236 research outputs found

    Spartan Daily, June 15, 1943

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    Volume 31, Issue 154https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10814/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 19, Number 2 - December 1936

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    Volume 19, Number 2 - December 1936. 68 pages including covers and advertisements. Peace On Earth Smith, Dr. Ignatius, Scholastic Philosophy and Sociology Taft, George H., A Biologic Tycoon Houlihan, John, Tears--A Poem Gibbons, Walter F., Plot Or Not Hughes, Edward Riley, Vox Ex Umbris--A Poem Hughes, Edward Riley, When Learning Came To Hartford Houlihan, John, Winter--A Poem Asselin, Francis X., The National Guard Fanning, John H., Number Please--A Short Story Garriepy, Leo, Woonsocket Geary, William Denis, Deception-- A Poem Heffron, George, A Bronte Pilgrimage Flynn, Thomas, Remedy For Class War Henry, John, American Catholic Literature Scowcroft, George T., The Collegiate World Editorials Editorial Notes Book Review

    L’Evolution du métier d’enseignant de langue de spécialité – une perspective internationale

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    A travers l’Europe, les professeurs de langues vivantes doivent affronter les mêmes défis : parmi ceux-ci, nous passerons en revue (1) le contexte britannique : l’apprentissage des langues vivantes dans les universités (étudiants spécialistes et non-spécialistes, cours pour adultes) et dans le secondaire, les échanges et le séjour à l’étranger ; (2) le contexte international : le processus de Bologne (interculturalité et employabilité), la markétisation de l’enseignement supérieur, les droits d’inscription, l’anglicisation des programmes ; (3) le contexte technologique : les TIC dans la société et dans l’apprentissage des langues

    Consuming work and managing employability: students' work orientations and the process of contemporary job search

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    Unemployment and precarity have become key features of 21st century work. Employability is presented as a solution to these issues. Individuals are exhorted to manage their employability, in order to be able to exercise choice in the labour market. While employability is individualsʼ responsibility, governments, employers and educational bodies simply provide opportunities for its development. Higher education is a key site for this process, as employability rhetoric increasingly informs policy and practice. It is founded on rhetoric that emphasises flexibility, skills and marketability, shaping students in certain ways with the risk of being deemed unemployable as the consequence of disengagement. At the same time, there has been a rise in employer presence on university campuses. Recruitment is no longer its key feature. Traditional ʻmilkroundʼ recruitment has been replaced by year round marketing campaigns. As a result, students are continually exposed to a selection of employers promoting a specific image of work and work orientations. The theoretical framework of this study is informed by works of Antonio Gramsci and Mikhail Bakhtin. Gramsciʼs notion of ʻcommon senseʼ is central to analysing the rhetoric on work and employability present on campus. I also give voice to students by recounting how they as ʻdialogical selvesʼ engage with such ʻcommon senseʼ. These issues are explored through an analysis of data gathered during seventeen months of fieldwork. This includes longitudinal interviews with students, participant observation, documents, interviews with careers advisors and non-participant observation of career consultations. From this, I argue that there was a strongly normative image of work constructed around an orientation I term ʻconsumption of workʼ. This image was closely associated with consumption opportunities, marketed to students through corporate presence on campus. ʻConsumption of workʼ was central to shaping studentsʼ work orientations and only few of them resisted the ʻcommon senseʼ. Those who made ʻalternativeʼ choices articulated doubt about these, with the challenge to employability as a key reason for it. Employability was presented to students as a lifelong project of the self, where constant acquisition, development and selling of skills were necessary to maintain a position in the labour market. Many students embraced the rhetoric of skill ʻpossessionʼ, but were ʻplaying the gameʼ when ʻdemonstratingʼ skills. Conforming to what the employers were willing them to ʻdemonstrateʼ and understanding how to do this became the primary condition for achieving employability

    Introducing the LEADER Framework for Careers (1.0)

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    The LEADER Framework for Careers sets out five main areas that all citizens should attend to as they develop their careers: personal effectiveness; managing relationships; finding and accessing work; managing life and career; and understanding the world. Under each of these five areas the framework details a series of career management skills. These career management skills provide tools for educators to focus their curriculum, for counsellors to shape their interactions with clients and for policy makers in considering what programmes to fund or promote. The LEADER Framework for Careers has been developed by the LEarning And Decision making Resources (LEADER) project. This Erasmus + project has been established to support lifelong learning guidance services to help individuals to develop career management skills. Career Management Skills (CMS) is the term used to describe the skills, attributes, attitudes and knowledge that individuals require in order to manage their career. The project has been undertaken by a consortium of European organisations drawn from Italy, Spain, Romania, Greece, Turkey and the UK.European Commission Erasmus

    Impact of the 1981-82 State Budget Provisions on Refugee Services

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    Transcript of the July 16, 1981 Meeting Sponsored by Assembly Speaker Willie L. Brown, Jr. 17th Assembly District Chaired by Assemblyman Art Agnos, 16th Assembly Distric

    The B-G News April 6, 1967

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper April 6, 1967. Volume 51 - Issue 86https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3077/thumbnail.jp
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