18 research outputs found

    Faktor penambahbaikan kriteria kebolehgunaan bagi portal kerajaan Malaysia

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    Penggunaan internet menjadi trend baru pengguna untuk memperoleh maklumat dan pengetahuan terutamanya perkhidmatan dari agensi kerajaan. Justeru, pembangun portal perlu memberi fokus ke atas kualiti antara muka portal bagi memasti interaksi pengguna yang lancar dan fleksibel. Isu kebolehgunaan yang timbul semasa pembangunan dapat menjejas fungsi antara muka portal yang disedia. Ketidakpatuhan kepada garis panduan kebolehgunaan semasa pembangunan, rujukan yang kompleks dan tidak merangkumi kriteria kebolehgunaan sebenar menjadi punca kepada kegagalan menghasil antara muka yang boleh guna. Satu model pengukuhan kriteria kebolehgunaan dibangun sebagai langkah penambahbaikan dan garis panduan sedia ada yang dikuat kuasa diteliti bagi mengatasi isu kebolehgunaan ini. Hasil daripada penambahbaikan mengenal pasti tujuh kriteria kebolehgunaan baharu; Fungsi dan Kesesuaian, Sokongan dan Panduan, Ralat dan Pemulihan, Kawalan dan Kestabilan, Perisian dan Perkakasan, Proses Reka Bentuk dan Penilaian serta Kerahsiaan. Kriteria ini tidak disenarai sebagai kriteria wajib patuh oleh agensi penguatkuasa dan ianya dijangka mampu mempengaruhi reka bentuk kebolehgunaan portal sektor awam

    Features of effective E-commerce web accessibility for the partially blind users

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    Web accessibility means that anyone at any time with the help of internet should be able to access any website and get full understanding of it and fully interact with it, if necessary. It is an extensive subject referred to by various numbers of writers in the past, pertaining it to other concerns though, this particular project will explain web accessibility problems faced a specific disability group (partially blind) users. The purpose of this project is to find measures of the effective accessibility of E-commerce websites for partially blind users, to propose solution to those problems and to examine that the proposed model provides improved satisfaction. The findings and analytics will be done by conducting face to face interview with the group of partially blind users

    Interactive Multi-user Video Retrieval Systems

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    Human factors and ergonomics design principles and guidelines : helping designers to be more creative

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    This is a pre-copyedited version of a contribution published in: Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). IEA 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 824, edited by Bagnara S., Tartaglia R., Albolino S., Alexander T., Fujita Y., published by Springer, Cham. The definitive authenticated version is available online via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96071-5_17.The knowledge and application of Human Factors/Ergonomics (HFE) principles and guidelines can help designers to develop better products and services. However, they may also include design constraints that may affect designers’ creativity. Although both HFE principles and guidelines and creativity are considered essential in the design of products and services, the link between them is little researched. In this article a discussion is presented on the influence that HFE principles and guidelines can exert on the creativity of designers. It also presents case studies of HFE principles and guidelines and discusses how they can influence designers’ creativity. In addition, a set of recommendations is suggested to help designers apply ergonomic design principles and guidelines to stimulate creativity. It is concluded that HFE principles and guidelines can assist designers in creating safer and more efficient products and services and can also broaden their creative process and therefore the originality and appropriateness of products and services

    Diseño de información digital: revisión y clasificación de indicadores heurísticos para contenidos web

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    Digital information design: Web content heuristics review and classification. Since the emergence of the Internet there has been continuous evolution in interface design, with designers trying to offer a good experience to users. Website developers regularly turn to heuristic indicators that have been collected throughout years of research and praxis. Nevertheless, these indicators are diverse and it is complicated locating which ones are applicable in every case. The objective of this work is to identify and analyze the most scientifically and geographically relevant heuristic indicators through a mapping review, in order to classify them according to formal and content components. The results are two taxonomies which make it easier to identify the location, and analyze and apply the guidelines

    Diseño de información digital: revision y clasificación de indicadores heurísticos para contenidos web

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    Desde la aparición de Internet se ha producido una continua evolución en las interfaces, intentándose ofrecer una buena experiencia a los usuarios. Los profesionales implicados en el diseño y desarrollo de sitios web recurren en muchos casos a los indicadores heurísticos que se han ido recopilando durante años de investigación y praxis. Sin embargo, tales indicadores presentan características heterogéneas, siendo complicado localizar los que son aplicables en cada caso. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar y analizar, mediante una revisión de mapeo, los indicadores heurísticos con mayor relevancia científica y geográfica, y clasificarlos según diferentes elementos formales y de contenido. El resultado son dos taxonomías que facilitan la localización, análisis y aplicación de los indicadores, y que constituyen un instrumento para que los profesionales e investigadores del ámbito aborden la evaluación de interfaces web

    Diseño de información digital: revisión y clasificación de indicadores heurísticos para contenidos web

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    Digital information design: Web content heuristics review and classification. Since the emergence of the Internet there has been continuous evolution in interface design, with designers trying to offer a good experience to users. Website developers regularly turn to heuristic indicators that have been collected throughout years of research and praxis. Nevertheless, these indicators are diverse and it is complicated locating which ones are applicable in every case. The objective of this work is to identify and analyze the most scientifically and geographically relevant heuristic indicators through a mapping review, in order to classify them according to formal and content components. The results are two taxonomies which make it easier to identify the location, and analyze and apply the guidelines

    Interface gráfica para um sistema de gestão de eventos da vida

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    The Life-Event Service (LES) provision model has the objective of providing services to citizens related to specific episodes of their daily lives that may involve several Public Administration (PA) organisms. These services have traditionally been implemented based on direct communication between organisms of the Public Administration and that might be questionable from a citizen’s privacy standpoint. The Citizen-side HAndling of Public Administration e-Services (CHAPAS) model of LES provision was proposed with the objective of discouraging direct communication between the institutions involved in a LES for obtaining the required personal information from the citizen, put the citizen in control of the dissemination of his personal information through the several institutions and promote the minimization of the information that a citizen has to supply to an institution for requesting a service that he is in the need of. To achieve this, the model requires the use of an application, Chappie, that is responsible for fulfilling the requirements for each of the services involved in the process and assist the citizen to obtain it. This application, however, had an extremely rudimentary User Interface that was in the need for several improvements. It is in this context that this work arises, with the goal of endowing Chappie with a modern User Interface capable of handling the complexity that is inherent to the integration of several services, possibly provided by different PA organisms. To achieve this, prototypes were sketched and usability studies on those were conducted in order to understand the more suitable user interaction method. The end result of this work is an application made with web technologies that can be run in personal computers and tablets that, through the use of a traditional wizard view, assists a citizen in the required steps for obtaining a service using the CHAPAS model.O modelo de prestação de serviços orientados a eventos da vida (OEV) tem como objectivo prestar serviços ao cidadão directamente associados a episódios específicos do dia-a-dia destes, o que pode envolver vários organismos da Administração Pública (AP). Estes serviços têm sido implementados com base na comunicação direta entre os organismos da AP envolvidos e isto pode ser questionável do ponto de vista da privacidade do cidadão. O modelo CHAPAS (Citizen HAndled Public Administration Services) de prestação de serviços OEV, foi proposto com o objetivo de desincentivar a comunicação direta entre instituições para a obtenção de informação do cidadão necessária à prestação de um serviço OEV, colocar o cidadão no controlo da disseminação da sua informação entre as várias instituições e fomentar a minimização da informação que o cidadão tem de fornecer às várias instituições para obter os serviços que pretende. Para isso, o modelo pressupõe o uso de uma aplicação, o Chappie, para fazer a composição dos requisitos de cada serviço e auxiliar o cidadão no processo da prestação do mesmo. Esta aplicação, contudo, tinha uma interface de utilizador extremamente rudimentar que precisava de ser melhorada. É nesse contexto que surge este trabalho, que tem como fim dotar o Chappie de uma interface gráfica moderna e capaz de lidar com a complexidade inerente à integração vários serviços, eventualmente prestados por múltiplos organismos da AP. Para isso, foram desenhados protótipos e conduzidos testes de usabilidade sobre estes no sentido de perceber qual o modelo de interação com o cidadão mais adequado. O resultado final deste trabalho é uma aplicação baseada em tecnologiasWeb capaz de ser executada em computadores pessoais e tablets que, usando uma vista tradicional de assistente, auxilia o cidadão nos passos necessários para a obtenção dos serviços de acordo com o modelo CHAPAS.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic