5 research outputs found

    Evaluating the efficiency of heat and power systems by the data envelopment analysis method

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    The article describes the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and the main features of its application. The main problems of heat and power systems are described, which are addressed by the DEA method of efficiency assessment presented in the article. The approbation of this method is presented at the objects of the centralized municipal heat supply system of the fuel and energy complex: boiler houses and heat and power plants. 9 objects were analyzed according to four input indicators: available heat capacity, installed heat capacity, heat consumption for own needs, fuel consumption. Also, the efficiency of the system was evaluated according to two output indicators: the release of thermal energy to the grid and the mass of the emission. As a result of the analysis and calculations made, it was revealed that 5 objects have the maximum possible efficiency indicator equal to 1, that is, they function as efficiently as possible. 4 objects of the centralized municipal heat supply system have an efficiency indicator less than 1. Accordingly, improvements are required for the operation of the above Decision-Making Units (DMU)s. These objects have deviations in terms of the inputs and outputs of the actual data and those obtained using the DEA method. Based on the calculations obtained for these 4 objects, the article provides recommendations for changing the quantitative values of their input and output indicators. For example, for object number 2, it is recommended to reduce the installed heat capacity in the grid by 72.57%, without changing the available heat capacity and fuel consumption. Reduce the heat consumption for your own needs by 69.383%. In addition, it is recommended to increase the supply of thermal energy to the grid by 6,034%, and reduce the mass of emission by 11.5%. Specific measures have also been developed to modernize the studied objects in order to achieve the recommended indicators of inputs and outputs. The research results presented in the article are of scientific and practical interest and can be used to improve the efficiency of heat and power systems facilities. © 2021, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society. All rights reserve

    The Role of a Nation's Culture in the Country's Governance: Stochastic Frontier Analysis

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    What role does culture play in determining institutions in a country? This paper argues that the establishment of institutions is a process originating predominantly in a nation's culture and tries to discern the role of a cultural background in the governance of countries. We use the six Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and the six Worldwide Governance Indicators to test the strength of the relationship on 94 countries between 1996 and 2019. We find that the strongest cultural characteristics are Power Distance with negative effect on governance and Long-Term Orientation with positive effect. We also determine how well countries transform their cultural characteristics into institutions using stochastic frontier analysis

    Research and development efficiency in public and private sectors: An empirical analysis of EU countries by using DEA methodology

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    Both the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and its embedded technology diffusion exponentially progress and grow in terms of technical change and socioeconomic impact. The aim of this study was the evaluation of research and development efficiency in the public and private sectors in EU countries. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, within which the slack-based model was applied, was used to achieve this aim. The Malmquist index (MI) was used to calculate changes in research and development efficiency during 2010/2013 and 2014/2017. The results present a decrease in total Research and Development (R&D) productivity in public and private sectors for an average of EU countries (28). However, Spain, Slovenia, and Portugal (in the public sector), and Ireland and Romania (in the private sector) revealed an increase of a total R&D productivity during 2010/2013 and 2014/2017 that was primarily influenced by an increase of technical efficiency (catch-up effect). Similarly, the results confirm the differences in R&D efficiency in private and public sectors in the European countries. The study's results also provide a valuable platform for creators of national strategic and innovative investment and educational plans, and creators of relevant policies and create a platform for national and international benchmarking indicators. © 2020 by the authors.Research and Development Agency GA AA [21/2020]; research project VEGA [1/0794/18