Large companies for instance, have started to implement total quality initiative in their products and services. The increasing acceptance of Total Quality Management (TQM) as a philosophy of management and a way of company life has taken place for almost three decades. Many companies understand that TQM is necessary for them to remain competitive, retaining their market share and to be able to respond to changing competitive demand in today business world. Based on some studies (Ross, 1994,(1) Ghobahdian, (1995) (3), Ahire et al., (1996)(4),Gulbro et al., (2000)(5), not all companies are able to implement TQM successfully. This is because it requires a different implementation approach to cater for the varying needs of the industries in order for effective implementation. Software industries have been slow in adopting TQM when compared to manufacturing companies which necessitated to pursue this thesis. Their involvement has focused primarily on ISO 9000 certification, and very few had advanced beyond that (Yusof, 2000) (6). Therefore, the identification of critical success factors for successful implementation as well as the problems faced by Software Industries  in implementing TQM are  an important area to be understood. The value of this research is one of the primary steps towards reaching the needs of Indian Software Industries that are trying to implement TQM in their business. With a better understanding of this issues, it can be a groundwork for the development of an appropriate TQM framework for practical implementation by the Software Industries

    Climbing the quality ladder: an empirical investigation of the applicability of the European quality award to the needs of small and medium-sized firms in Scotland.

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    Quality has been recognised as a key competitive weapon in the global markets. Organisations world-wide are making considerable efforts to implement Total Quality Management (TQM) to gain global competitiveness and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are no less concerned with quality than larger organisations, but they are less comfortable with the formal approaches. However, little is known about the use of TQM models in SMEs and more specifically, into the applicability and relevance of the European Quality Award (EQA) model to the needs of SMEs. The EQA model was developed to accelerate the acceptance of quality as a strategy for global competitive advantage, to assess the development of quality improvement activities and to recognise companies, which excel in business excellence. The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability and relevance of the EQA model to the needs of SMEs in Scotland. The researcher intended to answer the research question by studying and evaluating the experience and perceptions of SMEs’ owner-managers in Scotland. To achieve the research objective, 300 questionnaires were distributed to Scottish SMEs and 180 returned questionnaires were considered usable. In addition, 15 interviews were conducted with SMEs’ owner-managers, to explore issues concerning the applicability of the model to the needs of SMEs in Scotland. The research instruments (postal questionnaires and interview questions) were developed based on the criteria underlying the EQA model. The reliability and validity of the research instruments were tested and validated. Various methods were employed for these tests and validation. It was concluded that the research instruments in this study were reliable and valid. Therefore, researchers will be able to use these research instruments for developing quality management theory. The EQA model found to be significantly correlated to organisational performance in Scottish SMEs. The model was found to be appropriate and applicable to the needs of SMEs in Scotland, which implied that they are willing to implement and practice the EQA model to achieve organisational success. Further, the study concluded that managers and owners of Scottish SMEs recommended other useful constructs, which can be incorporated into the EQA framework to make it more suitable and applicable to the needs of SMEs. Scottish SMEs were found to be willing to implement and practice the nine constructs underlying the EQA model, and more specifically, leadership was identified as playing an important role in stimulating quality consciousness. This is evident from the fact that Scottish managers and owners of SMEs had positive attitudes towards the nine constructs underlying the EQA model. Moreover, the EQA model was correlated significantly to performance in terms of customer satisfaction, quality, productivity and financial performance, which in turn can lead to enhancing the performance of Scottish SMEs. To confirm this further, the EQA constructs are regarded by the participants interviewed to be necessary for achieving success. Through the implementation of the EQA, organizations can achieve high quality products and services which are the essence of a company’s survival and competitiveness, while continual improvements in quality are critical for achieving and sustaining financial and operational performance. Therefore, it was clear that the EQA model seems to be an appropriate model to be used in Scottish SMEs for achieving organizational objectives and success. Additionally, the present study noted how SMEs in Scotland had recommended other constructs, which could be incorporated into the EQA framework to make it more applicable to their needs and help them to achieve the desired outcomes

    Are small manufacturers failing the quality test?

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