5 research outputs found

    Semantic Changes in Novels: A Comparison Study of Horror Novels between 1800s - 2000s

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    Novel is a collection of history about how words were changing from time to time. As words moved dynamically, they could be interpreted differently depending on how people used it. Some words from now might have a different meaning in the past. This phenomenon was what we call as semantic changes. This was one of the reason why it was very common for words to have a different meaning from time to time or even extinct, especially in novels. In order to see the semantic changes that happened in novels, this paper was conducted to see and compare the semantic changes that occurred in horror novels around 1800s-2000s. Six horror novels which were being chosen were Dracula, The Exorcist, The Daughter, Frankenstein, Bedtime, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, as these novels are kept being re-published from time to time, and are popular horror novels. The method that was used was qualitative, with Corpus Analysis, and software called as Antconc as the data instrument. This paper was comparing the semantic changes that occurred in horror novels around 1800s-2000s. The analysis result showed that the semantic changes that happened mostly because of the angle of talking, which meant that meaning could be changed because of the context of the text. To conclude, semantic changes could be seen in the horror novels that the researchers analyzed, and the changes happened because of the differences in contexts.Keywords: semantic changes, horror novels, horro

    Universality is Inescapable

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    This paper argues that universal classification systems – that is, systems that are general in coverage – are necessary in an era that values interoperability. Such systems have numerous other advantages. Questions regarding the feasibility of such KOSs can only be addressed empirically. The paper outlines avenues for empirical exploration

    Evaluación de la actividad científica en ciencia de la información a partir de indicadores bibliométricos y altmétricos

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    La presente investigación es un análisis de la producción científica en Ciencia de la Informacion (CI), fundamentada en el contexto epistemológico e histórico de la disciplina, para identificar las tendencias de uso de la información en plataformas de publicación formales e informales. A partir de la implementación de indicadores bibliométricos e indicadores alternativos, se pretende establecer. ¿Como la integración de indicadores altimétricos en la evaluación científica, posibilita la identificación de tendencias en la investigación disciplinar? Y si es valido afirmar, que la altmetría es una herramienta confiable y útil para la evaluación de los dominios científicos. Se toma como referente la producción visible en Web of Science durante el periodo 2012- 2016, para identificar las dinámicas científicas de investigación en la CI, a partir de una muestra de 1224 registros en los cuales se utilizan indicadores bibliometricos de producción, citación o impacto e indicadores altimétricos recuperados de las plataformas ResearchGate (RG) y Plum Analytics (PlumX). Los resultados evidencian que los indicadores alternativos aun están en periodo de desarrollo y necesitan normalización; de lo cual se concluye, que la evaluación científica requiere la complementación de modelos métricos clásicos junto a métricas alternativas que permitan identificar las dinámicas sociales y de comunicación que se generan en la comunidad científica más allá del impacto y la citación.This research is an analysis of the scientific activity in Information Science (CI), based on the epistemological and historical context of the discipline, to identify trends in the use of information in formal and informal publishing platforms. Based on the implementation of bibliometric iand alternative indicators, it is intended to establish: How does the integration of altmetric indicators in scientific evaluation make it possible to identify trends in disciplinary research? And, if it is valid to say that altmetrics is a reliable and useful tool for the scientific evaluation of scientific domains. Visible production in Web of Science during the 2012-2016 period is taken as a reference to identify the scientific dynamics of research in the CI, from a sample of 1224 records in which bibliometric indicators of production, citation or impact and altmetric indicators recovered from the ResearchGate (RG) and Plum Analytics (PlumX) platforms are used. The results show that the alternative indicators are still under development and need to be standardized; from which it is concluded that scientific evaluation requires the complementing of classical metric models with alternative metrics that allow identifying the social and communication dynamics generated in the scientific community beyond the impact and citation.Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecólogo (a)Pregrad